Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development | Held a National on-Site Meeting on the Renovation of Old Urban Residential Areas

from:Network date:2024-05-17 reading:728

On may 16, the ministry of housing and urban-rural development held a national on-site meeting on the transformation of old urban residential areas shenyang city in the liaoning province to thoroughly study and implement the important directive spirit of general secretary xi jinping on the transformation of old urban residential areas, and earnestly implement the decision-making and deployment of the party central committee and the state council, summarize the results of the work, exchange experiences and practices, deploy and do the next step, promote the construction of "upgraded version" for the transformation of old urban residential areas, and let the people share the achievements of Chinese modernization. Ni Hong, Party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, attended the meeting and made a speech. Li Lecheng, deputy secretary of Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and governor, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Xinwei, deputy secretary of Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Shenyang Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and introduced the transformation work of old residential areas in Shenyang cities and towns. Qin SE WING, member of the Party group and vice minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, presided over the meeting.

The meeting stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping was very concerned about attaching great importance to the transformation of old urban residential areas, made important instructions many times, profoundly clarified the important significance, and put forward clear work requirements, in order to do a good job in the reconstruction of old urban residential areas, it points out the direction of progress and provides fundamental compliance. We should deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", strengthen "four consciousness", strengthen "four confidence", achieve "two maintenance", and deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's profound feelings of loving the people, firmly put the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping into practice.

The meeting pointed out that under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the national housing and urban construction system, relevant departments and local Party committees and governments have reformed and innovated, to overcome difficulties and promote the transformation of old urban residential areas to achieve remarkable results. From 2019 to 2023, 220000 old and old urban communities were newly built and transformed nationwide, benefiting more than ,000 households and about 0.1 billion people, which made the people get visible and tangible benefits. Efforts should be made to promote the "corridor revolution", update and transform the aging pipelines such as water, electricity and heat for nearly 300000 kilometers, simultaneously implement the energy-saving renovation of buildings, install 108000 elevators, and greatly improve the living comfort, safety and toughness of old residential areas, people's sense of security is more secure. Focus on promoting the "environmental revolution", add 3.25 million parking spaces, charging pile for electric car 104000 parking spaces, 680000 electric bicycle charging piles, effectively relieve residents' parking and charging anxiety; Increase cultural leisure, there are more than 26 million square meters of sports and fitness venues, and 68000 community service facilities such as pension, childcare and convenience market are added, so that residents can enjoy high-quality and inclusive community services nearby and the people's happiness is more substantial. Efforts should be made to promote the "management revolution" and extend the grass-roots party building to residential areas and buildings. The grass-roots party organization will be stronger and stronger, the governance mechanism will be continuously improved, the coverage rate of property services will be greatly improved, and the sense of people's acquisition will be more sustainable. Efforts should be made to activate the Community economy, drive residents to upgrade and replace indoor home decoration and household appliances, promote the vigorous development of community service industries such as pension, childcare, catering and convenience stores, and create a number of jobs relying on the community, let the old community glow with "new vitality".

The meeting demanded that good luck should be insisted on making good use of the rich experience accumulated in the practice of urban old community reconstruction to continuously meet the needs of the people for a better life. Adhere to the supremacy of the people, take the party's mass line well in the new era, ask the people, ask the people, ask the people, give effect to the people, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the residents, in promoting co-construction and co-governance and sharing, we should do good things well and do practical things. Adhere to the problem orientation, promote multi-directional, multi-channel and multi-path investment, solve the problem of fund raising, and solve the problem of anxiety and expectation around the people. Adhere to systematic thinking, integrate and utilize existing resources, promote the combination of community and district, the combination of demolition and new construction, the combination of protection and utilization, and retain historical memory and characteristic features. Adhere to the leadership of Party building, play the role of grass-roots Party organizations fighting bastion, introduce property services, promote the innovation of community governance mode, improve the long-term management mechanism of community, guide the masses to participate in community governance, and jointly consolidate and maintain the achievements of renovation and transformation. Adhere to seeking truth and being pragmatic, do good and achieve good deeds, formulate transformation plans according to local conditions, promote transformation and upgrading by classification, do our best and do what we can, strengthen our joint efforts, refine and do practical work, let this livelihood project really benefit the people.

The meeting proposed that we should firmly grasp the basic point of people's happiness of "living in peace", aim at making people live in better houses, promote the transformation of old urban communities in a solid manner, and promote good houses in one, the construction of "four good" in good communities, good communities and good urban areas will make people more convenient, comfortable and beautiful in urban life. We should earnestly implement the renovation plan of the old urban community in 2024 to ensure the completion of the annual task with high quality; Arrange the renovation plan in 2025 as early as possible, and lay a good job in the "14th Five-Year Plan" renovation task ending war. It is necessary to organize and carry out "looking back", examine the operation of the long-term management mechanism of the transformed community and the maintenance of various facilities and services, and make up for the shortcomings of the management system in a targeted manner to ensure the long-term maintenance of the transformation effect. It is necessary to plan ahead the work of the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, take the transformation of old urban residential areas as an important part of urban renewal actions, combine it with the "four good" construction, and combine it with the implementation of key tasks, forward-looking thinking, overall planning, systematic promotion, and strive to create high quality living space for the people.

The participants watched the renovation projects of old residential areas such as peony community and Duofu community on the spot. Liaoning province, Zhejiang province, Shijingshan district of Beijing, Jiulongpo district of Chongqing city, Changsha city, Guangzhou city and other places exchanged experience and practices. The head of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Administration of market supervision, the General Administration of Sports, the National Energy Administration and other departments, as well as the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) responsible person of the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department, outstanding achievements and persons in charge of some cities (districts) people's governments, the State Development Bank, the Agricultural Development Bank, the Construction Bank, the Agricultural Development Bank, the Construction Bank, the Agricultural Bank, and the Agricultural Bank, relevant work leaders of Bank of China attended the meeting. (Photography: Wang Jianye; Editor: Wang Xiaohui)