National Standard "Building Doors and Windows Solar Thermal Coefficient Test Method Simulation Light Source Method (Draft for Review)" Review Meeting Successfully Held

from:Network date:2024-03-18 reading:962

On March 15, 2024, the review meeting of the national standard "test method of solar thermal coefficient of building doors and windows simulated light source method (draft for review)" compiled by China Academy of Building Sciences Co., Ltd. and relevant units was successfully held in Beijing. The meeting was attended by experts from the competent department of standards, relevant units and members of the team. The meeting was presided over by Deputy Secretary-General Liu Huitao of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of curtain wall doors and windows. The Meeting formed a review expert group headed by Professor Yan Yuqin and vice-headed by Wang Shuangjun Professor senior engineer.

Dr. Zhang Xichen, director of the Research Center of Huanneng Science and Technology Building curtain wall doors and windows, and secretary general of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of building curtain wall doors and windows, made a speech and made a speech. He first expressed his gratitude to the leaders and experts attending the meeting for their support for the compilation of this standard. At the same time, he emphasized the significance of this standard to building energy conservation and introduced the future of our country, the development direction of window and curtain wall standardization work. Yao Tao, director of the product standards department of the standard quota Research Institute of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out that this layouts for standards conforms to the era background of internationalization of Chinese standards. He stressed that this national standard is equivalent to the ISO standard method, and the operability of this standard should be ensured on the basis of loyalty to the original text. At the same time, experts attending the meeting are required to strictly check and put forward suggestions for revision and improvement, make this standard fully coordinated and unified with China's standard system. Yan Qiang, the senior engineer representative of the Research Center of Huanneng Science and Technology Building curtain wall doors and windows of China Academy of Architectural Sciences Co., Ltd., made a detailed report on the background, compilation process and main contents of the standard project. The review expert group reviewed the standard content one by one. After full discussion, the expert group agreed that this standard was in line with China's national conditions through extensive research and reference to the experience of relevant standards at home and abroad during the compilation process, strong operability and coordination with current relevant standards. This standard method has further improved the thermal performance testing method of building doors and windows in our country, reaching the international level. The review experts unanimously agreed that the standard passed the review, and suggested that the preparation team should revise and improve the standard in time according to the review opinions, and form a report of the approval draft as soon as possible.