Iron Blood Cast Army Soul · Build a Chinese Dream Together | Yihe Doors and Windows Warmly Celebrate the 96 Th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. the Theme Activity Was Successfully Held!

from:Network date:2023-08-02 reading:1469

Continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of the iron army. In order to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, we will solidly promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's ideological theme education of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and vigorously carry forward the spirit of patriotism and the glorious tradition of double support, create a good corporate atmosphere of caring for veterans, and stimulate the enthusiasm of all employees to consciously practice their original intentions and missions. On August 1st, the day of Army Day, yihe doors and windows at the headquarters, "Iron Blood casting army soul · building Chinese dream together" was held ceremoniously-the theme activity of warmly celebrating the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yihe doors and windows zeng Kui, chairman of the board of directors of the company, and Hu Chao, general manager of the company, attended the event with more than 1,500 veterans and employees from various departments.

01. Review the military oath and keep the initial heart of struggle forever

The event kicked off in the solemn singing. The Flag Guard Party flag, the national flag, and the Army Flag entered. The three bright red flags reflected each other, inspiring yihe doors and windows under the guidance of Party building, we are striving for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Later, all veterans raised their right hands and clenched their fists tightly to relive the military oath.

The short oath of less than a hundred words turned into the soul of the immortal army, which was full of passion and cast into the hot blooded of "if there is war, call it back, it not only shows the firm belief and fine style of veterans who are determined to follow the party, but also encourages the overall personnel to firmly believe in their ideals and beliefs and shine in their posts with more full enthusiasm for work, strive to create a new situation in the work of veterans in the new era.

02. Carry forward the spirit of the Iron Army and build up the patriotic belief

There is a soul in my heart and a root under my feet. In order to encourage the veterans and all employees of the enterprise to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, follow the party, and devote themselves to their posts with an inspiring mental state, high working morale and pragmatic work style, better promote the company's high-quality development. At the activity site, a queue meeting competition was held. All the members of the square composed of various departments were energetic, high-morale, correct posture, and the commander's password was accurate and forceful, this is a great review of the quality and spiritual outlook of all employees, and it is also a powerful reflection of promoting the spirit of the Iron Army and building up patriotic beliefs.

After a round of excellent competition, the champion, runner-up and third place teams were finally selected, yihe doors and windows zeng Kui, the chairman of the board of directors of the company, awarded the banner of honor to the winning department, and said that the company would continue to cultivate the corporate culture with the spirit of the Army, support the development of the enterprise with the executive power of the Army, and join hands with everyone to gather the red power, build an excellent team!

03. Insist on strong roots to cast souls and inspire high morale

At the meeting, yihe doors and windows zeng Kui, chairman of the board of directors of the company, made an important keynote speech. Zeng Dong first expressed his congratulations on the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and his high respect for the soldiers, we also express our sincere gratitude and full affirmation to the veterans of the company for their conscientious, diligent and solid work in their respective positions and making positive contributions to the development of the company. At the same time, the following two hopes are put forward for all employees:

First, all the veterans and employees of the company should cherish the great power of the country, always have the spirit of struggle of "being brave to take responsibility and dare to shine the sword", and unite with unity, friendship and mutual help to form a "dare to fight a tough battle, the team that can win the battle will be the" comrades "of each other to meet the greater challenges in the market torrent.

The second is to establish a vanguard and exemplary role in their own posts, carry forward the fine tradition of "striving for the upper reaches and walking ahead", enhance the sense of honor and belonging, and also have a sense of responsibility, mission and urgency, everyone has achieved "being able to carry heavy responsibilities and bear heavy responsibilities", forging the General Steel will and perseverance of soldiers.

04. Sing the red melody and inherit the red gene

Sing the main theme of the times and transmit red positive energy. At the end of the conference, Zeng Dong wore honor big red flower for veterans, issued honor certificates, and extended holiday care and blessings to them. All the personnel on the scene sang "The military song of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" together, and the loud singing integrated everyone's love for the motherland, deep feelings for the party and respect for the People's Army into it, creating a moving forward, positive corporate culture atmosphere.

The new journey calls for new responsibilities, and the new mission inspires new actions. This activity enhanced the sense of acquisition, happiness and honor of veterans in the enterprise. At the same time, it also urged all employees to devote their work enthusiasm and fighting spirit to practical actions, work hard on the company's broad platform and continue to contribute to the company's high-quality development. Finally, in this special festival, yihe doors and windows all colleagues salute the most lovely people's soldiers! Salute to Chinese soldiers who stick to and dedicate! Pay tribute to the Army members who have been selfless! Happy August 1st Army Day!