Join Hands to Win-Win · Mori Eagle Window Industry and Star Crown Glass to Reach Strategic Cooperation

from:Network date:2023-07-18 reading:1106

On July 17, senying window industry (Securities Code: 301227) and Shandong Xingguan glass held a strategic cooperation fair and signing ceremony in the Nanjing factory of senying. Mr. Cheng Jihui, director of Shandong Xingguan glass, Ms. Cheng Jie, general manager, Ms. Liu Jingzhen, sales director; Mr. Bian Shuping, chairman of senying window industry, Mr. Bian Keren, general manager, mr. Zhang Jinjin, head of Mori Eagle Nanjing production base, attended together.

Star crown glass focuses on high quality product positioning and Fine research high-tech home decoration glass. It adopts the leading industrial 4.0 production technology of the times and makes every effort to build high-end intelligent glass deep processing. It is a leading brand in the industry.

In this cooperation, the two sides will give full play to their respective resource advantages, professional advantages and platform advantages, further improve the overall operational efficiency of both sides, realize resource cooperation and jointly achieve higher quality development.

Mori Eagle has always paid close attention to the matching of raw materials. Glass occupies more than 75% of the whole window, which is an extremely important component. Therefore, this strategic cooperation has been reached with Shandong star crown glass, mori Eagle can further improve the glass raw materials to ensure the supply cycle and quality.

This signing ceremony was successfully signed by Mr. Bian Keren, general manager of senying window industry, and Ms. Cheng Jie, general manager of Xingguan Glass Group. I believe that in the future, the two sides will give full play to their respective advantages based on cooperation, jointly promote the development of the industry!