618 Opening Ceremony | When the Royal Doors and Windows Met Olympic Champion Yang Wei, This Super Live Heat Wave Turned to the Sky!

from:Network date:2023-06-05 reading:1090

On June 2, 2023, it was the fire-breaking period of the 618 champion star brand renewal season of The Emperor's doors and windows, the royal doors and windows joined hands with Yang Wei, the Olympic champion of gymnastics, to launch a super live broadcast. The combination of powerful and powerful can be called a dream linkage. There are multiple welfare and domineering pet fans in the Royal door and window live broadcast room, which directly ignite the public's enthusiasm. Many fans give praise and cause collective Carnival!

On the night of the live broadcast, the Royal Doors and windows Champion Series 2.0 new product was unveiled. Around the hot topics of home such as the renewal of doors and windows and the sealing of balconies, the Royal Doors and windows and Yang Wei explored life aesthetics together, while bringing the big brand of doors and windows to consumers, it also enables the public to experience the brand-new and advanced new style of doors and windows and the quality and hard strength of royal doors and windows.


Champion Star strength circle pink

Champion Star

New season

Royal doors and windows x Olympic champion = perfect match

In the new consumption era, consumers with different circles have different pursuits in door and window decoration. Based on the iteration of users' personalized needs, the Royal Doors and windows are the most important new products-champion era double in-swinging casement window and champion star outwards opening window, which were unveiled in the live broadcast room. Yang Wei incarnated the product experience officer to experience its quality charm with consumers.

The design of this new product follows the champion core. Under the support of strict technology, the experience of doors and windows will be upgraded to achieve higher quality, showing the ace style of doors and windows with champion performance, champion aesthetics and champion comfort. The luxurious "champion texture" doors and windows won a lot of praise from consumers in the live broadcast room after their debut.

Champion Series 2.0

When Yang Wei experienced the champion's new product, he was inspired by the ingenious and intimate design of the Royal Doors and windows. Champion Xingqi outwards opening window innovatively created glass fan customized side-mounted handle, which enlarged the extremely narrow appearance of doors and windows to the extreme. Yang Wei said frankly that royal doors and windows have strong product power and extreme professionalism, he also said that the Royal Doors and windows really understand the home needs and pay attention to beauty and practicality. For example, the design of double in-swinging casement window thick and reliable window frames in the Champion era gives us a full sense of security. We have children like us, the necessities of the old family."

Yang Wei's experience represents the psychology of most consumers. Good-looking products can always fall in love at first sight, while household products with design sense, practicability and high performance will always be our beloved. To create products with higher appearance, more diversified designs and more professional doors and windows, royal doors and windows are committed to continuously satisfying consumers' pursuit of a better life.


Meet consumer home needs

Champion Star

New season

Royal doors and windows domineering pet powder ignites welfare storm

With the younger generation becoming the main force of new household consumption, the new consumption concept has given birth to new household consumption demand and consumption scenarios. When home space returns to the attribute of "home" more, people hope to get a sense of security, happiness and healing at home.

When talking about his home, Yang Wei shared that there are children in the family now, so the health and safety of children are put first. In addition, there will be elders who come to live in small places from time to time, so each other's space should be independent and interactive. To some extent, doors and windows need to cooperate with the partition and connection application of the whole house.

Royal doors and windows are specially customized for the whole house doors and windows, which can well meet the needs of the whole house space of the family, and can meet any style you want, such as the popular sports gym, children's piano practice room, room gaming electronic sports, balcony sealing, kitchen space, etc., to achieve "the whole house doors and windows integrated luxury face".

Slide to view the new space of doors and windows in the whole House

The upgraded version [26800 whole house doors and windows upgrade package] and [9688 quiet balcony closed huge cost-effective package] appeared in the Royal door and window live broadcast room on June 2. The new upgrade is more affordable. "The Royal doors and windows are exclusive to customized package. The doors and windows of the whole house are arbitrarily arranged, and the balcony is easily sealed in one stop. It's really high-end and not expensive, so let's easily renew the doors and windows," Yang Wei said.

The climax of the event was that Yang Wei announced the door and window package for the audience in the live broadcast room, the price and multiple benefits of Wang Fried's new products! Seeing that the price of the whole house's doors and windows package is as low as 26800 yuan, Yang Wei's "hand rubbing" means "ready to take it!".

The new champion Series 2.0 new doors and windows sports champion package is heavily favored, plus multiple rounds of welfare explosion, this live broadcast is over. The feedback from the live broadcast room is continuous, "the champion star is extremely narrow" and "I will use the royal doors and windows in the future!" , "No way, he is really great!"...... In the screen-brushing comments, consumer fans responded enthusiastically and the live broadcast atmosphere reached a climax.


PICOOC customized good price

Champion Star

New season

Royal doors and windows big brands are guaranteed

Such "PICOOC customization", but there is "good price", the Royal Doors and windows are new and more attentive. This live broadcast, following champion Yang Wei's immersive clock-in, I believe that consumers can feel the sincerity of the Royal Doors and windows and the strength of champion quality. The royal doors and windows, together with champion star products and Hui Huili, create a safe, warm, comfortable and high-end home, saving you worry, time, effort and money, let every family enjoy a wonderful home life.

From now until June 18, the 618 champion star brand renewal season promotion of royal doors and windows is still in full swing. The next live broadcast is ready for release on June 15. The upgraded package benefits are being prepared. Please look forward to it!