2024 System Doors and Windows Industry "New Quality Productivity" Summit Forum and New Media Special Committee Establishment Conference Successfully Held

from:Network date:2024-04-20 reading:850

On the afternoon of April 18, 2024, the 2024-system "new quality productivity" Summit Forum and the establishment conference of the new media committee of the door and window industry with the theme of "new media of doors and windows, new brand opportunities" were held in Linli International Convention and Exhibition Center. This activity is hosted by the new media committee of China-EU energy-saving door and window Industry Development Alliance and hosted by Shandong huaaluminum International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

The leading guests attending this conference include: Vice President of Youju, Zhang Yongzhi, president of Youju Research Institute, well-known door and window expert in the whole network, Yang Kun, president of new media Special Committee, chairman of system door and window Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association, ma Junqing, chairman of Milan window, executive vice chairman and secretary general of system doors and windows Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association, Ding Sanlian, executive vice president of Shandong Huajian aluminum group, Zheng Haifeng, chairman of Zhongtian doors and windows LIVEDUN, huang Jiangchang, chairman of paswo doors and windows, Wang Lei, deputy secretary general of China building glass and industrial glass Association, Xiong Jianhua, chairman of Jinggang Asia doors and windows, and Zhang Aimin, chairman of Shandong Reid CNC Machinery Co., Ltd, xiong Yonglong, chairman of neucus doors and windows, Zhang JS, chairman of 19 decibel doors and windows, Meng Lei, general manager of yiousi system doors and windows marketing center, Guo Dan, German xuge doors and windows curtain wall, PVC-U partner and sales director, door and window science expert, zhu Zawa, the administrator of Zhu Ge's account of doors and windows, the expert of science popularization of doors and windows, and Doudou said that Su Zhiming, the administrator of the account of doors and windows.

▲ Ding Sanlian, executive vice chairman and secretary general of system doors and windows Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association and executive vice president of Shandong Huajian aluminum group, delivered a speech

Ma Junqing, chairman of system doors and windows Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association and chairman of Milan window, vice chairman and secretary general of system doors and windows Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association, Ding Sanlian, executive vice president of Shandong Huajian aluminum group, yang Kun, the well-known door and window expert of the whole network and the president of the new media committee of the China-Europe energy-saving door and window Industry Development Alliance, Huang Jiangchang, the chairman of paswo doors and windows, Xiong Yonglong, the chairman of Newcastle doors and windows, guo Dan, the secretary-general of the new media committee of the China-EU energy-saving door and window industry development alliance, jointly lit up the dazzling lighthouse of the new media committee of the China-EU energy-saving door and window Industry Development Alliance, which also symbolizes that the Special Committee has officially entered the operation track.

Later, Ma Junqing, chairman of the system doors and windows Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association and chairman of Milan window, executive vice chairman, secretary general of the special committee, ding Sanlian, executive vice president of Shandong Huajian aluminum group, awarded the license to Yang Kun, president of the new media committee of China-EU energy-saving door and window industry development alliance, and Guo Dan, secretary general of the Special Committee, marking the completion of the formation of the core team of the special committee, this historic moment indicates that the professional organization construction of home decoration door and window industry in the field of new media has taken a solid step, which is a normative development of industry brands in the marketing of new media, resource sharing and collaborative innovation provide strong support.

▲Awarding ceremony

▲ vice president of Youju and president of Youju Research Institute Zhang Yongzhi shared the industry

▲ "2024 system doors and windows industry" new quality productivity "Summit Forum"

▲ Yang Kun, a well-known door and window expert in the whole network and president of the new media committee, "I sell doors and windows in station B"

▲ mogul Forum

Doors and windows new media, brand new opportunities

▲Doors and windows from the media "doors and windows Zhu Ge" Zhu Ze

Transformation from sales to famous door and window experts on the whole network

▲New media Special Committee star promotion official awarding ceremony

The successful holding of the "2024 system doors and windows industry's" new quality productivity "Summit Forum and new media committee establishment conference" not only witnessed the official opening of the new media era in home decoration doors and windows industry, more enterprises have pointed out the path to seize new opportunities and cope with new challenges. We have reason to believe that under the guidance of the new media Special Committee, the home decoration door and window industry will embrace new media with a more open attitude, innovate marketing models, and shape new brand advantages, jointly write a new chapter in the development of the industry.