Leaders of Intelligent Manufacturing Committee of Guangdong Women Entrepreneurs Association Visit and Exchange with Gordon Aluminum

from:Network date:2023-05-24 reading:1370

On May 22, nearly 40 Women Entrepreneur leaders from Intelligent Manufacturing Committee of Guangdong Women Entrepreneur Association visited Guangdong gaodeng aluminum group for visits and exchanges. Li Yi, executive president of Guangdong Gordon aluminum group, warmly received with relevant leaders.

At the symposium, Gao Deng's leaders introduced the company situation and Gao Deng's characteristic culture.

Lu Meiniang, director of Guangdong Women Entrepreneurs Association and chairman of Guangdong lvka Modern Agriculture Group Co., Ltd, first delivered a speech. She affirmed the courage and achievements of the younger generation of women entrepreneurs, the second-generation succession requires a second start-up. Whether it is product, management, service or culture, it must have characteristics and be better than others before it has the opportunity to occupy the market. Director Lu gave high recognition to Gao Deng's corporate culture! Gao Deng also spoke highly of the people-oriented approach of caring for social welfare and insisting on charity Action for 13 years. She suggested that the committee members should go out more, learn from different enterprises, pay attention to the high-tech frontier, do a good job in cultural management, and inherit the family business.

Later, Zhang Xiaoling, executive vice president of Guangdong Women Entrepreneurs Association and chairman of Zhongshan Songde New Material Equipment Co., Ltd, shared with Chairman Mao, "the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours", encouraging the younger generation of female entrepreneurs to keep pace with the times and innovate continuously in the experience of predecessors, standing on the "giant's shoulder. Returning to the manufacturing industry, President Zhang shared that the core technology of intelligent manufacturing is mainly to use information technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and 5G to automate the traditional manufacturing process, digital, intelligent and networked transformation enables information to realize functions such as self-perception, self-decision, self-execution, etc., thus better reducing repetitive human input while improving the efficiency and quality of manufacturing industry, guide committee members to pay attention to the national development outline, so as to find the penetration point of enterprise development, achieve short-board industry supplement chain, Advantage industry extension chain, traditional industry promotion chain, emerging industry construction chain, enhance the high-quality development and competitiveness of the industry, and join hands to break through China's high-end technology and intelligent manufacturing on the international stage. At the same time, President Zhang shared twelve words of experience with members and sisters-facing problems, reflecting frequently and making progress often.

As for the manufacturing industry, Li Hong, executive vice president of Guangdong Women Entrepreneurs Association and chairman of Guangzhou Yucheng Fire Protection Technology Co., Ltd, believes that "master" must have the same strong leading industry ability and R & D innovation ability as Gao Deng, and staff cohesion, and send out the hope of mutual communication and learning, broadening vision, learning from each other, sharing resources, and creating a good internal circulation and high-quality development atmosphere.

Other committee leaders also had warm exchanges on topics such as enterprise management, growth perception, manufacturing development, intelligent manufacturing, etc. Practical and fruitful, golden sentences frequently appeared.

Li Yi, the CEO of Guangdong gaodeng aluminum group, emotionally shared his experience since the succession from the family heritage. She believes that the highest level of family inheritance is not the inheritance of family wealth, nor the inheritance of family industry, but the inheritance of family spirit, family concept and the whole family values. Gao Deng's three major cultural systems are the foundation of supporting enterprises in the past 40 years, which can still develop and grow, and grow large comprehensive manufacturing enterprises and high-end leading brands in the industry. Gao Deng has been sticking to industry for 38 years, taking the lead in adopting industry-leading intelligent equipment production and manufacturing, upgrading aluminum extrusion industry equipment and aluminum deep processing equipment manufacturing, and introducing into Japan's lean manufacturing management system. Under the multiple superposition of national development layout, new energy security strategy and "double carbon" goal, Gao Deng laid out the industrial chain layout of new energy vehicles, solar photovoltaic and medical equipment, innovative research and development of supporting aluminum product system solutions. Li Ji stressed that shawl dare to pick all the pillars and keep pace with the times for fashionable. Inheritance and Innovation our new Guangdong Businessmen and new women have been on the road!

The female entrepreneur enterprises in Guangdong are mainly private enterprises and are an important force in the economic construction of our province. Over the years, women entrepreneurs have played their professional advantages, conducted in-depth research, strengthened communication and summarized experience. In the key year of promoting high-quality development and modernization in Guangdong, Gao Deng will also keep positive innovation, focus on uniting the power of female entrepreneurs in the industry, and jointly promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of Guangdong's manufacturing industry, contribute to the high-quality development of Guangdong's economy, and strive to write a new chapter of Guangdong's Chinese modernization with new responsibility!