[Intelligent Manufacturing in Green Industry] the 13 Th Steel Structure Industry Development Forum Explores New Potential Energy in the Industry

from:Network date:2023-05-23 reading:1146

Green industry, intelligent manufacturing, sharing development opportunities. From May 19 to 20, 2023, sponsored by Beijing steel structure Industry Association, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China Real Estate Industry Association intelligent construction committee, Beijing Urban Construction Group, Xiamen zhengliming Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd., Baodu International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd, beijing steel structure Industry Association assembled construction professional committee, Beijing steel structure Industry Association informatization and intelligent construction professional committee, Beijing Construction Engineering Group, Shandong Guanzhou Co., Ltd., Beijing Baohua International Steel Structure Co., Ltd, beijing Zili Technology Co., Ltd., Zhongjian Engineering Group Co., Ltd., China Construction Second Bureau Installation Engineering Co., Ltd., Dazu Laser Intelligent Equipment Group, the 13th steel structure Industry Development Forum co-organized by Beijing Urban Construction Seiko steel structure Engineering Co., Ltd. was held in Beijing. More than 600 experts, scholars and industry colleagues gathered together to exchange the frontier ideas and collision wisdom sparks of the development of steel structure industry, injecting new dynamic energy into the high-quality development of steel structure industry.

Wang Zuo, inspector of the Second Bureau of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, deputy director of building technology department of science and technology and industrialization Development Center of Ministry of Housing and Construction (presided over the work) Ma Xinbo, secretary general of China Steel Structure Association Li Qingwei, party defense, president of steel and wood construction branch of China Construction Industry Association, Zhang jinxun, deputy general manager of Beijing Urban Construction Group, Li Junqi, vice president of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chen Shuohui, chief engineer of Beijing Construction Engineering Group, and Hu Yong, president of Beijing steel structure Industry Association, ye haowen, the chief expert of china construction group, and other leaders, experts and leaders of some local provincial and municipal brother associations attended the forum and participated in the grand event with everyone to talk about the development of the industry and explore new potential energy for the development of the industry.

△Hu Yong, president of Beijing steel structure Industry Association, delivered a speech

△Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture speech by Li Junqi, member of the Standing Committee and vice president of the Party Committee

△ speech by Wang Zuo, inspector of the Second Bureau of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology

△Speech by party defense, chairman of steel and wood construction branch of China Construction Association

△Huang Yizhong, chairman of Xiamen zhengliming Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd, delivered a speech

△ speech by duozhiyuan, chairman of Baodu International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.

△Chen Shuohui, chief engineer of Beijing Construction Engineering Group, presided over the forum.

△Chang Haijun, vice president and secretary general of Beijing steel structure Industry Association, presided over the forum. Hu Yong, president of Beijing steel structure Industry Association, Li Junqi, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and Wang Zuo, inspector of the Second Bureau of Beijing bureau of Economy and Information Technology, party defense, president of steel and wood construction branch of China Construction Association, Huang Yizhong, chairman of Xiamen zhengliming Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd., and duozhiyuan, chairman of Baodu International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., and other leaders and entrepreneurs respectively delivered speeches on behalf of the main organizer. Chen Shuohui, chief engineer of Beijing Construction Engineering Group, Chang Haijun, vice president and secretary general of Beijing steel structure Industry Association, presided over the forum. Chunhua is full of fruits and branches. In recent years, driven by policy encouragement, technological innovation, market demand and other factors, the steel structure construction industry has achieved effective development and progress. On the morning of 19th, 7 experts and entrepreneurs from the field of steel structure industry made a keynote speech at the 13th Forum of steel structure Industry Development Forum.

△Liu Zhan, vice president of Science and Development Institute and vice president of faculty of Beijing University of Technology Liu Zhan, academician Du Xiuli of province, made "research and suggestions on intelligent construction and intelligent operation and maintenance considering low carbon and information empowerment" topic Report, he focuses on the definition and development of intelligent construction and intelligent operation and maintenance; The connotation and long-term goal of intelligent construction and intelligent operation and maintenance; The path and core content of developing intelligent construction and intelligent operation and maintenance; beijing University of Technology the research and development of related technologies; The future development direction and suggestions are comprehensively elaborated in five parts.

△Li Qingwei, secretary-general of China Steel Structure Association, Li Qingwei made a speech focusing on the theme of "development status and prospect of steel structure industry under the double carbon goal". It is highly professional and has detailed data, which makes people refreshing.

△ Ye Haowen, chief expert of China Construction Group, combines the development goals of intelligent construction, key technologies of intelligent construction, key technologies of core application, key technologies of decision management and other targeted advantages and opportunities, talk about problem challenges and target paths.

