Explore the South American Market! Xingfa Aluminum Unveiled at Columbia International Building Materials Exhibition in 2023

from:Network date:2023-06-05 reading:1322

From May 30 to June 4, Columbia International Building Materials Exhibition 2023 was held in Bogota, the capital of Colombia. Columbia International Building Materials Exhibition is held every two years. Xingfa aluminum industry, as an advanced representative of aluminum profile industry, actively expand overseas business and appear in this exhibition.

Xingfa aluminum industry has steadily promoted its enterprises overseas with its own brand. It has appeared in this exhibition with a series of products including high-end door and window systems and aluminum template. High-end door and window systems are both watertight and airtight, wind pressure resistance meets local needs, while aluminum template has a series of characteristics such as construction, environmental protection, and efficiency advantages, which are increasingly highly recommended by the construction industry, it plays an important role in promoting the process of building energy conservation and environmental protection and building industrialization and has practical operational significance. Xingfa aluminum industry shows the comprehensive strength of the enterprise to global customers and exhibitors with representative products, which is also conducive to aiming at the South American market, pay more attention to the actual needs of customers and upgrade the products to boost the influence and penetration of the aluminum brand in overseas markets.

The exhibition site was crowded, especially high-end door and window systems were quite rare in the local area, which attracted many merchants to stop and understand. Overseas customers and sales teams of Xingfa aluminum industry actively explained their products to merchants, the face-to-face communication between visitors provides many opportunities for the company to explore the market in Colombia and even South America.

As a country with both land and sea reserves in northern South America, Colombia is one of the largest economies in Latin America and has great market potential. Columbia International Building Materials Exhibition is one of the most famous comprehensive building materials exhibitions in Colombia. There are many categories of products participating in the exhibition, attracting professional exhibitors and audiences from all over the world to come to the scene every year, and also holding industry Docking meetings at the same time, let buyers and enterprises conduct face-to-face negotiations more directly. Xingfa aluminum has been continuously strengthening the promotion of its own brands in the international market, and has established its own brand channels and offices in many countries to further broaden the audience range and brand influence and expand the international market, step by step, establish Xingfa aluminum's brand awareness in the world.

Through participating in the exhibition, Xingfa aluminum seeks customer partners, builds a bridge of cooperation with South American enterprises, explores market opportunities, cultivates overseas buyer channels, and polishes the brand of Xingfa aluminum overseas, provide consumers with higher quality product choices, boost the Enterprise's "Sailing" pace with practical actions, and promote the further steady development of the enterprise.