Royal Doors and Windows Become the Official Designated Doors and Windows of Hangzhou Asian Games

from:Network date:2022-01-12 reading:1617

On January 10, the official designated doors and windows conference of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou 2022with the theme of "leading the Royal faction of the Asian Games and always moving forward" was held ceremoniously on the 108th floor of Guangzhou Rosewood hotel. Liang qiangyong, vice minister of the market development department of Hangzhou sub-committee, Zhu Fuqing, chairman of the Royal Doors and windows, Yi Siling, Olympic champion, Jiang Wenwen & Jiang Tingting, Asian Games champion, Chen Xiong, deputy director of the operation department of the market development department of sub-committee, xu Fengyun, curator of the official archive of the Yao AO Council, Zhang renjiang, secretary general of the furniture Decoration Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Hua Qian Sheng, head of the China Construction Expo, Jiang Dehui, executive president of the Guangdong Household industry federation, Ji Jing, general manager of Sina household, hu Yanli, national editor-in-chief of NetEase home furnishing design, Ye lingju, general manager of Sina home furnishing and doors and windows division, and other guests attended the conference with many media. At the meeting, the Royal Doors and windows officially announced to be the official designated doors and windows of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou in 2022!

Becoming the official designated doors and windows of Hangzhou Asian Games is the best embodiment of the emperor's leading comprehensive strength in the door and window industry. At the beginning of its establishment, the Royal Doors and windows established the idea of value innovation. They were intensively cultivated in the field of high-end doors and windows, forged brands with quality, and successively obtained double quality certification in Europe and Australia, it has 152 national patent technologies, and its stores cover 700 cities nationwide. It has gained immortal achievements in products, technologies, services, terminals and other aspects, and has always been in the leading position in the industry. The official designated doors and windows of the Hangzhou Asian Games was elected this time, which further established the "leader" position of the Royal Doors and windows in the Chinese door and window market.

At the beginning of the conference, Liang qiangyong, vice minister of the market development department of Hangzhou sub-committee, delivered a speech. He said that the Royal Doors and windows were national brands and finally became the official designated doors and windows of Hangzhou Asian Games after strict review. Leading the Asian Games royal faction · always forward is the embodiment of the royal spirit and sports spirit.

Photo | Liang qiangyong, vice minister of market development department of Hangzhou sub-committee

zhu Fuqing, chairman of huangpai doors and windows, delivered a speech, saying that the enterprise belief of "ideal, action, persistence and transcendence" of huangpai doors and windows is highly consistent with the spirit of athletes to challenge the limits and break through themselves. As a national enterprise, the Royal Doors and windows will take the Hangzhou Asian Games as an opportunity to give the world a brand-new experience and wonderful feeling of "China's good doors and windows. At the same time, the Royal Doors and windows will continue to practice the concept of "green development", continuously improve the performance of products such as sound insulation and heat insulation, make buildings more energy-efficient, and contribute to the early realization of the "double carbon goal" of the country.

Photo | Zhu Fuqing, chairman of Royal doors and windows

the leading brands of doors and windows industry joined hands with Hangzhou Asian Games. This grand Press Conference attracted extensive attention from the domestic pan-home industry and many mainstream media. Zhang renjiang, secretary general of the furniture Decoration Chamber of Commerce of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, hu Yanli, the national editor-in-chief of NetEase home furnishing design, gave speeches on the development of the door and window industry respectively, and expressed good wishes to the Royal Doors and windows.

Photo | Zhang renjiang, secretary general of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce furniture Decoration Chamber of Commerce

photo | Hu Yanli, national chief editor of NetEase home design

in addition, in order to pay tribute to the champion spirit, Yi Siling, the gold medalist of women's 10 m air rifle in London Olympic Games, also came to the conference site to cheer. Yi Siling, as a user of royal doors and windows, shared her enthusiasm. Looking back on her road to the Cup, she deeply sighed: "It is the same to be a champion and a good door and window, I have felt this in the doors and windows of the Royal School. They constantly break through details, improve quality and perfect service. Like our athletes, they compete with themselves day after day, because only by doing themselves well and strengthening themselves, only in this way can we truly achieve our goals. In recent years, seeing the rapid development of national brands really makes me feel very pleased and proud ".

Photo | Olympic champion Yi Si Ling

the conference also invited the Asian Games champion Jiang Wenwen & Jiang Tingting. As China's flower swimming and double pride, they not only have extraordinary achievements in the field of synchronized swimming, but also live a wonderful life after retirement. "The royal faction has always advocated a positive attitude towards life, which is a kind of sports spirit. By constantly trying to explore, we can gain the strength to move forward." Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting both recognized the good-looking design of the Royal Doors and windows and their determination to create a better living life, and said: "The Royal doors and windows have done very well in terms of sound insulation and heat insulation, I am also very happy to be one of the thousands of consumers of royal doors and windows."

picture | National synchronized swimming athlete Jiang Wenwen & Jiang Tingting

in the subsequent forum of the "leading road of doors and windows" Salon, Zhu Fuqing, chairman of Royal doors and windows, Chen Xiong, deputy director of the operation department of market development department of Hangzhou sub-committee, Yi Siling, Olympic champion, xu Fengyun, curator of the official archive of the Yao AO Council, Ji Jing, general manager of Sina home furnishing, Ye lingju, general manager of Sina home furnishing and Windows division, and other guests shared their views on the leading way of doors and windows, and we have a heated discussion on the current situation of the industry and the opportunities and challenges of future development, which has led the scene to another new Climax!

The success of this signing made all the royal people feel extremely excited. In their view, it is the pride of all the Chinese people to cheer for the Asian Games, shout for the Chinese team, and cheer for the Chinese team's athletes. Leading with the Chinese team and winning together also made the Royal Doors and windows proud as a Chinese enterprise.

As an enterprise with a high sense of social mission, committed to guarding a better living life and leading the industry forward, signing the Hangzhou Asian Games is only the first step of the "leading" plan of the emperor's doors and windows. In the future, royal doors and windows will provide consumers with better products and services, set up for China's home furnishing industry new generation champion quality doors and windows standard, constantly promote the door and window industry to a higher level and a higher standard!