Building a Beautiful China Aluminum Is in Action-the 7 Th Carbon Reduction Festival and 2022 Social Responsibility Report Conference Will Be Held Aluminum Group

from:Network date:2023-06-21 reading:1538

On June 19, the 7th carbon reduction festival aluminum group was held at the group headquarters, releasing the aluminum group and its corporate social responsibility report, ESG report, special reports such as carbon reduction and the results of the "112" index system of social responsibility have launched an initiative to practice ESG concept and create a new paradigm of sustainable development. Wang Yang, deputy director of the social responsibility Bureau of the State Council, attended the meeting and made a speech. Aluminum Group party secretary and chairman Duan Xiangdong, deputy secretary and director Liu Jianping of the party group, members of the party group Ye Guohua, Dong monconser and Huang Fuying participated in the activity.

The theme of this carbon reduction festival is "building a Beautiful China aluminum in action". At the press conference, Wang Yang, Duan Xiangdong and Liu Jianping jointly launched the release ceremony. Liu Jianping read out the aluminum group 2022 social responsibility report, ESG report, Special Report and the results of the social responsibility "112" indicator system. The 2022 social responsibility report of China Aluminum Group Co., Ltd. is the 18th annual report released aluminum group. For the fourth consecutive year aluminum group, it was rated as the highest rating of "five-star top" by the rating committee of China's corporate social responsibility report. On June 13, the list of "China's ESG listed companies Pioneer 100" was officially released, and the ESG index entered the top 10% aluminum group, which was at the level of "listed companies ESG development leader.

Zhong Hongwu, professor of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and secretary-general of China Social responsibility 100 Forum, read out the highest rating result of "five-star top" in "2022 social responsibility report of China Aluminum Group Co., Ltd.

Duan Xiangdong, Liu Jianping, Ye Guohua, Dong monconser and Huang Fuying presented awards to the winners of outstanding cases of social responsibility and outstanding image works in aluminum group 2022. The relevant persons in charge of chinal shares, China copper and chinal capital exchanged experiences.

On behalf of the social responsibility bureau of SASAC of the State Council, Wang Yang expressed congratulations on the success of the event and affirmed the efforts and contributions made in the field of social responsibility in aluminum group for a long time. He pointed out that aluminum group, guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, focuses on five areas of responsibility: corporate governance, employee rights and interests, environmental protection, fair operation and community support, in the practice of corporate social responsibility, we are brave to shoulder heavy burdens and charge the front, effectively playing the role of "pillar" and "stabilizer. In the field of carbon reduction, aluminum group resolutely implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important requirements for carbon neutralization, accelerate the pace of green and low-carbon transformation, set up a green and low-carbon innovation and development fund, and use green and clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, distribute recycling industries, form a typical paradigm of "source reduction and comprehensive utilization", and become the leader of green and low-carbon development in non-ferrous metal industry. I hope to continue to strengthen the management of social responsibility aluminum group and be a demonstrator in performing his duties well in the industry; Accelerate the layout of green industry and become a leader in Beautiful China; Adhere to high-quality development and be a world-class pioneer.

Duan Xiangdong delivered a keynote speech entitled "contributing chinal power to building a beautiful China. He pointed out that in aluminum group 2022, adhering to the core concept of social responsibility of "Turning Stone into gold for the benefit of mankind", he constantly innovated the management and practice of social responsibility to help rural revitalization, aid Qinghai-Tibet, earthquake relief, the total investment is 47.5 million yuan. On the basis of social responsibility management module, deepen the research on social responsibility index and ESG index, and construct "112" social responsibility management system (1 module +1 manual +2 sets of indicators), social recognition has steadily improved. In 2022, the aluminum group Social Responsibility Development Index ranked first in the non-ferrous metals industry. All six listed companies listed on the ESG Jinniu award list. The group's social responsibility work was invited to exchange experience at the 5th China Enterprise Forum.

Duan Xiangdong said that aluminum group would give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises in the non-ferrous metal industry and further promote social responsibility work. The first is to take "building first class" as the guide and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development. Conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions, accurately grasp the positioning of "Vanguard, main force and leader", firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and focus on "four special strengths", continue to strengthen the "five advantages", focus on the "three promotions", promote the implementation of the annual "five major projects and five actions", and go all out to build a world-class excellent Nonferrous Metals Group. The second is to take "double carbon action" as the engine, and strive to promote the green transformation of development mode. Actively practice the concept of "green water and green mountains are Jinshan and Yinshan", firmly promote the group's "carbon neutralization action plan of Carbon Peak", promote the effective integration of mining development and biodiversity protection, and grasp the initiative of green and low-carbon development, comprehensively optimize the industrial layout structure, build chinal's "green energy conversion engine", lead and drive the whole industry and even the whole society to set off a carbon reduction boom, and truly "make color greener and make the world more colored". The third is to take responsibility as the keynote, and fully polish the responsibility brand of chinal. Take the initiative to mark the world's first-class practice, take the heavy responsibility in assisting the overall revitalization of the countryside, take the initiative in promoting common prosperity, and establish a model of "social respect, employee pride, excellent efficiency and environmental friendliness. Optimize and improve the "112" index system of chinabal's social responsibility, and become an example of green and low carbon, participating in public welfare, being honest and trustworthy, and complying with laws and regulations. Fourth, co-construction and sharing are the wings to jointly promote value creation and achieve win-win results. Actively carry out "the Belt and Road Initiative" international cooperation, deepen communication and exchanges with enterprises of various countries, and jointly build a community of human destiny. Adhering to the overseas investment concept of "building a project and promoting the development of one party", it reflects "chinal temperature" in the project construction and strives to create a chinal image of "amiable, credible and honorable.

An upgraded version of aluminum baby, ambassador of the aluminum group carbon reduction festival, was released at the meeting. Aluminum baby was born in 202020. it adheres to the concept of responsibility of "Turning Stone into gold for the benefit of mankind", accompanied aluminum group to practice the concept of green development with very friendly actions and expressions, and showed the world aluminum group active actions, the image of the central enterprises responsible for their responsibilities. Participants watched the promotional film of "Turning Stone into gold for the benefit of mankind" and "green" aluminum.

The main venue and sub-venue are set up to be held online and offline.