[Industry Development] Forecast and Analysis of the Development Status and Future Development Trend of China's Assembled Construction Industry in 2024 [Industry Development] Forecast and Analysis of the Development Status and Future Development Trend of China's Assembled Construction Industry in 2024

from:Network date:2024-02-29 reading:1233

Source of manuscript: assembled building network

With the increasing voice of global green and low-carbon transformation and sustainable development, prefabricated buildings, as an emerging force in the construction industry, have shown great development potential and broad market prospects. In recent years, our government has attached great importance to the development of prefabricated buildings and promoted their rapid development through the continuous release of a number of policies.

In January 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" construction industry development plan, clearly proposing that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the proportion of assembled buildings in new buildings should reach more than 30%. The plan also emphasizes important tasks such as building an Internet platform for the construction industry, developing landmark products of architectural robots, and cultivating intelligent construction and assembly construction industrial bases.

In April of the same year, the State Council further emphasized the importance of developing green consumption and promoted the large-scale development of green buildings in the Opinions on Further releasing consumption potential and promoting continuous recovery of consumption, and strongly advocate the development of prefabricated buildings. The opinion also proposes to actively promote green building materials and accelerate the energy-saving renovation of buildings to meet people's yearning for a better life.

In May 2022, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council jointly issued "Opinions on Promoting urbanization construction with county towns as an important carrier", which clearly pointed out that low carbonization of production and life should be promoted and green buildings should be vigorously developed. This opinion advocates the wide application of prefabricated buildings, energy-saving doors and windows, green building materials and green lighting in urbanization construction, and the full implementation of green construction to promote the green development of the county and the innovation of urban and rural construction mode.

Development Status of assembly construction industry in China

According to the analysis report on the current situation and future development trend of assembled construction industry from 2024 to 2029 by China Research Institute, entering the 21st century, with the concept of sustainable development deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and the increasing shortage of labor resources, the assembled construction industry has ushered in new development opportunities. Since 2014, the national and local governments have issued various policies to vigorously promote prefabricated buildings. With the gradual maturity of relevant technologies and technologies, China's prefabricated construction industry has entered a new stage of rapid development.

According to the data of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the newly-started assembled construction area in China reached 0.74 billion square meters in 2021, an increase of 18% compared with 2020, accounting for of the newly-built construction area. According to CCPA statistics, in the first half of 2022, the proportion of newly-started prefabricated buildings in the country to the newly-built construction area has exceeded 25%, and the total area has reached 2.4 billion square meters. It is estimated that by 2022, the area of newly-built assembled buildings in China will reach 0.838 billion square meters. In the "14th five-year" construction industry development plan "issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, it is clearly stated that by 2025, the proportion of prefabricated buildings to new buildings should reach more than 30%.

According to the report on the development of national prefabricated buildings in 2020 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Construction, China has clearly defined the three major urban agglomerations of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta as the key promotion areas of prefabricated buildings. At the same time, other cities with a resident population of more than 3 million are listed as active promotion areas, while other cities are encouraged to promote the development of prefabricated buildings. This layout aims to promote the development of prefabricated buildings according to the actual situation and development needs of different regions.

Statistics show that in 2021, the area of newly-started assembled buildings in key areas reached 0.39 billion square meters, accounting for of the area of newly-started assembled buildings in the whole country. This means that in these key areas, prefabricated buildings have a strong development momentum and have become one of the mainstream forms of new buildings.

At the same time, the area of newly-started assembly construction in the actively promoted and encouraged areas also reached 0.35 billion square meters, accounting for of the whole country. Although the development of prefabricated buildings in these areas is relatively slow, they are also making active efforts to continuously improve the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings in order to achieve the goals of green buildings and sustainable development.

Through the classification and promotion of different regions, China is gradually forming a prefabricated building development pattern based on key promotion areas, actively promoting areas, and encouraging promotion areas. This layout not only helps to improve the overall development level of assembled buildings in our country, but also lays a solid foundation for realizing green and low-carbon transformation and sustainable development.

Forecast of future development trend of China's assembly construction industry

1. Prefabricated buildings usher in a golden development period under the support of policies

As the world pays more and more attention to green and low-carbon development and sustainable development, prefabricated buildings, as an innovative building model, are receiving more and more attention. It is characterized by a large number of reduction of on-site operations, reduction of wet operations, improvement of construction efficiency, and integration of advanced digital technology, making the construction process more environmentally friendly, efficient and intelligent. In order to accelerate the progress of this industry, a series of supporting policies have been successively issued at the national level.

Taking 2022 as an example, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural development not only clearly put forward the goal of increasing the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the "14th Five-Year Plan" construction industry development plan, it also emphasizes the importance of perfecting the standard system of steel structure building. This means that the country not only attaches importance to the scale development of prefabricated buildings, but also pays attention to the perfection of its technical standards and system construction. In addition, the "Notice on Strengthening prevention and control of common problems in the quality of indemnificatory housing" released in the same year further emphasizes the importance of green buildings and advocates the wide application of green building construction methods such as assembly in the construction of indemnificatory housing, ensure housing quality and living safety.

2. The development potential of steel structure in assembled building market is increasing day by day

As an important structural form of assembled buildings, steel structure has gradually emerged in the market with its unique advantages, such as high strength, light weight and excellent seismic performance. Compared with traditional concrete structures, steel structures have faster construction speed, higher construction quality and stronger adaptability, and are especially suitable for complex structures such as high-rise, wide-spanning architecture and bridges.

With the continuous inclination of national policies, such as "public buildings preferentially adopt steel structures", the demand of steel structures in the assembled construction market will show explosive growth. This not only brings unprecedented development opportunities for steel structure industry, but also brings new growth points for related industrial chains, such as steel manufacturing, design consulting, construction and installation, etc. It is expected that in the next few years, the share of steel structure in the assembled construction market will continue to expand, becoming an important force to promote the development of the industry.