China Construction Metal Structure Association and His Party Entered Macao Infrastructure Project In-depth Investigation and Exchange

from:Network date:2023-06-07 reading:1522

In order to further promote practical cooperation between infrastructure enterprises in mainland China and Macao, we will join hands in the construction of "The Belt and Road Initiative" project. On June 2, Song Weimin, vice president and secretary general of China building metal structure Association, and Zeng Kui, honorary vice president of China building metal structure Association and president of Guangdong door and window Association, successively entered Macao building metal structure Association, article 4 cross-sea bridge design and construction project site, understand the cutting-edge digital bridge construction technology, conduct in-depth investigation and exchange, and devote themselves to building the whole industrial chain of green infrastructure and boosting China's independent brands.

△ guests attending the meeting:

China building metal structure Association

Song Weimin, vice president and secretary general

Deputy director of liaison department Xiang Jianjun

Long Xue, assistant director of liaison department

Guangdong door and window Association

President Zeng Kui

Peng SINA, secretary of the Party branch

Macao metal structure Association

Chairman he Zhijian

Vice Chairman Chen songkai

Secretary General Tang Jianwei

Joint venture Project Department

Cui Min, executive project manager/business director

Chief engineer Chen Ningxian

Bridge consultant/bridge manager Hu Ruihai

Deputy Project Manager/steel bridge construction manager Wang Kejun

On the morning of that day, a Party of China Construction Metal Structure Association first visited and inspected Macao metal structure Association, chairman he Zhijian of Macao metal structure Association and others warmly received. The two sides focused on the association's characteristic conference activities, the development of relevant standards and other topics were discussed and exchanged.

Macao metal structure Association is a non-profit organization, founded in 2007. Its members are from universities, laboratories, engineering consultants, contractors, product manufacturers and some professionals engaged in metal structure in Australia. The aim of the association is to promote the proper and effective design and application of metal structures in Macao's architectural engineering field, and to strengthen the communication of engineering technology and experience between Macao and other parts of the world, improve the engineering and technical standards of Macao industry.

Later, under the leadership of chairman he Zhijian of Macao metal structure Association, the participants walked into the project site of "The fourth cross-sea bridge design and construction project of Australia and Macao" and inspected the latest progress of the infrastructure project on the spot.

It is reported that the owner of this project is the public Construction Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region government, adopting the mode of general contracting (EPC), and the total contract amount is 5.27 billion patacas, the total bidding period of the owner is 1440 calendar days (the total bidding period is 1098 calendar days), which is jointly implemented by the project department of China Civil Engineering, China Railway Construction Bridge Bureau and Australian horse construction consortium. The project officially started on March 26, 202020, it is expected to be completed on March 23, 2024.

The project is located on the east side of Youyi Bridge, with a total length of 3.08 kilometers, of which the cross-sea section is about 2.8 kilometers long. It is mainly connected with the reclamation area A and reclamation area E1, as well as the port area of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge artificial island, it is the standard construction of two-way 8-lane urban expressway. The bridge is an important "one axis" in Macao's "double-ring and double-axis fast passage", a key node in the construction of Macao's urban transportation system, and an important diversion path for the traffic flow of the artificial island at the Port of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the construction of the project is an important achievement in the implementation of the strategy of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area, which is of great significance for further strengthening the transport relationship of Macao Peninsula and Taizai Island and facilitating residents' travel.

After the on-the-spot investigation, Cui Min, the executive project manager of the joint venture project department, introduced the latest progress of the infrastructure project and the fruitful results achieved by using the cutting-edge digital bridge construction technology. In addition, chief engineer Chen Ningxian introduced in detail the technical difficulties and solutions of bridge construction of this project.

Song Weimin, vice president and secretary general of China building metal structure Association he expressed the hope that the two sides will strengthen interactive exchanges and help enterprises cooperate in infrastructure projects. Member enterprises should make full use of the resources and platform advantages of good business association, deeply understand the development trend of the international market, strengthen business exchanges with international peers, seize the strategic opportunity period of "The Belt and Road Initiative" and seek business partners, boost the high-quality development of China's infrastructure industry.