Achieve "Zero" Breakthrough | Fengaluminum Has Become the First Enterprise in Sanshui District with a Revenue of over 10 Billion!

from:Network date:2022-01-13 reading:2073

Recently, good news came from the second plenary session of the 14th CPC Foshan Sanshui District Committee: in 2021, fengaluminum aluminum achieved operating revenue of over 10 billion, marking the birth of the first enterprise with revenue of 10 billion in Sanshui district, achieved a breakthrough of "tens of billions of enterprises" in this area!

In 2021, facing the unfavorable factors such as epidemic, property market regulation, raw and auxiliary materials and soaring energy prices, fengaluminum relied on its strong brand influence to strengthen reform and innovation and vigorously promote equipment automation and intelligent upgrading, in the face of market adversity, the wind broke through the waves, the movement was stable, the operating income exceeded 10 billion, and the total production and sales volume reached a record high, becoming one of the few enterprises in the industry to achieve positive growth!

Special, refined, special, new"

in 2021, fengaluminum achieved outstanding achievements in the field of "specialty, precision, specialty and new" while realizing the "big" volume. To further increase capital and expand production, the production base of high-performance industrial aluminum profiles with an investment of 1.2 billion yuan and an annual output of 100000 tons was officially completed; The production of the largest section & phi;900mm, the largest 12500T super-large extrusion production line in south China was officially put into operation, the 20000T extrusion line with larger tonnage will also be held first half of 2022 put into production, at that time, fengaluminum20000T, 12500T, 10000t super large tonnage extrusion production line and 7500T, 5500T, 4000T, 3000T extrusion line, etc. A complete cascade equipment system will be fully formed; efficient propulsion equipment automation and intelligent upgrade, optimization of enterprise operation process, technological innovation, energy conservation and efficiency improvement, etc., to improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise; In keep while building materials grew steadily, strategic emerging industries such as industrial materials and high-end system doors and windows increased by 89% and 63% respectively...... The enterprise has achieved great-leap-forward development in the aspects of "specialization", "intelligence" and "lean!

The big waves wash sand and move forward! In 2021, fengaluminum successively won the title of "China innovation creation benchmark enterprise", "2021 Foshan enterprises Top 100" for three consecutive times, and won the title of "single champion demonstration enterprise of manufacturing industry" in the national Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; In the future, fengaluminum's "tens of billions of ships" china aluminum profile industry the navigator's attitude, cutting waves and moving forward, constantly refreshing the new record of "intelligent manufacturing in China!