Burning Qing Yu Shi Jian Refers to the Peak | Royal Doors and Windows 2024 National Distributor Conference and 416 Brand Day Strategy Release Ended Successfully!

from:Network date:2024-04-22 reading:719

With the development of the times and changes in the consumer market, the competition in the door and window industry is becoming increasingly fierce. Facing the new pattern and new business form, how to break through the changes of door and window brands, open up the market fog and find the right direction and path has become an important issue in the development of the industry. On April 16-17, the 2024 national distributor conference of royal doors and windows and 416 brand day strategy was released. The grand opening ceremony was held in guangzhou. Representatives of national distributors gathered together to participate in the grand ceremony with royal doors and windows, hold high the strategic banner of "burning Qing Yu Shi Jian refers to the peak" and join hands to draw a blueprint for future growth.

Qiuyuan article: Seek New Peak plan

Burning Qing Yu Shi · Sword refers to the peak

"In the past year, no matter how difficult the environment is, we still have many excellent distributors who have made great achievements with practical actions." At this distributor meeting, Zhu Fuqing, chairman of the Royal Doors and windows, led the keynote speech "meeting at the peak of standing confidence", expressing heartfelt thanks and sincere respect to the distributor partners all over the country. In the past 2023 years, dealers across the country crossed the bridge in building road through mountains and burst out the powerful energy to resist the flood of The Times. Together with the doors and windows of the Emperor, they raised the flame of the Asian Games to achieve proud growth and burning achievements, refresh the "height" of Chinese door and window brands "! Looking forward to 2024, in the competitive jungle with more wolves and less meat, the Royal Doors and windows will continue to join hands with dealers across the country, adhering to the long-term doctrine, leading the way forward and building a comprehensive competitive advantage, let the world witness the glory of the powerful emperor.

Shang Hai hot site, Yong can not stop, good way to go far. Liu jun, the general manager of the marketing center, took the topic "the new top of yu shi's burning engine" as the title, judged the situation and made a macro layout, and officially announced the "new peak plan of the royal doors and windows". Knowing the main theme of industry development of homogenization, internalization and white-hot, general manager Liu Jun put forward the forward-looking vision of "advantage is moat, and problem is growth point", which clearly cultivates deep high-end positioning, the brand marketing strategy of omni-channel and multi-measures simultaneously releases the core advantages of royal doors and windows from team operation, assembly and extension to category extension. The road of climbing, the brave are not alone. Royal doors and windows gather marketing elites, fully empower the core competitiveness of distributors, and make a breakthrough with distributors across the country to grow firmly and win the market steadily.

Strategy: 416 brand day strategy release

Sound insulation Vane · Zhijing new future

For 9 consecutive years, royal doors and windows have built 416 brand daily IP addresses on World noise day to sound insulation and noise reduction. On 416 brand day this year, focus on the field of high-end sound insulation and start the first shot of brand strategic upgrading. First, the Royal Doors and windows officially released the global slogan-"If you are afraid of noise, you can use the Royal High-end soundproof doors and windows". With the household noise problem as the starting point, you can deeply understand the demands of users, and the thick-planted soundproof technology is settled, break down users' mental barriers and create new markets with new cognition. The second is to launch the core technical standard "8-weight sound insulation technology" of royal doors and windows, break the information gap between brands and consumers, and set a new milestone for the standardized development of doors and windows, let the value of high-end soundproof doors and windows be known. The third is the application of 8-weight sound insulation technology, a variety of high-end sound-proof product Yaoshi series debut, so that the sound insulation technology benefits thousands of households, reshaping high quality quiet houses, so that everyone can enjoy the beauty and silence brought by royal doors and windows.

