Notice on Convening the 6 Th China Door Industry Innovation and Development Forum and Fire Protection Product Quality Improvement Exchange Meeting

from:Network date:2023-05-12 reading:1311

Member units and related units:

In order to fully implement the strategic requirements of the "Outline for the development of quality power" of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, promote quality safety and brand building as a whole, and cultivate the technology, standards, brands, quality, the new advantage with service as the core promotes the safe, healthy, green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the whole industry chain. After research, it is decided that during the 13th China (Yongkang) International Door Industry Expo, hold the 6th China Door Industry Innovation and Development Forum and exchange meeting on improving the quality of fire protection products, and specially invite leaders and experts from government departments, industry associations, scientific research colleges, testing and certification institutions, professional users and other units, work with well-known enterprises to interpret relevant national industrial policies and discuss industry innovation ideas and development trends. Relevant matters are as follows:

I. Time and place time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. 13:30 p.m. to 17:00 p.m. on May 27, 2023 location: multi-function hall on the fourth floor of Yongkang International Convention and Exhibition Center II. Organization organizer: yongkang Municipal People's Government of China building metal structure Association organizer: china building metal structure Association steel wood doors and windows Committee China building metal structure Association automatic door auto door branch Zhejiang China Science and Technology Hardware City Group Co., Ltd Zhejiang building door Industry Association/Yongkang door Industry Association guidance unit: department of Building Energy Conservation and Science and Technology, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development supported units: china Real Estate Industry Association National Building curtain wall door and window quality inspection and testing center Emergency Management Department fire protection product qualification assessment center national safety prevention and alarm system Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center (Beijing) national fixed fire extinguishing system and fire-resistant component quality inspection and testing center national building curtain wall doors and windows standardization technical committee national safety prevention and alarm system standardization technical committee zhejiang provincial market supervision and administration zhejiang provincial fire rescue corps national hardware tools and categories of products quality Inspection and Testing Center (Zhejiang) yongkang quality and technology monitoring Research Institute III. Conference theme improve quality, expand market, digitization, and new dynamic energy" IV. Main agenda of the door industry forum in the morning leaders of science and technology department, association leaders and local government leaders of Ministry of Housing and Construction delivered speeches respectively; 1. Current situation and development prospect of real estate in China; 2. Sharing of architectural design ideas of ultra-low energy consumption; 3, modern Hospital Building Green and Intelligent Technology; 4. Application of passive low-carbon environmental protection technology in school buildings; 5. Low-carbon development policy and path analysis of building doors and windows; 6, issued the certificate of deputy director of the steel and wood doors and windows Committee; 7. Issued the certificate of experts in the steel and wood doors and windows industry; 8. Issued the national standard "general technical requirements for wood doors and windows" and the group standard "architectural armored door" reference certificate; 9. Issue the "14th Five-Year Plan" China steel and wood doors and windows industry development planning reference certificate and excellent reference certificate. V. Main agenda of afternoon exchange meeting-- Work promotion meeting on cracking down on the manufacture and sale of fake and shoddy fire protection products and exchange meeting on quality improvement of fire protection products (Yongkang, Zhejiang) local government leaders, leaders of conformity assessment center, leaders of security inspection center, leaders of Fire Rescue Corps, the leaders of the market supervision bureau delivered a speech; 1. Representatives of production enterprises read out the proposal and held the initiative ceremony; 2. Relevant requirements for supervision after the fire protection product certificate; 3. Relevant requirements for factory inspection; 4, relevant requirements for product certification and inspection; 5. Standard dynamics of fire-proof doors and windows; 6. Testing and certification technology of fire-proof and energy-saving doors and windows; 7. Interpretation of GB 17565-2022 General technical conditions for security door safety; 8, on-site inspection and certification consulting service. VI. Participants leaders of relevant national ministries and commissions, local governments and industry associations; Well-known experts in domestic construction and structure fields, leaders and authoritative experts of Quality Supervision Units of building doors and windows, fire protection and security products; Scientific research institutes, testing and certification, representatives of e-commerce platforms and media; Representatives of upstream and downstream units in the national industrial chain steel door, wooden doors, copper window, wooden window, automatic door, auto door, and materials, production equipment, and accessories. VII. Registration Contact1. Association steel wood doors and windows Committee: Wang Ying, 13426108555 (WeChat same number); 2. Zhejiang construction door Industry Association: Wu Daqing, 13967939439 (same number as WeChat); 3. Yongkang quality and technology monitoring research institute Zheng zheheng 13335891828 (WeChat same number). There is no charge for this meeting. Please scan the QR code for registration before May 25.

(Fill in the remarks column when registering: "Door Industry Development Forum" will enter the site twice for free on May 27). Hereby inform! China building metal structure Association May 10, 2nd and 3rd year