Warmly Welcome the Leaders of Nanhai District Economic Promotion Bureau to Visit Nanhai District Aluminum Doors and Windows Hardware Decoration Industry Association

from:Network date:2023-08-05 reading:1564

On August 3, Yang Yiheng, deputy director of Nanhai District Economic Promotion Bureau and vice chairman of Nanhai district committee of Guangdong province of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Lu Zhenjie, chief of industrial development unit of Nanhai District Economic Promotion Bureau, deputy head of group Li Weizhen, feng Yan and other party visited the Nanhai area aluminum doors and windows hardware decoration industry association to carry out a visit and research seminar. They were warmly received by Li Guomin, the president of the association, Zhou Baogen, Xiao Weibiao, and Cao Qiaoling, the executive vice president of the association.

The research team first visited the strategic partner Unit of the aluminum doors and windows hardware decoration industry association in Nanhai district and the live e-commerce incubation base: Chuangwei short video platform. Since the rapid development of live broadcast industry, I will organize member enterprises to carry out e-commerce research activities many times to quickly popularize e-commerce skills for members. Mr. Shen Huanqin, head of the base, explained the importance of combining short videos with traditional door and window industry. The door and window hardware industry uses TikTok platform to create its own brand IP, shape its brand image, and expand online channels, it is conducive to breaking the dilemma of reducing the flow of customers in the traditional market and realizing overtaking in corners.

Later, the research team visited the hardware exhibition hall of Guangdong Yongxin door and window hardware Technology Co., Ltd. President Li accompanied the introduction.

In the meeting room of the Association, President Li reported the overall situation of the door and window industry in the first half of the year, as well as the current challenges and opportunities, hoping to strengthen cooperation and exchanges between government and enterprises in the future, it is suggested that government projects support diversification, jointly boost the development of enterprises, optimize the business environment, and promote the high-quality development of the South China Sea economy.

Director Yang gave full affirmation to my work. He said that the industry group can promote the expansion of the industrial scale, and hope that the association can do a good job in the bridge of government and enterprise communication, around the industrial chain, build a "two-way" bridge between supply and demand, grasp the opening opportunity of e-commerce Internet, and help the integration and development of traditional manufacturing industry and new media.