In Hot Summer, There Are Wonderful Ways to Heat Insulation

from:Network date:2023-08-05 reading:1632

Before the winter clothes could be collected, the spring song list was not ready yet, and suddenly it came to summer. Curb fried egg, magnifying glass ignition, these are not telling jokes, but really can be achieved, because the highest temperature in the country has reached more than 40 degrees!

Outdoor can't stay for a quarter of an hour. Although there is an air conditioner in the room, it is still not cool when the air conditioner is turned on. Then what is the reason?

Relevant data show that the energy consumption lost through doors and windows in daily life accounts for about 50% of the energy consumption of buildings and homes. As the "main channel" connecting indoor and outdoor, doors and windows have a significant impact on indoor temperature. When the air conditioner is turned on, the traditional doors and windows are airtight and have poor heat insulation performance, and the cold air slides away directly, which greatly reduces the effect of the air conditioner.

So, how can we make doors and windows more insulated and save electricity in summer? The answer is system energy-saving doors and windows. This summer follows the pace of the doors and windows of Ming Dynasty, driving away the hot heat and bringing the cool home.

Improving the thermal insulation performance of doors and windows is mainly reflected in three aspects:

1. Glass is new and expensive, and there are wonderful ways to heat insulation

As the main structure of windows, the thermal radiation of glass is the main source of indoor heat. The summer sunshine lasts for a long time, and the sunlight passes through the glass and shines directly indoors. Part of the thermal radiation is absorbed or reflected by the glass, and the other part is released indoors, which keeps the indoor temperature rising.

Therefore, Low-e hollow glass is selected for the doors and windows of Ming Dynasty. As the upstart in coated glass, Low-e hollow glass has the characteristics of high light transmission and low radiation, which can reflect most of the light radiation energy, reduce the heat radiation energy entering the room, and fully protect the comfortable temperature of the home. Since the Low-e film layer is sealed in the hollow glass, users do not need special maintenance, just keep the glass surface clean.

Two or three sealing systems, heat insulation helper

Sealant strip is the key to the sealing of doors and windows, and it is also an important part to block the incoming heat.

Mingqi doors and windows products adopt innovative multi-cavity structure design, combining EPDM foam strip with three sealing structures inside the profile cavity, making the joints of the window tight and reducing heat step by step, it improves the thermal insulation performance of the whole window and makes the home environment cooler and more comfortable.

3. Multi-cavity broken bridge structure, heat insulation has Foundation

Window frame is the backbone part of the window. The tightness and thermal conductivity of its material will affect the indoor temperature. Only through systematic and scientifically designed profile structure can the advantages of heat insulation and energy saving of doors and windows be brought into full play.

The doors and windows of Mingqian are made of high-quality original aluminum "multi-cavity bridge breaking structure", which is matched with heat insulation strips to reduce thermal conductivity, effectively resist thermal expansion and contraction, and greatly reduce the heat transfer between indoor and outdoor, let the air conditioner no longer use "high energy consumption.

Do a good job in the first step of door and window insulation, no longer worry about the summer heat. This summer, the doors and windows were selected for more than one summer.