Industry Alliance and Nanhai Aluminum Association Group Participated in 2023 China's Industrial Transfer Development Docking Activities (Guangxi)

from:Network date:2023-08-02 reading:1394

On July 30, 2023 China's industrial transfer development docking activity (Guangxi) successfully opened in Nanning. Relevant local governments, industrial parks, key enterprises, industry associations, scientific research institutes of colleges and universities, more than 2,000 representatives from relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and subordinate institutions gathered together to discuss new ideas and paths for the development of the industry and unlock high-quality "new passwords for development".

Join Hands and cooperate deeply

Deeply participate in the "national name" event

At the invitation of Baise Municipal People's Government and Baise municipal Aluminum Industry Association, Guangdong (Nanhai) aluminum processing Industry Alliance, the aluminum profile industry association in Nanhai district of Foshan City was led by Lu Jiyan, executive vice chairman of the industry alliance. Nearly 20 leaders of the alliance member enterprises participated in the industrial transfer docking meeting and conducted more work with Baise aluminum industry association after the docking meeting. Networking, enhance the working feelings of alliances and associations between the two places.

2023 China's industrial transfer docking activities are co-sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region to" share the new advantages of coastal port along the border and build a new highland for industrial cooperation"As the theme, a series of activities such as local market promotion, field investigation and Project Signing were carried out around Guangxi's advantageous industries such as equipment manufacturing, raw materials, electronic information and light industry, it is the only" national name "event with the theme of industrial transfer docking in the country. Member enterprises of the industry alliance participated in many agenda of the conference in depth and contributed wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of Guangxi aluminum industry.

Experience the vigorous development of Baise aluminum industry at close range

In the same period, 2023 China industrial transfer and development docking activities (Guangxi) · special docking activities of new ecological aluminum industry were held in Nanning. A group of people from the industry alliance actively participated in the docking activities of Baise aluminum industry. On the basis of listening carefully to the intimate explanations given by the autonomous region government, they deeply understood the development status and actual needs of Baise city. The project signing ceremony was also held on the spot, among them, Baise City signed 31 projects with a total investment of 14.739 billion yuan, showing a strong trend of high-quality development. Industry Alliance a group of people will feel the vigorous source energy of Baise aluminum industry with heart, and feel the government's key concern and strong support for Baise aluminum industry.

Meeting site.

At the meeting, He Xinxing, vice chairman of the CPPCC and member of the party group of the autonomous region, attended the event and delivered a welcome speech.

At the meeting, GE Guoke, deputy secretary of Baise Municipal Committee and mayor of municipal people's government, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Mo Xinda, deputy director of light metals department of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, delivered a keynote speech on the analysis of key points of attention to the development of China's aluminum industry.

Lu Jian, deputy secretary general of China Nonferrous Metal Processing Industry Association and director of aluminum department, delivered a keynote speech on the operation and focus analysis of China's aluminum processing industry.

Cai Qifeng, general manager of Aladdin Capital Management Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on the development of modern aluminum industry and the application of new industries.

Signing ceremony.

Baise Aluminum Industry Association is the first aluminum industry association in southwest and south China. As early as before, Nanhai Aluminum Association has concluded a friendly association with it, and the two sides have always maintained close contact and communication, in the process of mutual promotion of exchanges and deepening cooperation, the two sides empower each other and jointly promote, and are committed to creating a new situation of win-win cooperation and becoming "good brothers" on the aluminum industry front ".

Strengthen friendly exchanges between associations

Global chain

How to promote the high-quality development of Baise aluminum industry? How to further realize the new pattern of industrial interconnection, complementary advantages and coordinated development and build a high-end aluminum community? This is not only a difficult problem in front of Baise city, but also a problem in front of the entire aluminum industry. As a friendly association of Baise Aluminum Industry Association, the South China Sea Aluminum Association visited Guangxi, China's "hometown of nonferrous metals" and the zone where aluminum ore resources are enriched, and witnessed its advanced pace of high-quality development in the deep participation of the conference, while reaching a consensus to strengthen exchanges and complement each other, we will also give full play to our own strength, continuously contribute wisdom, and further promote the coordinated development of the two regions, promote the circulation of relevant elements and resources of aluminum industry in a wider range and ignite the "unstoppable trend" of industrial development ".

For the industry alliance and Nanhai Aluminum Association, this meeting is of great significance., for a long time, the industry alliance and Nanhai Aluminum Association have always been committed to jointly building a more professional and trend aluminum industry platform based on the South China Sea, facing the whole country, and actively developing global aluminum industry partners, expand the convergence of interests between each other, move from part to whole, move from region to global, better promote exchanges and mutual assistance, develop mutual assistance and learn from experience, and promote the all-round opening of domestic aluminum industry.

Looking back on this year, the footprints of the aluminum processing industry alliance have spread all over the north and south of the river. A series of solid footprints show not only efforts to promote technological exchanges and expand the industrial chain, it has laid a solid foundation for the long-term sound development of the industry. During the activity, the industry alliance and Nanhai Aluminum Association also helped member enterprises expand their industry horizons and understand industry dynamics, it provides more directions and guidelines for member enterprises to take the road of coordination and linkage more firmly and United.

Learn More

According to reports, Baise City is the first key development and opening experimental area covering the whole region at prefecture level in the country. It is also the demonstration base of ecological aluminum industry in the country and the frontier and window of China's open cooperation towards ASEAN. After more than 30 years, Baise aluminum industry has grown from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, gradually to Baise industrial pillar, and has grown into Guangxi's 100 billion yuan aluminum industry cluster, in 2022, Baise industrial added value ranked third in the region, and the output value of aluminum industry exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time.

Baise city has rich advantages in aluminum ore resources. Baise is a national ecological aluminum industry demonstration base, and the aluminum industry has become half of Baise industry and an important force for industrial development in Guangxi. At present, the whole industry chain of "bauxite-alumina-electrolytic aluminum-aluminum processing-recycled aluminum" has been developed. In 2022, the total output value of aluminum industry in the city was 104.5 billion yuan, accounting for over 80% of Guangxi's aluminum industry, while the total output value of aluminum and supporting industries exceeded 130 billion yuan. The output of alumina was 9.5933 million tons, accounting for 11.38 percent of the whole country, accounting for 79 percent of the region; 1.7243 million tons of electrolytic aluminum, accounting for 5.24 percent of the country, accounting for 79.8 percent of the region; 2.0604 million tons of aluminum processing, accounting for 3.5 percent of the country, the heavy group of data, which accounted for 78.6 of the whole district, fully demonstrated the new achievements of Baise aluminum industry development.

However, it cannot be ignored that the problems of Baise aluminum industry, such as weak deep processing capability, low added value of products and less end products, are still the biggest "pain point" currently facing ", in the future, we will continue to optimize the structure of the aluminum industry, extend the deep processing of aluminum, promote the high-end, intelligent, green and international development of the aluminum industry, and walk out a new path of high-quality development of the aluminum industry with Baise characteristics.