Join Hands to Go to the New Era of Door and Window Assembly, Head-Mounted Enterprises Enter Feiyu

from:Network date:2023-06-16 reading:1206

On June 12th, the first stop of "Home Improvement enterprises entering Feiyu- feiyu doors and windows& Chengdu decoration enterprise salon was held in Guanghan, Sichuan province.

27 heads of Chengdu head-mounted enterprises gathered and walked in feiyu doors and windows the western intelligent manufacturing base, together with Feiyu, explores a new ecology of doors and windows & installation enterprises "resonance with the same frequency, win-win cooperation.

Mr. Tang Xiaochun, president of Sichuan Interior Decoration Association, president of Sichuan door and window Association & feiyu doors and windows mr. Chen Gang, the founder of the brand, and Ms. Liu Jiali, the president of famous habitat, attended the event.

Strategic layout, everyone installed channels



Preemption window period

Complete installation has become the largest flow entrance in the industry, and 2023 is an important window period for doors and windows to expand the complete installation channel. Feiyu doors and windows leading one step in the layout of home improvement channels, advancing into the trillion Blue Ocean market, opening the door and window industry milestone development.

Walk into the factory



Look at the hard strength of Feiyu Zhi

Head loading enterprises have higher standards for product quality and delivery. To this end, install enterprise partners feiyu doors and windows guanghan Sanxingdui intelligent manufacturing base, close visit Feiyu manufacturing process.

Fully automated production line, intelligent process from production to packaging, high quality and high speed delivery"Provides a reassurance pill. High-precision processing makes the production not bad, ensuring that doors and windows are tightly stitched. During the process of exploring the factory, the partner of the installation company felt feiyu doors and windows persistence in details and quality.

Visit door and window help



Decrypt Feiyu ultimate delivery tips

In order to make the delivery of doors and windows more worry-free, home improvement enterprises visit doors and windows to learn more feiyu doors and windows installation delivery strength.

A good door and window = good door and window installation. In order to deliver good doors and windows to every family, feiyu doors and windows the industry's first door and window service platform-door and window help. Professional installation and delivery team with 8 years of practical experience. Take the lead in standardization of delivery, implement the 21-step installation service process. Participate in the formulation of national standards and practice national standards, high standard installation delivery.

Leading installation tools have attracted many attention. The partner of the installation Enterprise said: feiyu doors and windows not only does the product lead, but also the installation and delivery are the ultimate. We are very relieved to cooperate with such brands."

Good product Good Delivery



Open doors and windows and complete new ecology

Mr. Tang Xiaochun, president of Sichuan Interior Decoration Association, pointed out: "A new era has come. In the new era, new integration, new outlet and fresh and active methods are needed. Head-mounted enterprises should deeply integrate with head doors and windows to achieve each other."

Tang Xiaochun

President of Sichuan Interior Decoration Association

Feiyu doors and windows in-depth dialogue with head-mounted enterprises, we will jointly discuss new ideas and new models of cooperation, and jointly go to the new era of door and window assembly industry.

Multidimensional empowerment



Preemption window period

In order to help installation partners quickly seize the market share of doors and windows, feiyu doors and windows with 43 years of actual combat precipitation, provide one-stop support, brand product installation service all-round empowerment.

1. Head brand strength endorsement

Feiyu doors and windows in 43 years, he focused on making doors and windows and gave birth to a family of doors and windows ". Three generations of artificial doors and windows, only to protect three generations, have served 10 million families. Feiyu doors and windows brand endorsement, with a sense of trust, helps to close the distance between installation enterprises and users.

Chen Gang

President of Sichuan door and window Industry Association

2. Release special funds for home improvement channels

Feiyu doors and windows specially launched the Family Master Series and family Extreme series Home Improvement Channel special funds to provide strong product support for the installation enterprise partners. Industry-leading product research and development capabilities support home improvement channel users to customize personalized products.

As the pioneer of China's climate doors and windows, feiyu doors and windows three major production bases are deployed nationwide, and the "microclimate system window" is tailored for each family according to the regional climate where the users are located ". Use differentiated product advantages to help installation partners seize users' minds.

3. One-stop delivery system

In order to make users feel more assured to buy and install enterprise partners, feiyu doors and windows create a one-stop delivery system. From Feiyu factory directly to the door of the user, the delivery is faster and the transportation damage is avoided.

Starting from measurement, feiyu doors and windows escort all the way. Leading design team, innovative "scenario" sales plan. Professional installation team to protect delivery. The pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale service guarantee system makes the installation enterprise partners have no worries.

Feiyu doors and windows we promise that we will continue to use it on the complete track. Good product good delivery good service, be the strongest backing for home improvement enterprises.

The future, feiyu doors and windows we will continue to create home improvement channels with distributors and join hands with national clothing enterprises to push forward trillions of Blue Ocean market.