Yihe Doors and Windows Solemnly Celebrate the 102 Th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and the Successful Convening of the Staff Conference in July!

from:Network date:2023-07-05 reading:1189

Party flag high, the original heart is like a torch. On the morning of July 3, in order to celebrate the 102th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, further play the leading role of Party building work, and enhance the cohesion, appeal and fighting capacity of grass-roots Party organizations, encourage all employees to actively move closer to the party organization, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party. Yihe doors and windows held a grand meeting to celebrate the 102th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the staff meeting in July at the headquarters base, hu Chao, general manager of the company, attended the meeting together with more than 1,500 employees.

01. Review the oath, and the original heart will always stay

Clank oath, spanning a hundred years; Boxing first heart, the fire passed down. "I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China and supported the party's program..." under the leadership of Hu Chao, the general manager of the company, all Party members raised their right hands and revisited the pledge to join the party, the forceful oath strengthened the determination to be loyal to the party. All party members said that they would draw wisdom and strength from the party's struggle process with a sense of responsibility and mission, continue to inherit the red gene, improve the Party spirit and inspire the enthusiasm of officers, contribute to the company's construction and social and economic development.

02. Present gifts to the party and share lyrical feelings

Review the red classics and love the party together. All the staff of Yihe doors and windows sang "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China", and the magnificent melody resounded above. With the interplay between emblem of a political party and party flag, everyone was full of spirit, integrating the love of the party and the persistent pursuit of career into the sonorous and powerful singing, singing pride and boosting energy.

03. Strong foundation and full deployment

The conference also held a commendation ceremony for outstanding employees in June. Hu Chao, the general manager of the company, presented awards to outstanding employees and called on everyone to be advanced and catch up with and surpass the standard, establish high work morale and positive working attitude.

At the meeting, Hu Chao, the general manager of the company, made an important speech. President Hu stressed that loving the party and patriotism is everyone's responsibility and obligation. It is not a slogan, but a kind of responsibility and feelings. The present beautiful new era does not require us to shed blood and sacrifice like revolutionary martyrs and fight against the Japanese war to kill the enemy, but we still need to engrave our infinite loyalty and love to the party in our hearts and reflect it in practical actions. In daily life, be law-abiding and helpful; In the work, turn the sincerity of loving the party and patriotism into an inexhaustible motivation to make progress and forge ahead. Do not forget your original intention and keep your mission in mind, based on the position, it glows and heats up.

Finally, President Hu made a comprehensive review and summary of the work in the first half of the year, anchored goals and pointed out directions for all key work in the second half of the year, and mobilized all employees to work together and take advantage of the situation, make every effort to ensure the full completion of annual business indicators and continue to be strong and excellent.