With the leap-forward innovation in products and brands, huangpai doors and windows have won the high recognition of Yao Jiqing, vice chairman of the DE RUCCI group. Yao Jiqing takes "winning high-end" as the theme, deconstructs the value base of high-end brands to achieve category transcendence in three dimensions, and testifies the minimalist design breakthrough created by the Emperor's doors and windows from three dimensions of appearance, technology and function, JGG technological breakthrough and sound insulation breakthrough. Yao jiqing said that the product strength, brand strength, channel strength and service strength of huangpai doors and windows have reached the high-end level, and have become the brand leader of high-end doors and windows. He looks forward to continuing to practice high-end methods in the future, it has become an international benchmark brand from "Chinese royal faction" to "World Royal faction.

The site also specially invited many industry mogul from authoritative experts, well-known designers and other fields to conduct in-depth discussions on the user value and development trend of brand strategy upgrading and high-end soundproof doors and windows--

Yang Jiang, an authoritative expert in Chinese visual hammer design, refined nine advantages of royal doors and windows as the leader of China's high-end doors and windows category, and interpreted the value support and promotion points behind the brand-new advertising language, to show you the brand strategic upgrading ideas of the Royal Doors and windows through the positioning of "high-end soundproof doors and windows. Dai Kun, founder of Beijing juqi Meiye Interior Design Co., Ltd., pointed out that with the improvement of housing environment and quality of life, more and more people began to yearn for and return to family life, the emotional value contained in high-end home furnishing has been paid more and more attention. The products and standards of high-end soundproof doors and windows of the Royal Family are exactly the accurate response to this trend. Hu Wenshuo, national residential and residential environment engineering technology research center, has an insight into the upgrading trend of national residential demand and health demand, shares the research results in the field of Healthy Housing, emphasizes the influence of indoor acoustic environment on physical and mental health, and highly recognized the professional quality of the Royal High-end soundproof doors and windows.

Later, Zhou Xuefeng, the product research and development center of royal doors and windows, officially released several flagship new products in 2024, including 100 pour inside side sliding windows with broken bridges in Tuscany, focusing on user driving force, technology visionary power and sound insulation comfort, make vivid and detailed product interpretation. He said that the Royal Doors and windows continue to pay attention to customer needs and market development, starting from multiple value coordinates, empower technology to products and pursue higher standards of products, constantly realize the innovation and transcendence of product research and development, and create high-end quality life experience for consumers.

The conference was hosted by CCTV's former financial host/founder of AI asked iAsk/National woman pace-setter Ai Cheng, and a group of mogul guests held a forum to discuss the prospects and challenges of soundproof doors and windows in the new era, as well as the new mission and new direction faced by door and window enterprises, we offer suggestions for opening a new chapter in the development of the industry.

Zhu mengsi, deputy general manager of Royal doors and windows, said that only high-end strategy can Yong Li the tide in the fierce competition market and sail. Along the way, huangpai doors and windows adhere to the positioning of high-end brands and protect beautiful people for consumers with high quality sound-proof product. In the future, we will focus on upgrading dealer channels, building high-end brand images, and building a door and window life plan system, continue to build high-end brand ecology and build national high-end brands in all directions.

War article: May Day big promotion set sail

Gao Qing torch · winning the flag

The competition of shopping malls must be the encounter of close-body melee. Only through the cooperation of manufacturers and the way and skill of full-scale armed operation from top to bottom can the road go wild. At the time of May Day big promotion preparation, this conference gathered the surging morale of dealers across the country, trained soldiers and horses, and officially sounded the LaCorne. "Intelligent manufacturing and upgrading is to ensure delivery, and more for the victory of the marketing front line", li zhihui, director of the royal door and window manufacturing center, co-ordinates the development plan of intelligent factories and promotes the upgrading of digital intelligence and technological improvement, systematically carry out the construction of new quality productivity.

"Sales, design and installation are consumers' experience of customized products and the key to marketing value", Wang Wenyu, assistant general manager of marketing center, said that marketing empowerment should focus on improving the ability of shopping malls to obtain customers, solve the pain points of core operation, fundamentally innovate the capability structure of terminal marketing, accurately solve the problem of upgrading consumption experience, focus more on actual combat effectiveness, and pay more attention to innovation-driven.

