Notice of Ministry of Commerce and Other 13 Departments on Several Measures to Promote Household Consumption

from:Network date:2023-07-19 reading:1082

On July 18, the notice of 13 departments such as the Ministry of Commerce on several measures to promote household consumption was announced to the public. The notice proposed 11 targeted measures, policy coordination and linkage to promote household consumption.

The complete notice is as follows:

People's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

Household consumption covers many fields such as household appliances, furniture, home textiles, home decoration, etc. It is an important part of residents' consumption and a direct reflection of people's needs for a better life. In order to implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, release the potential of household consumption, consolidate the momentum of consumption recovery and enhance the fundamental role of consumption in economic development, with the consent of the State Council, relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. Vigorously improve the supply quality

(1) improve the green supply chain. Support home furnishing enterprises to carry out green manufacturing, encourage qualified regions to introduce targeted policies and measures for green manufacturing demonstration enterprises, and promote enterprises to plus-sized research and development of green home furnishing products. Strengthen the quality and brand building of green household products. Improve the unified green product standards, certification and identification system, and expand the certification scope of green household products. Encourage qualified areas to support residents in purchasing green household appliances, green furniture, green building materials and other green household products. Support the creation of green shopping malls home furnishing stores and set up green product sales zones. Vigorously develop green home decoration and assembly decoration.

(2) innovate and cultivate intelligent consumption. Support enterprises to use Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies to accelerate the research and development of home products such as smart home appliances, smart security, smart lighting, smart sleep, smart health care, and smartplayer entertainment. Play the role of big data on consumer platforms, and support enterprises to carry out reverse customization, personalized design and flexible production of household products. Promote the interconnection of smart home devices, establish and improve the standard system, and promote the development of single product intelligence to the whole house intelligence. Carry out digital home construction pilot.

(3) improve the aging level of home furnishing. Formulate and publish the catalogue for the promotion of aged products, and accelerate the formulation of general standards for the aging design of household products. Support enterprises to develop plus-sized household appliances, furniture, Bath devices and other household products. Support the installation of video care system for the elderly and the configuration of household health monitoring equipment such as blood oxygen machine, sphygmomanometer and blood glucose meter. Support home furnishing stores. E-commerce platform to set up sales area counters for elderly products. Support business entities in decoration and other fields to expand the home aging transformation business.

II. Actively innovate consumption scenarios

(Iv) promote the innovation and development of business mode. Support home furnishing enterprises to accelerate the digital, intelligent transformation and upgrading and the integration of online and offline development, and cultivate a number of leading home furnishing enterprises with efficient coordination of industrial chain supply chains. Encourage enterprises to build online home service platforms and promote the healthy and orderly development of new business models such as "internet home decoration", "Internet second-hand home" and rental of household appliances and furniture. Encourage conditional areas to develop second-hand home circulation industry in an orderly manner. Support home furnishing stores to strengthen cooperation with upstream and downstream enterprises, build a "big home" ecosystem, and provide consumers with one-stop, integrated and full-scene home consumption solutions. Support home furnishing stores, shopping centers and other experiential consumption scenarios such as smart home experience halls and quality home life halls, and explore the integration and development of home retail, entertainment and leisure, creative design and other formats.

(5) support the decoration of old houses. Encourage all regions to support residents to carry out old house decoration and local upgrading through government support, enterprise promotion and other methods in combination with the work of urban old community renovation. Encourage enterprises to carry out the renovation design competition of old houses, display excellent cases of upgrading and transformation, build old houses decoration and partial retrofitting model rooms, and launch affordable products and service packages to meet diversified consumption needs.

