Notice of the Association: Notice on Carrying out the Declaration of China Wood Science and Technology Award in 2024

from:Network date:2024-03-28 reading:1033

In order to give full play to the driving role of scientific and technological innovation and promote the high-quality development of China's wood industry, in accordance with the spirit of national science and technology system reform, implement the new requirements of the Ministry of Science and Technology's "administrative measures for the establishment of science and technology awards by social forces" and the relevant guidance of the National Science and Technology Awards Office, according to the management measures of Science and Technology Award of China wood and wood products Circulation Association and its implementation rules, the association decided to carry out china Wood Technology Award 2024" for the declaration work, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

One reward range 1. Wood Technology Invention Award: in the scientific and technological progress and production activities related to the wood and wood products industry, scientific inventions should be made in the aspects of products, processes, materials and systems, so as to promote the development of wood technology and promote the adjustment of industrial structure, units and individuals that create economic or social benefits and make greater contributions to promoting economic and social development. 2. Wood Science and Technology Progress Award:1) in scientific research and production technology activities, complete products, technologies, processes, materials, designs and their popularization and application with relatively large market value; 2) in the popularization and application of scientific and technological achievements, market-oriented, actively promote the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, promote technological development or optimization of industry structure, and create greater economic or social benefits; 3) in major industrial engineering and technological transformation projects, ensuring the completion of the project and creating economic or social benefits; 4) in enterprise management, standards, scientific and technological information, measurement, in scientific and technological archives and other basic scientific and technological work and social public welfare scientific and technological undertakings, units and individuals have achieved great achievements and their application and promotion, creating social benefits. 3. Wood Science and Technology Innovation figure Award: entrepreneurs, managers and science and technology workers who lead the research in promoting scientific and technological inventions and progress in the industry, acquire certain innovative new technologies, new products and new processes, and obtain certain economic and social benefits.


Recommend and declaration measures1. Member enterprises, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes can directly declare; 2. Non-member enterprises must first apply for membership. Submit the application registration form for membership membership of China timber and wood products Circulation Association and relevant application materials to the Secretariat of the association; 3. All professional committees of the association and local wood industry associations can organize and recommend declaration.
Three declaration materials 1. Declaration of Science and Technology Award of China wood and wood products Circulation Association; 2. Recommendation of scientific and technological innovation figures of China wood and wood products Circulation Association; 3. Necessary accessories:(1) evaluation certificate. The appraisal report, evaluation report, acceptance opinion or technical inspection report issued by the authority department issued by the third party in the past three years; (2) Application certificate. Refers to the application certificate provided by the application unit of the overall technology of the project, and the application certificate must be stamped with the official seal of the application unit (legal entity). At least one application certificate shall prove that the overall technical implementation and application of the project has been completed for one year; 4. Other attachments:(1) sci-tech novelty Retrieval report. Provide the novelty Retrieval report issued by authoritative novelty retrieval agencies in the past three years (science and technology novelty Retrieval report must be provided to declare the first prize project); (2) proof of intellectual property rights. It refers to the main intellectual property certification materials that have been authorized for the project, including the home page of the invention patent claims, the computer software copyright certificate, relevant papers monographs and other intellectual property certificates, others cite representative papers monographs, search reports and other proofs; (3) other proofs. Project approval letter, contract, award certificate, special use certificate, etc.
The electronic version (PDF format) of the application materials must be the same as that of the paper materials, and the electronic version must be sent to the contact email address. The paper materials are in duplicate, and the home page must have the original official seal with the opinions of the reporting unit; The form of "major completers" should have the original signature of the person; "major completions" should have the original signature of the unit. Each reporting unit must fill in the instructions in strict accordance with the requirements of filling in the declaration form, and report all the materials at a time. Please submit the paper materials to the Secretariat of the association before the deadline.
Four deadline project declaration the deadline is May 31, 2024, no longer accepted within the time limit.

Five other matters1. No fees are charged for the award declaration. According to the principles of fairness, openness and impartiality, the association shall organize experts to review and produce according to the management measures and their implementation rules; 2. Achievement appraisal is one of the important ways to evaluate the innovation, advancement and maturity of scientific and technological achievements. Encourage the project completion unit to apply for the appraisal or evaluation of scientific and technological achievements organized by China timber and wood products Circulation Association before applying for awards;3. Where there are disputes over intellectual property rights, completion units, completion personnel, etc., the dispute shall not be declared before it is resolved; 4. Outstanding papers related to the project can be published in core industry journals recommend; 5. All application materials will be filed by the Secretariat of the Association and will not be returned.
Six contact Information contact Address: M816, Ruida Building, No. 74, Lugu Road, Shijingshan district, Beijing Tel: 010-68656836

Contact: Huang Nan 13911416368

Zhang Peng 13426281607