Yongpan Peak · Zhichuang Future | 2023 the Launch Ceremony of the New Standard Aluminum Industry Was Held Grandly, and the New Seal Was Republished with High-Spirited New Posture!

from:Network date:2023-06-05 reading:1105

With the continuous efforts of the national policy of expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption, as well as the gradual recovery of residents' consumption confidence, the household industry has also regained its vitality. At the same time, under the more diversified demand of consumers for home decoration, enterprises are in urgent need of reform and transformation, gradually upgrading from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing.

Facing the changes, the new standard home furnishing group followed the Market Development Trend and established a systematic intelligent ecological industry base in Zhaoqing High-Tech Zone Industrial Park, based on advanced manufacturing equipment and focusing on digital and systematic production, innovative and intelligent benchmark.

On June 3, the launch ceremony of the new standard aluminum industry was launched, which not only meant that the new standard home furnishing group realized the expansion of the upstream aluminum profile extrusion and spraying industry, it also shows that the new standard home furnishing group has stepped to a higher level in terms of production scale and r & d strength, opening a service-oriented manufacturing mode of personalized customization and flexible intelligent production, and moving towards the construction of high-end customized home furnishing supply chain ecosystem, open a new era of home intelligence in China.

Eight parties come to celebrate the grand ceremony

All members of the new standard home furnishing group and a group of municipal leaders, industry mogul, peer friends, strategic partners, media friends, etc. visited the celebration site to witness this important milestone in the development process of the new standard.

At the event site, guests gathered and were very lively. The sands were rambling and the salute was ringing, showing ignition heat festive atmosphere everywhere. The clever lion dance performance brought a visual feast to the guests present and kicked off the celebration. In a burst of percussion sound, Huang Dongjiang, chairman of the new standard home furnishing group, took a group of leaders and guests as the Zeus-point point, indicating that the new standard home furnishing group's business is booming and thriving!

New standard aluminum production celebration ceremony

Enterprises enter the new peak of smart manufacturing

At the celebration ceremony, Huang Dongjiang, chairman of the new standard home furnishing group, first expressed warm welcome and sincere gratitude to all leaders, guests and media for their arrival. Huang Dong said that the completion and production of the new standard aluminum industry provided a stronger guarantee for realizing comprehensive capacity upgrading, intelligent production and building a systematic flexible manufacturing system. In the future, the new standard will be guided by high-quality development, relying on a strong and perfect supply chain, further integrate technology research and development resources, improve the intelligent manufacturing production system, and build a high-end customized home supply chain ecosystem, build a new benchmark for smart home manufacturing in China.

Zhang Chuanxi, founder of China Gao Ding exhibition and Gao Ding Club and rotating chairman of Guangdong Household industry federation, said in his speech that the development of market economy is experiencing gradual recovery at present, the household industry has gradually restored the normal production and operation order. For enterprises, it is especially necessary to seize this important opportunity, transform national policy support into the driving force for promoting development, and actively expand new opportunities. The production of the new standard aluminum industry is a milestone leap. He believes that the road of high-quality development of the new standard will be wider and wider.

Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju and president of Youju Research Institute, said that the current customized door and window market is gradually upgrading from the original primary product demand to the high quality demand for system doors and windows, and the market prospect is very promising. New standard doors and windows it conforms to the market trend and takes a perfect industrial chain as the cornerstone to realize flexible production and personalized customization, which is very competitive in the industry.

Xu Sheng, executive president of Guangdong door Industry Association, expressed his sincere wishes for the completion and production of the new standard aluminum industry in his speech, and said that the new standard home furnishing group is an enterprise full of positive energy and worthy of respect. Especially in the current complex market environment, Xinbiao home furnishing group, relying on its profound brand strength, keenly captures the new direction of development and takes the lead in opening the industrial chain integration reform, it has played a positive demonstration role in the development of the whole industry.

Hua Qian Sheng, deputy general manager of China Construction Expo (Guangzhou), expressed sincere congratulations on the production of the new standard aluminum industry. The new standard is an old friend and good friend of China Construction Expo. It always promotes the innovation and upgrading of the industry with high quality. He believes that the new standard will surely continue to lead the new wave of the industry in the future.

