Empower New Business Forms and Release New Dynamic Energy | 2024 Beijing Custom Home Door Industry Exhibition New Departure!

from:Network date:2023-08-09 reading:2091

2023 is the breaking year for the reform, innovation, transformation and upgrading of the home furnishing industry. The industry integration and shuffling speed up, market competition has become increasingly fierce... CIDE Beijing custom home industry exhibition, as an important platform for the Asia-Pacific Home customer-made market, has been deeply engaged in the industry for 20 years, aiming at helping enterprises develop and integrate resources, it is an indispensable industry event to promote customization and new machines in the door and window market. Keep pushing the concept of Chen innovation and service industry, the 21st China International door industry exhibition and the 9th China International integrated customized home furnishing exhibition (referred to as "CID 2024 Beijing custom Home door Industry Exhibition ") will open in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Pavilion) on March 13-16. In 2024, CIDE Beijing custom home Industry Exhibition will be upgraded and planned, give full play to the function of innovation agglomeration, stimulate the industry centripetal force, build China's high-end custom trend platform, and offer the industry a more professional, brand-based, high-level and high-quality industry event.


Follow the trend

Take advantage of the momentum and gather strong

In 2023, China's home furnishing market gradually recovered. In July this year, with the release of relevant state departments to support the stable development of real estate, "Notice on several measures to promote household consumption" and multiple favorable policies such as expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption, such as restoring and expanding 20 measures, have released the demand for offline communication, the gradual recovery of residents' consumption confidence will further promote the household industry to be full of vitality. As a platform and bridge, exhibition industry plays a unique role in promoting the connection between supply and demand and leading the consumption trend. It is an important platform and carrier for promoting household consumption. CIDE 2024 Beijing custom Home the door industry exhibition keeps pace with the times, takes innovation as the lead, takes advantage of the general environment to start, and comprehensively explores new ways to empower the industry and help the enterprise's performance growth under the new situation.

In 2024, the exhibition will adhere to the concept of diversified development and cross-border integration to gain insight into customer needs, actively chain production suppliers, home market, decoration/decoration companies, design agencies, industry associations and mainstream home media constantly promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry, and promote the comprehensive cross-border integration of customized home resources such as customization, assembly, door and wall cabinet industry chain through exhibition platforms and series of high-end activities in the same period, build a multi-development high-value business service platform integrating product innovation, technological innovation, design innovation, service innovation and concept innovation to provide people in the home industry with new horizons, new trends and new business opportunities.


8-hall linkage full chain collaboration

New pattern new presentation

Highlight 1,

Link customization ecosystem

Comprehensive layout multi-category integrated theme matrix

In recent years, under the background of industry reform, white-hot competition and the continuous upgrading of consumers' demand for home decoration, the customized home furnishing industry has gradually developed from a single category to a complete package, a whole family, the integration of door and wall cabinets and other large household models with multi-category integration also means that the industry has changed from market-driven to demand-driven.

In order to adapt to the changes in the market, the exhibition area of CID 2024 Beijing customized home door industry is 120,000 square meters, and 8 theme exhibition halls are linked, enhanced Customization + complete installation + door wall cabinet industry chain full product layout, on the basis of the original custom home, customization of full set furniture, door and wall cabinet integration, wooden door, high-end entry door, system doors and windows, and industrial chain, the whole customization, high definition, zero carbon and formaldehyde-free addition, original design/creative home and smart life system will draw a new look of multi-category integration in the home industry.

Highlight 2,

Strengthen brand strategy

Make full efforts to build exhibition highlights brand exhibition area

In February 2023, the outline of building a quality power issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council mentioned that "by 2035, the foundation of building a quality power will be more solid and advanced quality culture will become common practice, quality and brand comprehensive strength reach a higher level". The promotion of "quality" and "brand" has become the key words for the future growth of enterprises.

CIDE Beijing custom home industry exhibition has witnessed and promoted the growth and rise of many excellent enterprises and brands over the years. CID 2024 Beijing customized home door industry exhibition pays more attention to the superposition of dual benefits of brand and quality, and will give full play to the advantages of host resources, make every effort to create one of the highlight exhibition areas-W1 door wall cabinet customized brand Pavilion, domestic well-known door and wall cabinet integration, custom home and other industry benchmark enterprise brand demonstration, cutting-edge trend release will become the scenery of the IDE 2024 can not be missed.

Highlight 3,

Plus Code Green low carbon

The first double carbon demonstration enterprise exhibition area

At present, facing the new national standard, dual control of energy consumption and other policies under the goal of "double carbon", as well as the expansion of consumers' awareness of environmental protection to green, healthy and secure high quality household life needs, green and low-carbon consumption has become a new trend of consumption.

In response to the double carbon policy, the 2024 Beijing custom home industry exhibition launched "E4 whole custom pavilion (double carbon demonstration enterprise exhibition area)", hold the double carbon strategic achievements and double carbon, aldehyde-free outstanding enterprises centralized display and related activities, aiming to focus on the double carbon strategic achievements and double carbon key enterprise industry leading and demonstration role, highlight the responsibility of double carbon and formaldehyde-free adding enterprises to continuously innovate and promote low-carbon, energy-saving and high-quality development, encourage and support more household enterprises to actively practice green and low-carbon development, accelerate green transformation and establish new core competitiveness.

Highlight 4,

Explore trends

Deep Interpretation of home design and high-definition aesthetics

With people's pursuit of home space such as high quality, good-looking and personalized design, the development trend of high-definition products is generally high-growth. In recent years, CIDE Beijing custom home industry exhibition has gradually incorporated "design communication" into the functional system of the exhibition, taking "building China's high-end custom trend platform" as the new slogan.

CID 2024 Beijing custom home door exhibition E1 high-end assembly aesthetics Museum 」 it is set as one of the theme exhibition sections, inviting Gao Ding's complete head brands to display cutting-edge design new products, and holding "design competition", "Designer Salon" and other activities with mainstream media, design agencies and well-known designers, comprehensively analyze the trend of home design, explore a High-Definition Space integrating aesthetics and space art, and provide an efficient and accurate interactive communication platform for the upstream and downstream of the high-definition home industry chain.

CIDE 2023 Review


Creative activities

Insight into trends and explore the future together

CIDE Beijing custom home industry exhibition is an important channel for business cooperation and brand display. It is also an indispensable professional platform for industry insiders to understand market trends and control the latest developments in the industry. In this exhibition, the organizers will jointly plan with industry associations, mainstream media and other authoritative platforms, institutions and exhibitors. Six category innovation activities (industry high-end activities, design theme activities, professional activities, special activities, media activities, exhibitors activities), focusing on customization, design, intelligence, marketing and other sectors, insight into cutting-edge industry trends, help insight into business passwords, and explore high-quality development paths of the industry.

The journey was a thousand miles and the wind was strong, so he set off again. March 13-16, 2024, Beijing · China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Pavilion),CID 2024 Beijing custom Home the door industry exhibition is looking forward to joining the capital with all colleagues in the home industry to participate in the grand event and predict the future!