The Summit of the Summit Is Intermingled with Each Other. Sofia & Top Decoration Enterprise Strategy Private Board Was Held in a Grand Meeting!

from:Network date:2023-06-03 reading:1051

What makes the industry group of heroes and hundreds of clothing enterprises come together and come together at the peak?

What makes the industry mogul and business leaders come to the summit?

On June 2nd, "the summit of the debate is intermingled and symbiotic"-Sophia & TOP installed enterprise strategic private board was held in a grand meeting to create an unprecedented milestone peak feast in the industry.

Behind attracting many heavyweight distinguished guests, besides Sophia's "attraction" as a head-to-head customized home brand, she explored a "full-fitting" road of "win-win coexistence, this is the core" influence "of this conference"!

The whole track, soldiers must fight. As a "hot word" in the industry, "complete package" has undoubtedly become a "hot cake". However, with the emergence of various integrated business models, how should enterprises do a good job in ecological cooperation, not only have the ability, but also maintain a clear "sense of boundary"? Sophia and hundreds of clothing companies gave the answer in this meeting......

Industry integration into the general trend

Sofia takes the lead in building a new ecosystem in the industry

Focus on the current macroeconomic situation, hu Yannan, secretary general of the residential decoration and component industry branch of China Building Decoration Association, pointed out that China's economy has transitioned from rapid development to high-quality development, and the residential market has also changed from incremental market to stock market, home improvement enterprises have become the leading role in creating a beautiful home for the nation. Facing the increasing consumer demand of consumers and the operational organization challenges brought by the huge and complex areas of home decoration, the industry urgently needs to create a clear boundary, professional intensive cultivation, collaborative combat, the industry chain with win-win cooperation and the ecology of the supply chain, "maintaining each other's reasonable development space and win-win cooperation is the positive choice for the housing industry to move towards high-quality development, and is the Pan-home decoration, household industry practitioners join hands to get the right path of the trillion-level or even ten trillion-level stock market".

Zhang renjiang, secretary general of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Chamber of Commerce of furniture decoration industry, conveyed the development confidence to all home improvement enterprises, and from the perspective of the development history of the industry, clarified that leading enterprises played a strong influence on the key turning point of the development of the industry, the endogenous law of pushing the industry forward."The miracle of the rapid development of china's customization industry in the past depends on the joint efforts of customization enterprises represented by sofia. In the future, the leading enterprises will link the upstream and downstream industries and build a healthy industry ecosystem, it will be an important way for future industry development".

Sophia, as the first pioneer of customized wardrobe in china, has been walking in the chinese market for 22 years, witnessing the budding and transformation of the industry and shouldering the heavy responsibility of shouldering the banner of industry development. Standing at the brand-new node of industry development, Sophia once again demonstrated the responsibility of leading enterprises.

Changjiang Yujun, director of Sofia home furnishing group, proposed that in the face of the big cake of the whole market, every aspiring enterprise should pursue and explore, and at the same time, it should also throw away zero sum games, you lose my old thinking of winning, embrace the new ideas of openness, sharing and win-win, and join hands to make greater contributions to the development of the industry. At the same time, it also clearly expresses the responsibility of leading enterprises that will inject vitality and power into the development of the whole industry and industry in the future: "In the future, Sophia will maintain its own advantages and positioning, we will continue to devote ourselves to providing more professional and high-quality products and services, bringing strong product and brand support to the vast number of installation enterprise partners, and jointly providing better home experience for the vast number of consumers, create a healthier and sustainable home furnishing industry ecosystem and jointly help the entire industry to prosper and develop."

Hu qingbing, general manager of the direct sales and assembly division of sofia home furnishing group, believes that the development of the assembly has enabled customization enterprises and assembly enterprises to re-see each other's commercial value, and from brand, design, environmental protection, supply chain, smart manufacturing and other aspects fully demonstrate Sophia's hardcore strength. Successful cases of cooperation with excellent clothing enterprises also show that cooperation with Sofia can bring more brand processes and empowerment value to clothing enterprises.

