China Aluminum International Party Committee Held an Exchange Meeting on the Theme Education Research Results of Studying and Implementing Xi Jinping's New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

from:Network date:2023-07-28 reading:1316

On July 27, the international party committee of China Aluminum held an exchange meeting on the educational research results of the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. On Aluminum Group, Cao Shiyong, deputy leader of the first guidance group of theme education, and his party attended the meeting to guide. Li Yihua, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board of directors of China Aluminum International, presided over the meeting and made a phased summary of the investigation of the issues of the international party committee of China Aluminum. Liu Jing, deputy secretary of the Party committee and president of the company, and the company leaders Liu Ruiping, Bi Xiaoge, Zhao Hongmei, Zhou Dongfang and Si Jianhong attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the leaders of China Aluminum International focused on their respective research topics, exchanged research results, shared research results, and put forward targeted ideas, measures and countermeasures to promote the transformation and application of research results.

Cao Shiyong affirmed the achievements of the investigation and research of the international party committee of China Aluminum. He believed that the issue of the exchange meeting on the theme education research results was focused, and he dared to make a real encounter and solve difficult problems with distinctive features. China Aluminum International Party Committee attaches great importance to the investigation and research work, and pays attention to the use of the five words "deep, solid, fine, accurate and effective" advocated by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the aluminum group Party group, according to the actual situation, special research has been carried out and initial results have been achieved. Next, China Aluminum International should do a solid job in the "second half article" of investigation and research, and fully understand the significance of carrying out investigation and research; To fully summarize the experience and shortcomings of investigation and research work, truly come up with effective measures and methods from top-level design and long-term planning; We should conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "promoting work through learning, make good use of the working method of" typical Guide ", comprehensively and systematically sort out the problems found in the investigation, make suggestions on the formed countermeasures and suggestions to solidify the results as soon as possible, and form the working mechanism through reform and innovation, truly transform the problem list into responsibility list and performance list to promote the company's high-quality development and the satisfaction of the masses.

Li Yihua said that with the guidance and support of the first guiding group of theme education in aluminum group, the China Aluminum International Party committee adheres to the problem orientation on the basis of comprehensively studying and comprehending Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, adhere to strict requirements, make good use of the standpoint and viewpoint methods throughout it, and focus on the key and difficult issues of the company's transformation, upgrading, reform and development to establish the subject. During the investigation, in strict accordance with the requirements of "Three implementation and one combination" and "three aspects to one communication", team members through field visits, organizing seminars, individual interviews and other methods, we conducted face-to-face communication with cadres and masses, carried out real research, and did a lot of in-depth and meticulous work, achieving the expected results. Through investigation, it further deepened the understanding of the significance of theme Education, deepened the learning, understanding and perception of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and laid a good foundation for promoting the company's high-quality development.

Li Yihua stressed that the exchange meeting of research results is a new starting point. In the next step of work, we should continue to deepen theoretical study and learn to understand and practice Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era; we should continue to carry out investigation and research, fully summarize the practical experience and lessons in the process of investigation, actively explore new ideas and methods for the transformation, upgrading, reform and development of the company, and truly make good use of "family heirloom"; We should firmly grasp the problem rectification, the problems raised at the exchange meeting should be further sorted out, similar items should be merged, the rectification and implementation list of problems should be refined, targeted measures should be formulated, and the formed countermeasures and suggestions should be solidified as soon as possible, it is necessary to ensure that officers dare to take responsibility for entrepreneurship and implement the rectification and implementation. It is necessary to hold a theme education and democratic life meeting with high quality, further strengthen the deep understanding of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to learn ideas, the achievements of strengthening party spirit are transformed into the achievements of emphasizing practice and building new achievements.

Heads of all departments of China Aluminum International attended the meeting.