Based on the New Cycle, Seize New Opportunities | 2023 China Wood Doors and Windows Industry Annual Meeting and China Customized Doors and Windows Development Trend Summit Forum Held in Foshan, Guangdong Province

from:Network date:2023-04-28 reading:1196

On April 26, 2023, it was hosted by China timber and wood products Circulation Association, and undertaken by wood doors and windows professional committee, industrial chain branch and Guangdong door Industry Association, the 2023 China wood doors and windows industry annual meeting and China customized doors and windows Development Trend Summit Forum supported by Guangdong oupike home Smart Technology Co., Ltd. was held in Foshan, Guangdong.

Li Jiafeng, president of China wood and wood products Circulation Association, Guan Runkai, president of wood doors and windows Professional Committee of China wood and wood products Circulation Association, Zhang Peng, deputy secretary general of China wood and wood products Circulation Association and executive chairman of wood doors and windows professional committee, huang Nan, secretary general of wood doors and windows professional committee and industrial chain branch, Li Junhong, president of Guangdong door industry association, executive vice president and vice president of wood doors and windows professional committee, representatives of local associations in various provinces and cities, as well as door and window entrepreneurs, industry elites, more than 400 suppliers and media representatives from upstream and downstream industry chains attended the meeting.

President Li Jiafeng first delivered a speech to the conference. He pointed out that China's door and window industry started late but developed rapidly. At present, it has become the world's largest producer and consumer of door and window products. With the high-quality development of door and window industry, the characteristics of branding, high-end, scale and personalization are becoming more and more obvious. The Business of door and window enterprises gradually extends to the fields of large household, large customization, large system and so on. Despite the downward pressure on the property market, people's long-term goals of pursuing a better life and their demand for high quality household products have not changed. As a livelihood industry, doors and windows and custom home industry still have broad development space.

President Guan Runkai mentioned in his speech that this year is the 19th year of the wooden door double commitment activity. Although it has experienced three years of epidemic, real estate turmoil and market demand contraction, however, more "Carpenters" are still marching forward. He suggested that colleagues should first grasp the new tuyere period, deeply study the market and adapt to market changes. The second is full of confidence, continuous product innovation, good use of products to promote marketing, and good operation of new media on the basis of traditional marketing. The third is to believe in the power of the brand, and to stick to the industry brand is to hold the right to speak in the market.

Zhang renjiang, secretary general of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce household decoration Chamber of Commerce, delivered a speech as a special guest. He first affirmed the important position of the door and window industry in the large household field, after analyzing the market, we believe that door and window products are the categories with the most development potential in the home furnishing industry at present. We hope that everyone will continue to strengthen their confidence, do a good job in products and brands, and make a new floor in 2023.

President Li Junhong said that Guangdong is the largest door and window manufacturing industry base in China, and Foshan has gathered thousands of door and window production and upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, which is currently the main door and window production area with the most complete domestic industrial chain, cluster has obvious advantages. It is a research and development center for doors and windows in China, and its products are catching up with Europe. He called on enterprises in the industry to develop with high quality and make traditional industries continue to be full of vitality.

During the keynote speech, President Zhang Peng made the "2022 China wooden door Industry Development Report" and predicted the future development trend of the industry. He pointed out that the current development model of homogenization of industry products and vicious price competition is not sustainable. It is necessary to strengthen the cultural attributes of enterprises and products, Foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, and give full play to their advantages, deeply subdivide the track and lead it.

Zhang Yan, vice president of TATA wooden door, shared around "door as heart, creating space". He suggested that enterprises turn their strong gene long board into the ceiling of Enterprise, industry and customer cognition. At the same time, we must adhere to a professional and dedicated attitude, take advantage of changes, embrace cooperation, learn from each other's strengths, and unite with each other.

Wei Xiaona, founder of Lin Yuan's smart home, shared her power in the Central Plains, telling the growth process of a female entrepreneur who has been bound up with wood and devoted to the home industry. She has been with the Central Plains for 17 years, grow together with the city. She said that love is the foundation of everything. Love makes us conquer fear and go forward bravely.

On meichic, Zhan Myanmar Yang, chairman of solid doors and windows, shared the market opportunity of customized doors and windows. He said that system doors and windows are currently in a prosperous period of development, enterprises should have brand awareness, quality service awareness and bottom line awareness in the development process. Only in this way can they develop sustainably.

Luo Rong, co-founder and general manager of marketing of oupike, shared the theme of "how to grasp new opportunities under involution". He shared the theme from space, user needs and usage scenarios analyze the subtleties of the Opark perfect system, which creates a brand-new door body and user experience for the industry with exquisite craftsmanship.

Wang Peng, the head of the door and window project of China Construction Expo (Guangzhou), shared the situation of the door and window exhibition area of China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) in 2023and introduced the innovation of the exhibition planning to the participants.

During the "quality · service" double commitment activity, President Guan Runkai read out the "wooden door influence brand initiative" on behalf of the national wooden door double commitment enterprise. Under the joint witness of the guests attending the meeting, in 2023, the units of "product quality and after-sales service double commitment activities of national market, engineering wooden doors and customized household enterprises" were announced one by one. GE Bingjiang, general manager of Qingdao Yimu customization, spoke on behalf of outstanding double commitment enterprises.

The summit forum on the development trend of customized doors and windows in China was hosted by Secretary-General Huang Nan, Xu Huasheng, deputy general manager of 3D home furnishing group, Zhang Jingyi, marketing director of meixinjiamei, Ye Guangzhu, general manager of dongwilly, Liu Fei, general manager of Sanfeng entire customized, tang Songbo, general manager of Liansu Lingshang door industry, Lei Shaojun, chairman of Deji youpin, Lai Jinliang, general manager of Laodao, doors and windows, discussed the topic of how to achieve high-quality development of the enterprise, and the atmosphere on the spot was warm and harmonious.

The meeting also awarded the community standard "wooden soundproof door", "wooden door and customized household enterprise Classification Specification" drafting unit certificate, 2023 Chinese wooden door and customized household industry gold medal partner and other honors. The whole event ended successfully at the "OPK oupark night" dinner.