On 2023, "China 500 Most Valuable Brands" Was Released! Shengxiang Resigns the Top 100 Brands in China!

from:Network date:2023-06-15 reading:1506

On June 15, the 2023 (20th) World brand Conference and China's 500 most valuable brand Conference were held ceremoniously in Beijing China Grand Hotel. World Brand Lab, an international authoritative Brand review agency, released list of 500 most valuable brands in China in 2023.

This is the 20th time that the World Brand Lab evaluates the influence of Chinese brands. In this annual report based on financial data, brand strength and consumer behavior analysis, State Grid topped the list of most valuable brands this year with a brand value of 626.871 billion yuan. Among the top five on the list are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (551.692 billion yuan), Haier (512.306 billion yuan), PetroChina (487.752 billion yuan) and China Life Insurance (485.567 billion yuan), these brands have entered the world-class brand camp.

This year, the brand icon of the leading brand in China's home furnishing industry has reached a new high, and the brand value of 85.856 billion yuan has been firmly placed in the top 100 Chinese brands.

In 2023, the total value of China's 500 most valuable brands was 34331.181 billion yuan, an increase of 3358.374 billion yuan over last year, an increase of 10.84 percent.

Dr. Steve scientific committee chairmen, honorary professor of marketing at Oxford University and world brand laboratory Woolgar, said-"brand is the image of a country, I hope more people in the world can learn about Chinese stories through Chinese brands. In the past 20 years, I have witnessed the rapid growth of Chinese brands, some of which have strong world influence, including State Grid, Haier, China Life Insurance, Sinochem, China Resources, china Southern Power Grid, China Huadian, Wuliangye, TSINGTAO, northern wilderness, Xugong, Tongwei, Bosideng, FIRMUS, Shengxiang, Hegang, Hengli, Shuangxing, JOMOO, Xiexin, etc."

Shengxiang has not only been selected into the national team of Chinese brands with the highest credibility, recognition and authority for seven consecutive years, but also has been selected into the top 100 brands again this year, becoming a well-deserved leading enterprise in the home furnishing industry.

The theme of this year's "World brand conference" is" AI and Web3.0: Brand new boundaries". Dr. Steve scientific committee chairmen, honorary professor of marketing at Oxford University and world brand laboratory Woolgar, listened to Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School, Haas Business School at the University of California, Berkeley, after the views of marketing professors from the world's top universities such as Yale University's School of Management and Oxford University, it is concluded that: brands need to formulate long-term AI strategies, find effective ways to connect with consumers, and establish emotional ties to promote loyalty and sales.

Brand value is an intangible asset on which an enterprise depends. It enables consumers to clearly identify the advantages of brands different from similar products and understand the independent personality of products. It drives consumer identification, the main power of loving or even falling in love with the brand!

Once again, the holy elephant won the most valuable brand of China 500, which is not only a high affirmation of the brand value and strength of the Holy elephant, but also a recognition of the achievements of the Holy elephant in this period.

As an absolute leader in the industry, Shengxiang will always practice the road of sustainable development, shape the brand younger with vitality, base itself on industry and scientific and technological innovation, and fully display the feelings and dreams of national brands, to better shape the value of Chinese brands, realize the green and high-quality development of enterprises, and make unremitting efforts for people's "Elephant" to live a healthy and beautiful life!