Shanghai First! Yihe Doors and Windows Named High-Speed Train Set off at Hongqiao Station

from:Network date:2023-06-07 reading:1142

On June 7th, yihe doors and windows the launch ceremony of the named high-speed train (Shanghai Bureau) was held ceremoniously at Hongqiao Station. Guangdong yihe doors and windows hu Chao, general manager of Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Wang Xikun, director of channel Center, Du Jinsong, senior vice president of China Railway Media Group Co., Ltd. and other leaders came to the scene, and many yihe doors and windows representatives of distributors in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui regions and tourists from all over the country witnessed yihe doors and windows the grand departure of the named high-speed train!

• Unveiling ceremony

With the development of the times, China's high-speed rail has created development achievements from "go by like the wind" to "leader" with the speed of pursuer and the railway network extending in all directions, and has become a representative of China's economy, science and technology, the "Golden business card" of culture marching towards the world ". As the president unit of Guangdong door and window Association, yihe doors and windows selected for 5 consecutive years 「 china's 500 most valuable brands"List, and continue to integrate the" product power "and" innovation power "into one, constantly dig deep into the needs of users, and pioneered the" 6s full protection system "and" ingenious delivery system "in the industry", meet the vision of tens of millions of families for a wonderful home life experience. The leap of quality and the innovation of technology again and again are just like the rapid development of China's high-speed rail, showing the hard core strength of "Made in China.

Take advantage of China's speed to release brand potential energy. This time yihe doors and windows the named high-speed rail has more than 40 groups, covering 18 provinces and passing through several stations along the high-speed rail lines such as Shanghai-Nanjing line, Shanghai-Hangzhou line, Nanjing-Hangzhou-Ningbo line, Shanghai-Kunming line, and Shanghai-Hanrong line, through the radiation and authority of high-speed rail, a three-dimensional, multi-dimensional and all-round communication matrix is created to open a new chapter of brand high-speed communication.

yihe doors and windows hu Chao, general manager of the company, delivered a speech

At the start ceremony, yihe doors and windows hu Chao, general manager, said in his speech: China's high-speed rail represents China's speed, intelligent manufacturing in China and Chinese strength, weaving the "dream blueprint" for the people to run towards a better life ". This is related yihe doors and windows our firm commitment to protecting hundreds of millions of families is consistent with our corporate vision. This time yihe doors and windows the naming of high-speed trains plays a great role in promoting the construction of brand promotion matrix with high exposure and frequency, and has achieved the "official departure" in the era of brand high-quality development ". Yihe will also take this opportunity to further strengthen product innovation and quality control, so that more and more families can enjoy the beautiful home life brought by high-end fully protected doors and windows.

• Address by Du Jinsong, senior vice president of China Railway Media Group

As yihe doors and windows as an important strategic partner, China Railway media continues to explore deeper forms of cooperation. Yihe doors and windows the brand strategic layout has injected strong impetus. Du Jinsong, senior vice president of China Railway Media Group Co., Ltd., said that with the empowerment and support of China's high-speed rail, yihe doors and windows the brand image will reach more consumers along the more woven and more dense iron net, bringing more heavy voice and broader influence to the brand, helping good products enter hundreds of millions of families, boost the industry's high-quality development!

• Ribbon cutting ceremony

• Scroll pen adding ceremony

Abide by the product quality and adhere to the originality. Since its establishment in 2008, yihe doors and windows strong production capacity and excellent quality have created profound brand strength. This time, the famous Shanghai high-speed railway special train realized the strong combination of "Chinese brand China speed", and through high-frequency and long-time brand exposure, the whole series of high-speed railway was made into brand exclusive mobile business cards, transfer the product concept of "6s full protection system" to the hearts of hundreds of millions of passengers, arouse the attention of high-speed rail passengers, greatly improve the effectiveness and reach rate of brand communication, and boost the sound volume of Chinese doors and windows brands.

• Mutual gift of cooperation souvenirs

Take advantage of the situation and go with the wind. With the successful conclusion of the first ceremony of Shanghai Bureau, yihe doors and windows the named high-speed rail train is reaching the pulse of each city with "China speed" and going to the agreement of quality life with hundreds of millions of passengers. Next stop, yihe doors and windows we will go with "China speed" and add code again in Chengdu Bureau and Guangzhou bureau to dig deep into the blue ocean of 100 million-level traffic of high-speed rail media, carpet covering the national high-speed rail network, and gather brand attention and influence, detonate the spread effect nationwide at the fastest speed. At the same time, do not forget your original intention, adhere to design innovation, quality innovation and service innovation, promote the speed and quality development of door and window industry, and continue to create a safe, green and comfortable ideal home life for every family!