Good for Home Decoration Doors and Windows? The State Passed "Several Measures on Promoting Household Consumption"

from:Network date:2023-07-25 reading:1184

Liu He: the real estate industry is the pillar industry of China's national economy, and the huge demand potential will provide strong support for the development of the real estate industry...... I believe that readers will certainly be able to understand Premier Liu's point of view. It should be said that there are always those who want to live bigger, newer and more proud? Besides the rich, how many people are very satisfied with their existing housing? But the premise is to have a corresponding source of "income" and not to let the beautiful living enjoyment stay in the dream forever. But now it seems that there is something wrong with the circulation of "money". I feel that it cannot flow! Therefore, from the state and government to industries, enterprises and individuals, they are all in a hurry, no, the new policy is coming again!

Cailian, June 29, 2023: Premier Li Qiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council and deliberated and passed the "ruoqian measures on promoting household consumption". The meeting pointed out that, household consumption is more than correlative field, the upstream and downstream chains are long, and the scale is large. Targeted measures are taken to boost household consumption and economic recovery.. To lay a good combination of policies and promote household consumption, the policy should be consistent old community transformation, residential aging transformation, the construction of convenience life circle, improvement of waste materials recycling network and other policies are coordinated and coordinated to form a joint force to promote consumption. It is necessary to improve the quality and level of supply, encourage enterprises to provide more personalized and customized household goods, further enhance residents' consumption willingness and help improve the quality of life.

The executive meeting of the State Council held on June 29, 2023 deliberated and passed "several measures on promoting household consumption" to deploy relevant measures on promoting household consumption. At present, household consumption composed of energy-saving doors and windows, intelligent hardware and other elements is related to residents' quality of life. Under the background of consumption upgrading, one of the key points of household consumption is upgrading quality, it includes not only the upgrading of living facilities, but also the improvement of living environment. Promoting the coordination of household consumption policy with old residential area transformation, residential aging transformation, convenient life circle construction and other policies is not only conducive to promoting the release of consumption potential, but also conducive to meeting the needs of improving residents' living quality. In recent years, with the upgrading of residents' consumption, Greening, intelligence and customization have gradually become new trends in household consumption. The meeting proposed to improve the quality and level of supply, encourage enterprises to provide more personalized and customized household goods, further enhance residents' consumption willingness and help improve the quality of life.

Why do you want to stimulate household consumption? What is the impact on doors, windows and building materials? Expanding domestic demand and promotional fees, the big move has begun! If thousands of measures on promoting household consumption were reviewed and approved, why did it stimulate the household industry? 1. The industrial chain is long, the household consumption is more than correlative field, the upstream and downstream chains are long, and the scale is large. The household consumption is boosted, which is undoubtedly conducive to economic recovery. 2. It belongs to the real estate industry chain, including the transformation of old residential areas, changing doors and windows, changing hardware, installing elevators, interior decoration, household appliances, furniture, etc. Main impact: KUKa, Sofia, Zhibang home, European style home, etc. At the same time, it also includes feiyu, Royal School, Yibiao, zhiyuxuan, Amberg and other home decoration doors and windows brands. And hardware accessories, home decoration sealant, adhesive strip and other related industries. The home industry is facing heavy policy catalysis, and the trillion-level market will undergo major changes.!
At present, the concentration of door and window products in the field of home furnishing is still relatively low. It seems that the competition in the future will become increasingly fierce. The market rules of survival of the fittest will help and promote the sustainable growth of high-quality enterprises.
In addition, industry experts also believe that, on the one hand, we should promote the supply of high quality household products by establishing and perfecting relevant quality standards; On the other hand, we should encourage and support enterprises to plus-sized the strength of product research and development and innovation, use big data to accurately meet and create consumer demand, improve customized services and high quality products, and effectively meet the needs of improving quality and upgrading household consumption.