Later, four outstanding dealer representatives from Zhijin, Wuhan, Xingtai and Kunshan respectively came to the stage to share the trading experience of store operation and channel breakthrough, share the development of "quantity" and the improvement of "quality" with distributor partners nationwide, and jointly run out the Acceleration of Performance growth. At the scene, there are also experts and consultants from pan-household institutions who deeply interpret the Global 6S customer acquisition model, "sharpening the sword front" for distributors nationwide in advance, and enhancing the operational capability of seizing the market to grab the air outlet.

Entering the climax of the opening meeting of the May Day big promotion, the heads of the four war zones gathered all the members of the District, waved signals on the stage together, and solemnly vowed the determination to win the big promotion. Then, under the leadership of Liu Jun, general manager of the Royal door and window marketing center, all dealers, with firm confidence and passionate fighting spirit, lit the torch of the expedition and passed it from the auditorium to the stage, the whole audience burst out the burning passion that shocked the sky. The mission is powerful and the pace is firm. The legion of thousands of people shouted in unison, "burning the momentum, the sword refers to the peak, the doors and windows of the Emperor, win 51, and win! Win! Win! ", The military order was made with great morale. The oath like a tsunami drew a lot of color for the conference and officially kicked off the Grand campaign.

The mountain is high and the man is the peak, and the sea is wide and the dream is the rudder. For 17 years, the Royal Doors and windows have been a big stage for dealers to make great efforts and have made countless brilliant businesses. In the past year, the Dealer Team of the Royal Doors and windows faced difficulties and tempered an indestructible elite team, which once again demonstrated the courage of the royal people to break the new and lean in the world. They are the leading Wolves in the wind and rain, and they are also heroes who can turn the tide! They opened up new territory for the Royal market and created new glory with outstanding achievements! For this reason, at this meeting, the Royal Doors and windows jointly awarded many awards such as "Top Ten dealers in national performance", "Outstanding Performance Award" and "retail performance Growth Award, in recognition of the outstanding contributions and achievements of all dealers. Take the example as the driving force, forge ahead, and climb to the new top bravely.

Family Banquet: singing The Long Song of the heroes of the times

Strive to climb high · sing and have fun together

Later, the dramatic royal family banquets pushed the atmosphere to a climax, igniting the surging enthusiasm of the manufacturers. "A hundred years of intangible cultural treasures" Chaoshan English songs and dances opened heavily. Gorgeous facial makeup showed the profound details of oriental aesthetics. The dancing was vigorous and vigorous, powerful and heroic, which shocked people with strength and beauty; at the same time, it implies one hundred and eight generals of the water tank in ancient times, praising the vigorous spirit of the emperor's doors and windows, a group of elite soldiers powerful army, and showing the charm of "Chinese war dance" which enjoys a worldwide reputation.

The distributor sang passionately on behalf of the traditional folk song "people in the sedan" in northern shaanxi, and the famous italian beauty song "nessun dorma", creating a vocal feast that gathers the essence of chinese and foreign culture, and the aftersound is winding, win warm applause and praise from the scene.

The interactive performance of the national standard dance led the whole audience to sing and dance. Finally, all the members sang the inspirational famous song "Love to fight to win", which was the moment when the family dinner was finishing. This Royal Family Banquet allows all the families of the royal family to feel the splendid and prosperous gathering event in the future, and also resonates with the cultural mind of the Royal Family's doors and windows.

The sea swells and the sea is full of boats, and the mountains climb to the peak of the new peak. The royal doors and windows share the same breath with dealers across the country and share their fate, leading the surging journey of high-quality development side by side. The great wheels of the Times rolled forward, and the royal faction armed the growth engine. In the process of moving forward, they achieved transcendence, burning the momentum, pointing to the peak, and then casting glory!