Beijing Suning Tesco Air Environment Industry Summit Forum Successfully Held

from:Network date:2023-05-20 reading:1187

On May 18, the Beijing Suning Tesco air environment industry summit forum with the theme of "unlocking fresh air and enjoying healthy life" was held in Beijing. Qin zhanxue, president of China Building Materials Circulation Association, was invited to attend and delivered a speech. Zhang Hui, director of the association's ministry of network and digital construction and assistant to President affairs, accompanied him to attend.

At the meeting, Beijing Suning Tesco United Midea, Haier, Hisense, Daikin, Hitachi and other brands released a variety of emerging air conditioners, which comprehensively promoted health and new energy efficiency air conditioners. At the same time, 519 air conditioning activities were officially launched.

Qin zhanxue, president of China Building Materials Circulation Association, said in his speech that according to the latest data, the peak season of building materials home market is prominent, creating a new high BHI index this year. Household enterprises should grasp the current policy opportunities, take the digital economy as the starting point, provide consumers with green, intelligent, healthy, environmentally friendly and safe household products, and improve after-sales service capabilities, let more consumers consume, willing to consume, dare to consume, and consume.

President Qin said that China Building Materials Circulation Association has always paid attention to and supported the development of Suning easy-to-buy, hoping Suning easy-to-buy can play a demonstration role of green, low-carbon and healthy, leading new fashion and benefiting tens of thousands of families, together with the association, we will actively promote the high-quality development of building materials and home furnishing industry, help the country achieve the goal of "double carbon" as soon as possible, and in order to better lead and satisfy people's yearning for a better life, make greater contributions to the industry!

Figure Qin zhanxue, president of China Building Materials Circulation Association

Hao Jia, executive president of management headquarters of Suning Tesco North district and general manager of Suning Tesco in Beijing, pointed out in his speech that Suning Tesco in Beijing opened a new industry of kitchen air conditioning, and kitchen and bathroom air conditioning would become a new growth point of air conditioning products in the future.

Mr. Hao also said that for the peak season of air conditioning sales, 300 air conditioners and 5,000 air conditioners will be sent out free cleaning quota, and the upgrade plan of old air conditioners will be further accelerated to promote the iterative replacement of air conditioners. In Beijing Suning easy to buy air conditioners to participate in exchanging old air conditioners for new ones, the maximum subsidy for new air conditioners is 500 yuan, and the old air conditioners can enjoy free dismantling service and can also earn 1,000 yuan sets of coupons. At the same time, Beijing Suning Tesco promised not to raise prices during the peak season, to fulfill the contract on time and charge transparent fees, and actively cooperated with brands, governments and banks to plus-sized subsidies to maintain price stability. The fresh air conditioner will continue to maintain a 20% discount and use a number of preferential policies to promote consumption upgrading.

At the event site, Hu Pan, general manager of Beijing Suning Tesco logistics company, led the logistics front-line colleagues to solemnly promise that the after-sales service and logistics team will make the service details to the extreme during the whole busy period of air conditioning, making the service more warm.

Later, the sales director of Beijing Suning Tesco air conditioning business department brought the release and introduction of the latest several new products in the ocean.

At the end of the event, the president of Qin zhanxue, general manager Hao Jia and other guests jointly opened the launching ceremony of "unlocking fresh air and enjoying a healthy life". Ten thousand people from Suning easy purchase in Beijing robbed the air conditioner.

Figure launch ceremony