Champion Help, Strong Combination! The Signing Ceremony of Zuo Tian Door and Window Brand Image Ambassador Was a Complete Success!

from:Network date:2021-12-17 reading:1907

On December 16, 2021, the signing ceremony of the ambassador of the brand image of doors and windows of zuotian aldehyde removal system was held in Changsha, Hunan province. Liu Tian, the world diving champion, was officially signed as the ambassador of zuotian's brand image. Champion strength blessing, inject a strong force into the brand, and promote the brand development to a new level.

Dong Shuqiang, general manager of Zuo tian doors and windows, shook hands with Liu Tian, the world diving champion.

General manager of Zuo tian doors and windows, general manager of four regional operation centers and world diving champion Liu Tian

There is no doubt that sports champion is the best choice for brand image symbol. Sports Champions bring their own competitive sports spirit quality, which is hard to fight, brave to break through and dare to surpass, and will play a positive role in brand marketing. Its quality is not only consistent with brand culture and values, it can also close the distance between brands and consumers, and enhance the brand's perception and credibility in consumers' hearts. Zuo tian doors and windows have been deeply cultivated in the field of doors and windows for many years, and the Zuo tian group, which has the champion quality, has naturally made such a wise choice.

Mr. Wu Zhihong, chairman of Zuo tian doors and windows, awarded the "Best Contribution Award" to the general manager of Zuo tian Hunan operation center, the general manager of Jiangxi operation center, the general manager of Hubei operation center and the general manager of Guizhou operation center respectively"

Wu sifu, operation director of Zuo tian doors and windows, took a group photo with four general managers of regional operation centers.

When the quality of the champion meets the strength of the champion, the strong and powerful have jointly gained the brand effect of 1 1 and more than 2, which not only helps the brand to take responsibility and commitment to the product quality, but also helps the brand marketing to reach a new height. Zuo tian firmly believes that this strong cooperation with Liu Tian, the world diving champion, will accelerate the pace of brand upgrading. Let's wait and see together!