Gather Momentum to Start a Prairie Fire and Fight Again for a New Journey | 2023 Fuxuan's Whole House Doors and Windows Mid-Year Marketing Summit Has a Wonderful Agenda on the First Day!

from:Network date:2023-05-17 reading:1170

▲Some guests sign in for a group photo

From May 16 to May 18, 2023, the mid-year marketing summit of 2023 fuxuan whole house doors and windows with the theme of "starting a prairie fire and fighting a new journey" was held ceremoniously in Jinggangshan, Jiangxi province. Mr. Li Chang'an, chairman of fuxuan house doors and windows, Ms. Yu Qin, general manager of fuxuan house doors and windows, Mr. Weng Zhenhui, general manager of fuxuan house doors and windows marketing, and other executives, colluded with representatives of excellent dealers from all over the world to strive for high-quality development in the second half of 2023.

At the meeting, Li Dong, chairman of fuxuan house doors and windows, deeply reviewed and summarized the key work in the first half of the year, and put forward 2023 fuxuan house doors and windows strategic planning. Li Dong emphasized the development and innovation of products, providing more competitive products and strengthening the competition of fuxuan in the market. At the same time, the marketing team of the headquarters should cooperate closely with distributors and do a good job in new promotion; do a good job of empowering distributors in marketing, help new and old merchants improve the management ability of stores, and quickly open up the local market.

General Manager Weng, general manager of fuxuan's door and window marketing, launched the marketing plan for 2023 under the title of "rebuilding fuxuan mountains in Red. Mr. Weng stressed that to do a good job in marketing, multi-department cooperation is needed, and many key figures work together to complete various complex tasks, with efficient assistance in channels, markets, sales, delivery, service and other departments. In the marketing activities in the second half of the year, we should gather marketing forces to empower terminals to help terminal stores further seize the market and achieve rapid growth in performance.

General Manager Jiang, a distributor from Chengdu, brought the sharing on the topic of "service-driven marketing-30 orders per day and 1.9 million hot tips" at the venue. General Manager Jiang said that the door and window industry is a traditional industry that attaches great importance to service. Nowadays, the competition is gradually fierce, and good service has become a top priority. Implement the service system in the daily operation of the store. Through the attentive service of designers, sales and after-sales personnel of every store, the service content and brand concept of fuxuan's doors and windows can be transmitted to every consumer, thus forming a good market reputation, help stores achieve continuous growth in performance.

As a traffic portal, new media is an indispensable channel for stores to drain customers. Mr. Wang, a distributor of Qingdao, shared his operational experience on the operation of Qingdao new media, and shared his TikTok goals and the problems found in the current operation process in detail.

The doors and windows of fuxuan's whole house specially invited teacher Zhong, who built zhongzhiye, to do detailed TikTok training and practical exercises for dealers present, helping dealers quickly understand TikTok operation skills and trigger new traffic. Through detailed training introduction, the dealer's family is empowered to drain customers from TikTok online, creating fuxuan TikTok city Internet celebrity store model market, forming a standard and replicable operation mode. After the teacher's training and explanation, the dealers present expressed that they had more ideas about TikTok. They should cultivate the team's executive power and make the store's TikTok account well, it can help stores create better images.

The door and window industry is developing rapidly, and the market prospect is very good! Fuxuan doors and windows of the whole House join hands with dealers all over the country to take advantage of their own advantages, grasp the opportunities in the great era, raise flags, aim and unite, so that we can continuously open a new world for career development and move forward firmly on the road to the future!

▲Some guests punch in and take photos