Huang Guodian, chairman of the alumni association of Xiamen University Guangdong campus and chairman of jingbang seal, said that the new standard is leading the industry to accelerate its high-quality development with a more complete industrial chain, higher quality products and higher level of service, simultaneously promote the new strategic situation of mutual benefit and win-win among peers. In the future, the two sides will work together to promote the reform and transformation of the door and window industry.

With warm applause, Huang Dong joined the stage with a group of leaders and guests to participate in the launch ceremony. In the countdown of all the guests, the leaders and guests slowly raised the big word "2023 new standard aluminum industry launch ceremony" in the dry ice induced water and smoke-filled room, indicating that the new standard aluminum industry was successfully put into production, add new impetus to the development of enterprises.

Mogul gathering Innovation Forum

Explore the new trend of industry development

In recent years, affected by the repeated epidemic and the downturn in the real estate market, the development of the entire household industry faces many challenges. With the changing market environment and consumer demand, what new development situation will the door and window industry usher in? Where will the new trend of industry development appear?

On the afternoon of June 3, the Innovation Forum with the theme of "win-win cooperation in innovation development-new opportunities for the development of door and window industry" was held at the headquarters of Xinbiao home furnishing group. Ma Haohua, vice president of marketing of Xinbiao home furnishing group, Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju Research Institute, Xu Sheng, executive president of Guangdong door industry association, Zhou Zhong, founder of Pan-home furnishing circle, yang Feng, the founder of dingfenghui, home new media, and the founder of Guiren's strategic marketing consulting. Mogul of the industries such as China's marketing active fossil Han Feng gathered together, with frequent golden sentences, carry out ideological confrontation in the sharing and collision of viewpoints, focus on the current situation and future trend of industry development, and draw a new blueprint for development.

Ma Haohua, vice president of marketing of new standard home furnishing group, believes that intelligent manufacturing is the foundation for the expansion and strengthening of door and window enterprises, and is also a powerful boost for door and window enterprises to reduce costs, improve quality and increase efficiency. Intelligent manufacturing is used to realize flexible production, dynamic regulation and precise configuration enable enterprises to achieve high-quality development. New standard doors and windows at high speed, it is in the stage of rapid development, hoping to reach strategic cooperative relations with more industry colleagues, promote development together on the basis of mutual benefit, and continuously empower the development of the industry, we seek common development path and achieve win-win results.

Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju and president of Youju Research Institute, believes that the door and window industry is one of the blue ocean markets with the greatest development potential in the decoration and large household industry at present, and enterprises should actively play their own advantages, through more strategic cooperation, we can complement each other and show the advantages of strong combination, thus promoting the promotion of brand competitiveness and influence.

Xu sheng, executive president of guangdong door industry association, proposed that at present, the door and window manufacturing industry is trying to get rid of the dilemma of low and low added value in traditional large-scale and standardized production, from improving the intelligent production level of manufacturing industry, promote the gradual transformation and upgrading of the deep integration of informatization and industrialization. In this environment, enterprises should enhance flexible production and improve the production efficiency of door and window customization with the application of automation and information technology.

Zhou Zhong, founder of Pan-Home Circle, said that the current trend of diversification and personalization of Chinese living needs is obvious. The connotation and boundary of living demand are undergoing profound changes. The industry should not only solve the problem of living, but also continuously explore how to improve the quality of life. Head home brands with more complete categories, better quality, faster delivery, better service and better price will further expand their competitive advantages.

Yang Feng, founder of dingfenghui, new home media, said that the home industry is undergoing profound changes. Complex market changes have accelerated the reshuffle of the industry and brought new opportunities to the industry. Enterprises need to solve users' personalized needs through industrialization, scale and digitization, and master the balance between market demand and customization efficiency.

Han Feng, founder of Guiren's strategic marketing consulting and Chinese marketing living fossil, said that for door and window enterprises, "Quality is life, and brand is benefit", enterprises should strengthen the development concept of "customer-centered", maintain brand vitality with innovation, and win the market with quality.

After 24 years of precipitation, the new standard has always been adhering to the product quality-oriented, providing consumers with quality home products and services, leading the industry to flourish. Based on new developmental period, the new standard will implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, take the integrated and automated production base of the whole industrial chain, and take intelligent manufacturing as the core strength to promote the upgrading and transformation of enterprises and climb the new peak bravely, innovate the future and lead the new direction of industry development!