Explore the way of integration and symbiosis

Unlock new passwords for industry growth

At the meeting, Sophia invited a number of business leaders to explore the way of integration and symbiosis based on the market environment, bringing Sofia and the leaders of hundred-pack enterprises present a more macro and long-term market thinking.

Jiang Nanchun, founder of Focus Media, cut into the theme of "integration and symbiosis" from the perspective of brand. He believes that in an era of stock game, the cost of obtaining customers has greatly increased, if we do not form a chain to achieve win-win coexistence, we will lose the opportunity to make profits in the market. He said that home decoration is an important part of consumers' lives. Only customized home furnishing enterprises like Sofia can join hands with various clothing enterprises, and strong brands can join hands with strong brands, only in this way can we win the real and most effective consumer mental resources in the industry.

Zhou haichen, general manager of shanghai shenyin wanguo securities research institute co., ltd., said based on the research that with the changes of the real estate industry, the trend of high-quality development of building materials and home furnishing industry is becoming more and more obvious. Under such an environment, helping consumers drive the industry more time-saving, worry-free and labor-saving has become the general trend in the future. However, in the whole process of home decoration, the cost is the highest, and the participation in the whole home decoration process is also the highest, which can basically accompany the whole industrial chain. He believes that the cooperation between custom home and home improvement companies has natural advantages. Although the incremental market of real estate is crowded and the stock market is facing integration, there are many opportunities for cooperation in the package, which can promote the accelerated development of industry integration.

As for the overall trend of the industry, Shao Yang, head of Huawei smart home and chief strategic officer of Huawei Terminal BG, said that the national policy is now "maintaining stability" in real estate to expand domestic demand. Although real estate cannot decline from the economy, it cannot simply continue with inertia. Instead, it needs to transform with high quality to satisfy people's yearning for a better life and to be sustainable, technical development path forward. In this process, is there a more economical way to leverage the market and make everyone willing to invest in this market again? He thinks it is space intelligence.

Xiao Lihua, founder and CEO of the combination of intelligence and practice, who has rich experience in intellectual research and practice, shows very sharply that all enterprises will be digital enterprises in the future, if it is not a digital enterprise, it will definitely be eliminated. He thinks that in the next 5-10 years, the industry will face a huge reshuffle, 80% of the enterprises will no longer exist, and the market will concentrate on the top enterprises in the industry. Under such circumstances, it is the way for enterprises to survive to run forward hand in hand with leading enterprises, embrace changes, win-win cooperation, and actively and rapidly transform digital and intelligent.

Create a healthy industry ecosystem

"Sense of boundary" is the premise of cooperation

There is no doubt that in the choice of "competition" and "integration", win-win cooperation has become a consensus. However, in the construction of industry ecology, how to create a mode with sense of security, trust and sustainable common development has become the focus of clothing enterprises and customized household enterprises. Therefore, in this meeting, sophia invited Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju and president of Youju Research Institute, to launch a summit forum on the exploration of cooperation "sense of boundary", which also became the most eye-catching link in the whole audience.

In the process of ecological construction, any cooperation should keep the "red line". The Forum guests gave a clear attitude on how to achieve a multi-win but not cross-border cooperation relationship. Zhang Hua, chairman of Chongqing thangka Decoration Group, said:"I think it should be strong cooperation in the case of symbiosis, but there is a premise that the boundary should be clear, otherwise the sense of security will be lost." zhang Jun, chairman of the the peak decorative group, also said bluntly:"We do something and do nothing. We are willing to cooperate with professional companies who do professional things. We do not advocate cooperation with enterprises that cooperate and compete." "In their own exclusive fields, they will do their own things and expertise well and cross the border as little as possible. This kind of cooperation will be more lasting and make the other party stronger, this is my understanding of boundaries." yu Min, chairman and president of Guangdong Xingyi Decoration Group, added. Yuan Chaohui, chairman of Hunan Dianshi home decoration, further elaborated:"From the perspective of consumers, we should be professional intelligent companies, professional decoration companies, professional wood products companies and professional ceramic tile companies. Many professional combinations, you may get more professional results. Standing at the end of users, they need such an ecological and professional ecology." xu Guojian, chairman of Shanghai Jitong Decoration Group, believes that, in the development of the next 5-8 years, industry concentration will be formed. Head Enterprises and excellent enterprises will occupy 80% of the market. The key is to join hands and head support the head. However, in the process of cooperation, mr. Xu also made it clear: "Everyone is integrated and symbiotic, and the concentration is done well in their respective advantageous fields, so that the market atmosphere will be better and better, and consumers will be more and more satisfied." In this regard, hu Qingbing said, sophia does not have the option to complete the package. In the construction of the industry ecology, she will continue to focus on the customization field and strive to do a good job of products package, whether in terms of category, style, production capacity and delivery, fully empower the business of partners. In view of the brilliant and sharp views, zhang Yongzhi concluded, "in the future, who can create higher efficiency for the industry, who can create value for users, who will surely get the greatest return of commercial value. I sincerely hope that the installation enterprises and Sofia can have a new ecosystem that is co-existing with each other, and work together to create more value for the industry and consumers." when discussing the trends that can be met in the future, hu Yanli, national editor-in-chief of NetEase home, discussed with guests the "Keywords" that were assembled five years later. In this open theme forum, brand power, digital intelligence, supply chain, keywords such as design ability have become the focus of discussion among guests.