△Ma Xinbo, deputy director of building technology department of science and technology and industrialization Development Center of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (presided over the work) Ma Xinbo shared the theme of "thinking about the development of assembled buildings and intelligent construction of steel structures.

△Huang Yizhong, chairman of Xiamen zhengliming Metallurgical Machinery Co., Ltd., Huang Yizhong mainly introduced the application of cold rolling equipment in photovoltaic building integration system under the new situation.

△Sun Zhiping, deputy general manager of Baodu International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. Sun Zhiping shared Baodu's deep cultivation, innovation and development in the field of acoustic building plates, and devoted himself to being the leader of acoustic building plates, the development process and future prospects of Baodu are fully explained.

△ Guo Litao, director of manufacturing department of Shandong Guanzhou Co., Ltd. Guo Litao made a theme report entitled "breakthrough in bottom technology to achieve practical environmental protection", introducing the weathering resistance of Guanzhou's products and coatings from a professional perspective, coating sealing ability, color coated special products, etc., and looking forward to the future development of the industry.

△Steel structure intelligent construction and Innovative Technology Application Forum

△Green building innovation technology application forum on the afternoon of 19th, two sub-forums of the 13th steel structure Industry Development Forum "steel structure intelligent construction and Innovative Technology Application Forum" and "green building innovative technology application Forum" were held at the same time. Twenty-three detailed reports, with distinct themes, rich contents, detailed cases and data, have not only theoretical explanations, but also put forward targeted solutions based on specific engineering application cases, which inspired the participants deeply, the scene responded enthusiastically.

In addition, Beijing steel structure Industry Association, Beijing Structural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Finance and Trade Vocational College took advantage of three parties and held a signing ceremony for strategic cooperation. In the future, the three parties will jointly promote the training of junior and intermediate level professionals in the field of steel structure, such as deepening design and software application.

The launching ceremony of the joint meeting on the coordinated development of steel structure Industry in Northern China was also successfully held at the forum site. Beijing steel structure Industry Association, together with Tianjin Steel Structure Association, Shanxi steel structure Association, Shandong Steel Structure industry association, Liaoning building metal structure Association, Qinghai steel structure Industry Association and other six provincial and municipal associations, initiated the establishment of joint meetings. The purpose of setting up the joint meeting is to thoroughly implement the national steel structure industry development plan, strengthen communication and coordination among all parties, and give full play to the association's role in party building guidance, industry norms, policy guidance, standard formulation, etc. The joint meeting will devote itself to enhancing the brand influence and popularity of steel structure enterprises in the northern region, building an industry exchange and cooperation platform, and to promoting the optimization, upgrading and healthy development of steel structure industry in the northern region. On the 20th, the participants went to the public rental housing project of the 18th block of Shunyi New City of Beijing housing industrialization group and the project of Beijing city sub-center library to visit and inspect.

At the site of the steel structure housing industrialization project in the 18th block of Shunyi New City, Beijing, the participants praised the package of technical solutions implemented by Beijing housing industrialization Group One after another.

The public rental housing project in the 18th block of shunyi new city is the first prefabricated indemnificatory housing project adopting the general contracting mode in beijing, which has realized the large-scale implementation of "longitudinal rib composite concrete shear wall structure system" in beijing. As the pioneer of demonstration application of green assembled buildings, Beijing housing industrialization group has carried out pilot application in Beijing Shunyi project, fangshanping village collection rental project and Henan village project, through the practice and summary of these pilot projects, enterprises will accumulate experience in pilot construction that can be implemented and replicated, and actively exert the driving effect, it has solved the technical problems of supporting high-performance enclosure system that restrict the industrialization development of steel structure buildings, and has effectively promoted the development of steel structure buildings.

"Through technological innovation, it not only realizes the efficient construction of steel structure residence and the optimization of enclosure system, but also sets a benchmark for the industry." Experts visiting the project pointed out that these innovative achievements not only improved the quality and performance of steel structure residential buildings, but also promoted the industrialization, greening and intelligent development of the industry.

The Library Project of the three major buildings of Beijing city sub-center is also called "Forest Book Garden". It integrates knowledge dissemination, City think tank, learning sharing and other functions. The project has a construction area of about 75000 square meters and a building height of 22.3 meters. It is equipped with functional partitions such as ancient books Literature Pavilion, intangible cultural heritage pavilion, open-shelf reading area, smart book library, report Hall, etc, the daily reception volume is about 5,000 to 8,000 people. According to the introduction, the library is positioned as a modern large-scale provincial Public Library. In the future, it will form a good situation of complementary functions and common development with the Capital Library, which is conducive to giving full play to the function of the capital culture Vane, fully revitalize Beijing's cultural resources, improve public service system of culture, and meet the basic cultural needs of citizens.