Yasahelai Guoqiang Hardware Held a Grand "Golden Autumn Student Aid"

from:Network date:2023-08-08 reading:1996

On August 7, yasahelai Guoqiang hardware held a grand "golden autumn student aid" activity. Yasahelai Guoqiang hardware gave grants to students with excellent college entrance examination scores and invited them to visit the company.

During this activity, the students felt the concern and support of the company and had a deeper understanding of the company's development and social responsibility.

Visit the company

Through the visit, they learned about the development process of Guoqiang hardware and felt the important contribution of the company in technological innovation and social responsibility.

After the visit, a symposium was held in the company. The company leaders encouraged students to continue to study hard, set up lofty goals, give full play to their advantages and contribute to the progress of society and the country.

Finally, outstanding student representatives made a speech. They thanked the company for its financial aid and care, saying that they benefited a lot from this visit and exchange. They expressed their expectations for the future, hoping to become useful talents of the country and create more value for the society through their own efforts.