Consolidate the Foundation and Win at the Terminal | Fuxuan Whole House Doors and Windows Central China Mid-Year Summit D6 Tour Training Meeting Ended Successfully

from:Network date:2023-07-29 reading:1305

The Times care for the strivers, and the Starlight does not bear the people who are on the road. On July 27-28, fuxuan's doors and windows of the whole House held a mid-year summit and D6 tour training in Wuhan, Hubei province and ended perfectly. What you really want is not just as simple as standing on tiptoe. All the gains must go all out and be desperate. Fuxuan will work with you to prepare for success.

The senior lecturers of fuxuan Business School have brought you very practical marketing knowledge and practical cases, so that the dealers present not only learned rich product knowledge and clever sales skills, especially in marketing practice, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and benefited a lot. NO.01 consolidate the foundation and be invincible

Six excellent courses to get through talent, strategy and technology. Fuxuan's whole house doors and windows this D6 training has set up six-step sales transaction, ten reasons for invitation, one routine and good product, four-step expository approach for corner Group, the six excellent courses of "big deal of small props" and "design and marketing-scheme transaction" are practical and practical and fruitful.

Through the transaction skills, documentary tools, product display, corner explanation, skillful use of props and design schemes, etc., students can quickly understand and how to use their own rich resources and open the first step of sales transaction.

NO.02 customs clearance exam to help deal every customs clearance exam is the help of transaction. During the training process, the on-site customs clearance examination is specially set up to help students understand the mastery of knowledge in a timely manner and thoroughly understand, consolidate and improve each Knowledge Point, especially when encountering some specious problems, you can ask the training teacher face to face immediately to answer your doubts. On the spot, you can sort out your knowledge clearly, absorb it thoroughly, and grow rapidly, so that every step before the transaction is clear!

After two days of actual practice, Fu Xuan students on the scene expressed that they had gained a lot and felt more motivated.

Life is like a savings bank. Every effort you put into will give back to you one day in the future. I hope that the students can keep in mind the knowledge learned in class, give full play to the practical spirit, apply the knowledge learned to the actual marketing practice, and compete in the door and window market with a more professional attitude, facing difficulties and seizing opportunities.