Opening Bureau · Window Future | the 9 Th Standing Committee Office Meeting of Guangdong Door and Window Association Was Successfully Held in Nanhai Yile!

from:Network date:2023-07-29 reading:1365

On July 24, 2023, the office meeting of the second ninth Standing Committee of Guangdong door and window Association was successfully held in Foshan Nanhai Yile Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nanhai Yile)! The meeting aims to discuss the preparatory work of the 2023 member conference and the focus of the work in the second half of the year, and actively provide suggestions for the development of the industry.

Zeng Kui, president of Guangdong doors and windows Association, president of supply chain committee Hu Zhenxian, supervisor Zhang Longwei, special consultant of Association & Ye lingju, general manager of Sina home doors and windows industry, executive president Xu Zhaoli, Wang Xianggen, zhuang Weiping, Tan Yonghan, executive chairman of the supply chain Committee, Xu Yunwang, Huang Dongjian, Leng Hongxi, Wang congya, Lin Fusheng, Xia Lin, Luo Rong, Zhang Jie, Zeng Qiang, longqingyuan and Secretariat drama Jiang, He zhuotao, Zhong Juan, Peng SINA and Fan Xiaoyan attended the meeting, which was presided over by Zeng Qiang, chairman of Nanhai Yile.

The meeting held discussions and resolutions according to the agenda. The members of the Standing Committee expressed their opinions, brainstormed their ideas and made suggestions for the development of the industry. The office meeting of the Standing Committee was very effective. It clearly defined the work direction of the association in the second half of the year from multiple dimensions and took responsibility for the key work. It was committed to making 2023 a higher specification, more feelings, annual industry event with greater communication and influence. Window new driver, Green see the future! Please look forward to it!

After the meeting, under the leadership of the chairman of Nanhai Yile Zeng Qiang, the Standing Committee visited Nanhai Yile laboratory and exhibition hall together. Nanhai Yile has always insisted on only making national standard insulation strips to protect the high-quality development of the door and window industry.