2023 Delanshini Doors and Windows National Distributor Summit and New Product Release Conference Ended Successfully!

from:Network date:2023-07-27 reading:1235

On July 8, 2023, "the world of virtue, the future of win-win"-2023 delanshini doors and windows national distributor Summit and new product launch conference were held at Yanshan yinye hotel in Heshan, Jiangmen city. This meeting has received extensive attention from all walks of life. Mr. Wang Pengfei, chairman of Delan Shini doors and windows, Ms. Wang Ying, executive president of Delan Shini doors and windows, Mr. Liao Xianhua, marketing director of Delan Shini doors and windows, attended the conference with many senior executives, and gathered together with outstanding dealers from all continents.

01 virtue in the world, win-win in the future, the future will not change its original mind

Opening speech Delan Shini doors and windows-executive president Ms. Wang Ying

At the beginning of the summit, Ms. Wang Ying, CEO of Delan Shini gate, delivered a speech at the summit. First of all, I would like to thank all Delan Shini's family for their persistence and hard work, which made Delan Shini's doors and windows develop steadily. At the summit, the market economy in 2023 and delansini's future development were analyzed.

Looking back for several years, Delan Shini's original heart is still the same, virtue is the world, win-win future, let the market and consumers lead us to stride forward, with more quality products to the market, to meet different consumer demands. It is also clear that delanshini will not forget his original intention in the future and carry forward the spirit of "win-win cooperation" together.

02 2023 preemptible opportunities, short video empowerment training

This conference specially invited teacher Liu, a well-known new media operation teacher, to carry out practical training on new media marketing for dealers and assist terminal stores to master traffic passwords.

In the class, teacher Liu began to talk about the two core sections of "understanding and analyzing the early work of short videos on TikTok platform" and "The relationship between short video content and customer pain points in the early stage of Operation thinking, to analyze the operation secrets and market dividends of new media under the background of the Internet in a simple way, and to empower the terminal's new marketing in depth.

By explaining the marketing logic of short video traffic, IP positioning, account Building, understanding and use of editing platform, students can quickly understand the overall logic of platform operation and master core skills, and can carry out effective practice.

In order to let the students master the course content more deeply, teacher Liu also arranged a live oral demonstration, and the students took out their mobile phone records one after another so that they could resume their study in the future.

03 2023 new product launch

New product release delanshini doors and windows-Mr. Liao Xianhua, marketing director

This new product was released by Mr. Liao Xianhua, the marketing director of Delan Shini doors and windows, to introduce the new products of doors and windows in 2023, to continue the originality and achieve classic upgrade. It is not only a reshaping of appearance, but also a comprehensive upgrade in function, presenting new products of doors and windows of good quality and good-looking in front of everyone. Delanshini doors and windows are committed to continuous product upgrading and research and development, the continuous breakthroughs in technology and performance truly make you think what you want and make life possible.

4 million ultimate unlocking of big stores, gambling Awards

05 reward dinner lottery and performance

Before the dinner, the chairman of delansini doors and windows delivered a speech. At the dinner party, he met his friends with wine to communicate easily. I hope that delansini's family will return with full load in this banquet, in the future, we will explore new breakthroughs and win-win future for the future cooperation, innovation and efficient development of the door and window industry.

Dinner speech delanshini doors and windows-Mr. Wang Pengfei, Chairman

Carefully prepare and arrange

In the early stage of the dinner, we prepared carefully and arranged the scene carefully, revealing delansigny's attention to the dinner. Striking golden yellow, white tablecloth, elegant theme, rich and exquisite delicacies, the scene is full of high elegance and relaxed atmosphere.

Location: Yanshan yinye Hotel, Heshan, Guangdong

Exquisite performance of lottery

After the dinner, delanshini doors and windows prepared a rich lottery for dealers all over the country, which fully reflected the sincerity and strength of delanshini doors and windows to give back to dealers, for this reason, it won the praise of the majority of dealers!

After this lottery, it entered a wonderful performance session. There were not only colorful dance programs, but also interesting songs singing on the scene. Both inside and outside the venue were filled with joyful atmosphere.

At this session, this "the world of virtue, the future of win-win" delanshini doors and windows 2023 national distributor Summit and new product conference ended successfully. In the future, delanshini doors and windows will focus on product innovation and research, build a marketing control system, optimize the business structure, implement new measures of service mechanism, and initially show a new path of high-quality development.

Although the road is far away, the line will come; Although it is difficult, it will be done. In 2023, delanshini doors and windows will work hand in hand with the vast number of sales merchants with better quality products and more professional services to firmly move forward, take advantage of the situation and win the future together!

▲All Delan Shini's family took a group photo at this national dealer summit