Reputation Inheritance the Heart of Everything | Congratulations to Lovemei Doors and Windows on the 2023 Chinese Household Consumer Reputation List"

from:Network date:2023-05-19 reading:1159

Co-sponsored by Leju home furnishing, Sina home furnishing, Zhongju, National Federation of Industry and Commerce furniture Decoration Chamber of Commerce, China Real Estate Industry Association interior decoration industry professional committee, China Building Materials Circulation Association, china Building Decoration Association residential decoration and parts industry branch, China wood and wood products Circulation Association wood doors and windows professional committee full guide "2023 Chinese household consumer word of mouth survey" activity, through Sina home efficient distribution system, nearly 100,000 samples of consumer questionnaires were collected, and after more than 100 industry experts, designers and many household practitioners selected in groups, lovemei doors and windows stand out in the industry based on brand strength.

Lovemei doors and windows won "2023 Chinese household consumer reputation brand"

In the future, lovemei doors and windows will continue to forge ahead with this honor, work silently, build beauty with precision, forge beauty with ingenuity, and realize innovative development, through the three core empowerment of "China Creation", "China quality" and "China brand", we can provide consumers with better products and services.