Jianghe, Yasha and Other Private Enterprises in China's Construction Industry List of Top 200

from:Network date:2023-06-13 reading:1242

Private economy occupies "half of the country's total economic volume", entering a new stage and stepping on a new journey, the weight of private enterprises in China's construction industry is becoming more and more important. China is one of the "Five permanent countries" and a world power. It is moving towards a powerful country and occupies an important position in the world construction industry.

Newly released 2022 list of top 200 private enterprises in China's construction industry" found in, as the TOP enterprise representative of the building doors and windows curtain wall industry, rivers, Yasha, Zhongnan, Golden Mantis, Guangtian they have been on the list one after another and are among the best, showing the new achievements and contributions of the architectural decoration industry and the door and window curtain wall industry,

New power. 2022 list of top 200 private enterprises in China's construction industry

Annual list of top 200 private enterprises in construction industry-- it is the most powerful barometer for the development of the industry and the weathervane for the door and window curtain wall industry!!!
Here, I would like to congratulate you on the listing of enterprises such as rivers, south-central China, and Yasha. Through the list, it not only highlights the good momentum of steady progress in the door and window curtain wall industry, but also conveys real estate, strong confidence in high-quality development of industrial chains such as construction industry, it is a kind of heart-strengthening agent developed by one needle, and it is also a assembly of charge.

Further reading: in the first quarter of 2023, the output value and added value of the construction industry increased steadily!

In the first quarter of 2023, the added value of the construction industry was 1357.36 billion yuan, up 5.9 percent year-on-year. The added value of the construction industry accounted for 12.5 percent of the secondary industry, up 0.3 percent from last year.

In the first quarter of 2023, the national construction industry completed an output value of 5480.286 billion yuan, up year on year. The growth rate declined by 0.2%.

According to provinces, construction enterprises in Jiangsu province have completed the output value of 580.453 billion yuan, ranking first; Construction enterprises in Zhejiang province have completed the output value of 519.986 billion yuan, ranking second; Construction enterprises in Guangdong province have completed the output value of 466.476 billion yuan, ranking third.

Judging from the growth rate of output value, the fastest growth rate of output value is 23 percent in Jilin province, and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region increased 19.7 percent year-on-year, ranking second; The Inner Mongolia autonomous region increased 13.78 percent, ranking third.