(Vi) carry out consumption promotion activities. Organize home renewal activities, encourage qualified regions to introduce targeted policies and measures, guide enterprises to improve the quality and level of home consumption supply, and provide more high quality, personalized and customized home products, plus-sized discount, support residents to replace or purchase new green smart home products and carry out old house decoration. Support local and related industry associations to organize and carry out consumption promotion activities such as household consumption season, home textile consumption Festival and home decoration Consumption Festival, relying on platforms such as national consumption promotion month and international consumption season. Make good use of exhibition platforms such as China International Import Expo and China International Consumer Goods Expo, support holding home type professional exhibitions in a market-oriented way, display cutting-edge technologies and products in the field of home furnishing, and expand the supply of high-quality home furnishing products.

Third, effectively improve consumption conditions

(7) develop community convenience services. Promote the construction of convenient life circle for a quarter of an hour, and support washing and dyeing shops, maintenance points and recycling points closely related to household consumption to enter the community. Encourage conditional residential areas to use idle houses to set up temporary storage places for household appliances and furniture to facilitate residents to carry out decoration. Encourage domestic enterprises and household appliance service enterprises to enter the community and expand household cleaning, household appliance repair, maintenance and other businesses.

(8) improve the recycling network of waste materials. Coordinate existing funding channels and strengthen support for key projects of recycling system construction of waste materials. Promote the standard setting of waste furniture and decoration waste delivery points in residential areas, and promote online booking collection and transportation. Improve the recycling system of waste textiles. Encourage recycling enterprises to establish long-term cooperation mechanisms with property enterprises and other units, support enterprises to recycle waste household appliances and furniture, and provide convenience for recycling vehicles of waste materials into residential areas.

(9) promote rural household consumption. Continue to promote the construction of county business system, guide home furnishing enterprises and e-commerce platforms to sink the rural market, optimize the county circulation network and channels, plus-sized the supply of marketable home furnishing products, and improve the after-sales service level. Improve the county and rural three-level logistics distribution system and develop intensive distribution. Carry out in-depth activities of green building materials going to the countryside, further expand the scope of pilot areas, and provide appropriate subsidies or loan discounts for green building materials consumption in areas where conditions permit. Encourage qualified areas to carry out home appliance and furniture decoration to the countryside, and support rural residents to buy green smart home products and carry out home decoration according to local conditions.

IV. Focus on optimizing the consumption environment

(10) standardize the market order. Improve the standards and specifications of home decoration, and implement the "leader" system of enterprise standards in the home furnishing industry. Crack down on counterfeit and shoddy, jerry-built, price cheating and other acts in the field of household consumption according to law. We will improve the credit evaluation system of the home furnishing industry, promote typical cases of honest operation, encourage industry associations and other industries to explore and implement the "blacklist" system of the home furnishing industry, and guide the market entities to operate in good faith. Guide home improvement enterprises to strengthen the training of employees, organize employees to actively participate in vocational skills competitions, and improve service quality.

(Xi) strengthen policy support. Encourage financial institutions to strengthen credit support for household consumption, reasonably determine loan interest rate and repayment period, optimize approval process and improve financial services under the premise of compliance with laws and controllable risks, instant online promotion. Encourage financial institutions to strengthen cooperation with home furnishing enterprises, home furnishing stores enterprises and home furnishing enterprises, and provide financing support for merchants and upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain. Support qualified commercial network projects such as home furnishing stores to issue real estate investment trust funds (REITs) in infrastructure. Continue to support the urban old community residents to withdraw housing accumulation fund for self-occupied housing transformation such as installing elevators, and expand the scope of policy support to the transformation of self-occupied housing and elevators for parents of both spouses.

All regions should strengthen organizational leadership, formulate specific implementation plans, refine work measures, summarize and promote typical experiences, strengthen publicity and guidance, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of grassroots organizations such as neighborhood committees and communities, further stimulate the vitality of various market entities, enhance residents' willingness to consume, and release the potential of household consumption. The competent department of commerce should strengthen coordination and linkage with relevant departments to promote the implementation of various policies and measures as soon as possible. ******************************

Ministry of Commerce

National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Ministry of Civil Affairs

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Ministry of Natural Resources

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas

People's Bank of China

General Administration of market supervision

General Administration of financial supervision

China Securities Regulatory Commission

July 12, 2023