In the collision of various thoughts, hu Yanli concluded that the most correct path to become 20% of the market is to hold and keep warm between head enterprises. Sophia invited head home decoration to gather together this time, with the goal of combining powerful and powerful, build a healthy ecosystem.

Sofia launches a complete ecosystem alliance

Hand in hand to wave full pack blue sea

At this meeting, sophia made the guests at the meeting speak freely in the form of sharing and opening up. At the same time, she gave the full-fitting partners a "sense of security" with a clear and frank attitude and the purpose of win-win cooperation ".

During the meeting, the two Sophia cooperative packaging companies shared their experience and shared their real win-win experience as the first partner to "eat crabs" with hundreds of guests present.

Among the 500 + loading enterprises cooperating with Sofia, there are many win-win cases of customization and assembly. Among them, Beijing love space assembly has cooperated with Sofia since 2018, sophia is the only customized cooperative brand of 14 branches in love space, among which the annual sales of Beijing single store is 0.15 billion, which is the highest in the industry.

Xin cadence, chairman of Love Space Decoration (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., said that during the cooperation process, Sophia boldly innovated, breaking through the original cooperation mode with the decoration enterprise and giving the partners a lot of support. Sophia gave a lot of support to sample, design training, promotion activities from the front-end Exhibition Hall and connect to the back-end system. "A large part of the success of the cooperation is really attributed to Sophia's openness, innovation and good service." Xin cadence summary.

Cui Qingbo, chairman of Shen Aiju Decoration Group, summarized the cooperation experience with Sofia. The first is orderly, powerful and established rules; The second is to go deep, go solid and cooperate deeply, achieve Mutual Empowerment and mutual understanding; The third is to be able to practice and achieve results, truly achieve win-win results, and provide consumers with better consumption choices.

It is precisely because of the open, professional and innovative cooperative attitude that Sofia's self-assembly business has been rising all the way, becoming a new benchmark for the industry's self-assembly business model. Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, wang bing, president of sofia home furnishing group, sincerely said that there is still a huge growth space for both installation enterprises and customized home furnishing enterprises in their respective fields, and they need to consolidate and continue to strengthen each other's capabilities."We need to do our duty well and form long-term and real strategic cooperation. Sophia promises that we have been persistent and the strongest backing for you on the fully assembled track."

At the end of the meeting, under the witness of many industry mogul and industry leaders, it symbolizes the way of seeking common development and taking the road of win-win, the "Sofia integrated ecological alliance", which builds a grand vision of future integrated and healthy development of new ecology, was officially launched.

This is a valuable industry Festival, a peak feast for exploring business models, and a starting point for win-win cooperation and building a new ecosystem for healthy development of the industry. It is believed that in the future, Sofia will join hands with more than over-shipment enterprises to advance into the trillions of Blue Ocean market, achieve a larger-scale wealth creation effect, lead the industry to accelerate the new era of complete installation and upgrading, and write a new chapter of high-quality development in the industry!