[Science and Technology International] China Aluminum International Hosted 2023 (3rd) High-End Forum on Intelligent Manufacturing of Nonferrous Metals

from:Network date:2023-05-26 reading:1125

On May 19-21, the 2023 (third) high-end non-ferrous metal Intelligent Manufacturing Forum jointly hosted by China Aluminum International and member enterprises was held in Luoyang.

This forum is hosted by China Nonferrous Metals Society and National Nonferrous Metals Industry Intelligent Manufacturing Alliance. With the theme of "intelligent innovation leading manufacturing", there are 6 sub-venues. Wang Xinhui, secretary of the party group of Henan Association for Science and Technology, Xu Yixian, deputy secretary of Luoyang Municipal Committee, mayor, and Wang Hongbin, secretary of the Party committee of Henan University of Science and Technology, were invited to attend the opening ceremony and delivered speeches; Academician he jiilin, academician Guo-Dong Wang, Chinese Academy of Engineering, academician Gui Weihua, president of China Aluminum International Liu Jing, general manager of China Aluminum assets Liu Wei, deputy general manager of China Aluminum Academy of Sciences Lou Huafen, deputy mayor of Luoyang Niu Gang, secretary of party group of Luoyang Science and Technology Association Yu Weimin, chairman Zhao Li and other leaders and experts were invited to attend. More than 300 experts, scholars and business people from universities, research institutes and enterprises participated in the forum.

The high-end forum on intelligent manufacturing of nonferrous metals is held once a year and is an annual event in the field of intelligent manufacturing of nonferrous metals nationwide. The successful holding of this forum has effectively promoted the communication among various units in the industry, which is of great significance for promoting the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the industry and local non-ferrous metal industry.