Group Upgrade Doors and Windows Hold Production Work Training Meeting to Warm up and Heat up the "National Safe Production Month"

from:Network date:2023-05-26 reading:1044

In order to further strengthen the work of safe production, improve the brand influence, promote the sustainable and stable development of the enterprise, and successfully welcome the 23rd National "safe production month", the production department of Qusheng doors and windows has formulated a 30-phase training plan, the three-month training is coming to an end, including brainstorming exercises, filling in 8D reports, and the establishment of QCC. The training meeting was held at 6 pm on the third floor of the company on May 25.

Establishment and plan of quality control circle activities

The meeting first reviewed the main contents of the previous training meeting of the production office. After the review, director Luo introduced to all the staff of the production office. Establishment and plan of QCC activities. A quality control circle consists of circle leaders, counselors and circle members. The members divide their work and solve the problems occurring in the work site, management, culture and other aspects through certain activity procedures.

The steps of quality control circle activities can be described in P-D-C-A (plan-implement-check-disposal) Plan-Do-Check-action. Director Luo split the steps of quality control circle activities in detail at the training meeting. After director Luo's explanation, the participating members expressed that they had benefited a lot.

Explanation of seven QC techniques (tools)

QC seven techniques (tools) it mainly refers to the quality management tools commonly used in enterprise quality management. In the following meeting, director Luo trained relevant contents in detail to the participants of the production department, including the methods of thinking about countermeasures, QC New and Old seven methods and how to use each step to use the tool list.

By fully understanding the basic tools of QC, it is helpful for employees to correctly sort out production-related problems and find countermeasures in the production process so as to achieve the optimization of production quality, so far, the training meeting of the production office of the group upgrade doors and windows in 2023 has come to an end.

Combination and application

Slow production efficiency is a major disadvantage in safety production. Director Luo in this meeting combined with the application of quality control circle and QC basic tools, it effectively solves the related bad classification items in the production process of the production department, and enables the participating members to deal with the problems from the root cause, it is of great significance to master the important causes of problems in the production process and confirm the improvement results in time to improve the safety production level of employees in the production department.

In fact, the production of an enterprise is not a mechanical assembly line work in public cognition. What is important is to think deeply in the production process and fully master the theory of production skills so as to pursue better product quality.

The Civilization of the city, the prosperity of all kinds of buildings, the high-quality development of a blueprint for the future, and the slowly spreading of the picture scroll high quality of life, which is indispensable from the hard work of the front-line production staff, they may be unknown in the company, but they are indispensable in the production of the enterprise and are the most precious wealth of the group upgrading doors and windows.