Market Value List of Housing Enterprises in the First Half of 2023: Nearly 80% Fell, and 24 Companies Shrank by More than Half

from:Network date:2023-07-06 reading:1056

Since 2023, China's real estate industry has had certain repair expectations, and the central level has actively expressed its position. The policy of loosening the property market in various places has also emerged one after another. However, in the first half of this year, the stock price continued to be depressed, and the stock price of many housing enterprises also fell to the withdrawal warning line.
On July 5th, Leju Finance and Economics summarized the market value of 184 Real estate listed companies in the middle of the year, and presented the market value growth from high to low from the beginning of 2023 to the middle of the year, for your reference.

Only 20% of housing enterprises are growing in market value.
To some extent, the market value reflects the capital market's evaluation of the current operating conditions of the enterprise and the prediction of the future profit prospects. In the list, the market value statistics of listed housing enterprises closed on June 30, 2023. As listed housing enterprises belong to different listed sectors such as A shares and Hong Kong stocks, the market value has been converted into exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar according to the latest RMB at that time.
The market value of 184 Real estate listed companies reached 2429.231 billion yuan. Among them, there are 7 enterprises with a market value of more than 100 billion, 44 enterprises with a level of 10 billion, and 31 enterprises with a market value of less than 1 billion; There are 102 enterprises between 1 billion and 10 billion, the proportion reaches 55.43%.
Among the 184 listed real estate enterprises in the above table, the highest increase in market value is the first one, with an increase of in half a year. There are only 41 companies whose market value is increasing, accounting for only. In addition, the market value of 10 enterprises including Beijing Investment Development, Yuexiu Real Estate, Zhangjiang Hi-tech, Lvjing China Real Estate, China Sports Group Industry, listed development, China International Trade and Tomson Group increased by more than 10% in half a year.
The total market value of China Resources Land reached 218.276 billion yuan, ranking first in the market value of housing enterprises, and was also the only housing enterprise whose market value exceeded 200 billion yuan in the first half of this year; The market value of China's overseas development was 172.354 billion yuan, ranking second; in the first half of last year, the market value of Vanke A ranked first, with a market value of 167.269 billion yuan, ranking third; Poly ranked fourth in development, with a total market value of 155.975 billion yuan.
Sunshine City has become the "most declining"
In the first half of the year, 143 enterprises saw a decline in market value, accounting for, of which Sunshine City, as the only housing enterprise with a market value shrinking by more than 80%, became the "most declining". The development of blue light is also among the housing enterprises with higher decline. It is reported that at the beginning of June, the development of blue light was decided to terminate its listing by Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the company's stock was delisted on June 6, in the 8th year of listing, it became the first A- share housing company to withdraw from the market; In addition, in April this year, the same 100 billion-level Xinli Holdings also disappeared silently from the Hong Kong stock exchange.
In addition, housing enterprises whose market value has dropped by more than 70% also include Yuetai shares, Jiakai city and Kaisa Group. There are 24 enterprises whose market value has shrunk by more than 50%. In terms of market value, they are all under 10 billion enterprises.
Throughout the first half of this year, when real estate stocks rarely rose sharply, more were "falling and falling endlessly". Judging from the half-year performance, although China's real estate industry has had certain repair expectations since 2023, under the restriction of both supply and demand, the performance of the market and enterprises in the first half of the year was relatively flat, and the recovery momentum of the real estate market slowed down, in June, the expected stop-fall market was not ushered in.
In the first half of the year, one of the hot topics that triggered the capital market in the real estate industry was "housing enterprises withdraw from the market". This year, the real estate industry may usher in a wave of small-scale delisting, and more than a dozen housing enterprises will be affected. Among them, 8 listed real estate companies have been locked in the risk of "1 yuan delisting", including the development of Blu-ray, Zhongtian finance, Taihe Group, etc. At the same time, four housing enterprises are also facing the same risks.
Facing various crises, there are still many housing enterprises actively seeking new development opportunities and taking corresponding measures to deal with the risk of delisting. Some housing enterprises choose transformation and upgrading to seek new business models and innovative products to improve market competitiveness. Other housing enterprises adjust and improve the management level and financial structure to reduce risks and enhance the ability of sustainable development.