Its State Doors and Windows Brand Upgrade Conference Ended Successfully, Helping "Deep Comfort" Living Space

from:Network date:2024-05-27 reading:698

Light · Yue Shan Hai, go to the new journey

When we set foot on this journey

Every pass is an opportunity for growth.

Every challenge is an opportunity to surpass oneself.

Across mountains and seas

See the magnificence of the Green Mountains and the vast sea

Looking for a quiet and comfortable living space

On May 20, 2024, its doors and windows " light· yue Shan Hai" the brand upgrade Conference and the first season of "in the Wild" was launched in Guangzhou, China. At the meeting, new positioning " deep Comfort philosophy life practitioner", brand new slogan " warm in winter and cool in summer, good doors and windows", new visual image grand release.

The press conference overturns the traditional location of the industry. Piano base Concert Hall, on-site presentation natural, green, comfortable, artistic atmosphere, with melodious piano play and unique poetry recitation link, create a kind of for guests deep Comfort of body and mind, let everyone imitate if you are in the wild, natural sense of meaning it arises spontaneously and fully shows brand tonality, it is a brand new positioning best Interpretation.

Mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of Qibang doors and windows, Ms. Lin Haiping, chief financial officer of Qibang doors and windows, Mr. Zhong Chengsheng, deputy general manager of Qibang doors and windows, all-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce) ms. Pan Huiling, executive president and secretary general of energy-saving doors and windows branch of Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Rao Deliang, secretary general of Guangdong door industry association, Mr. Guan Qilin, secretary general of Guangdong door and window Association, Mr. Li Marriott, founder of innovative marketing of yipitang, mr. Zhao Yiming, founder of Mingjian planning, Mr. Jin Jiang, general manager of Huiya investment promotion, Ms. Bao Dan, the chief manager of family points and other industry mogul, representatives of national suppliers of doors and windows, representatives of excellent distributors, industry media and other guests and friends came to the conference, bringing together many cutting-edge ideas to exchange and collide, enhance the industry influence of its brand strategy of doors and windows, and launch a new exploration and prospect of green living space.

Huang Dong and industry leaders delivered a speech

With the release and industrial upgrading of the stock housing market, the door and window industry has ushered in a "tuyere period" of development, becoming the last blue ocean in the home building materials industry. With the rapid economic growth and people's yearning for a better life, the requirements for door and window products have also increased accordingly.

Its doors and windows mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of the board in his speech, he said that we should stick to the road of brand development of green, carbon reduction, energy conservation and environmental protection, and give consumers better living space experience and " deep Comfort" life experience.

All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Real Estate Chamber of Commerce energy-saving doors and windows branch ms. Pan Huiling, executive president and secretary general it is highly recognized that its state doors and windows have always adhered to the development strategy of high quality doors and windows products and won the market with high-quality services.

Guangdong door Industry Association mr. Rao Deliang, secretary-general in his speech, he said that the future development of the door and window industry in the future must take carbon reduction and energy conservation as the mainstream. Its doors and windows boost the country to achieve the double carbon goal as soon as possible and build a brand strategy of green, environment-friendly and low-carbon lifestyle, which is an entrepreneur's due spirit of responsibility.

Guangdong door and window Association mr. Guan Qilin, secretary general in his speech, he said that the door and window industry is in a period of rapid development and is also the last blue sea in the pan-home industry. He highly praised the spirit of its doors and windows that dare to innovate, break through and dare to do, at the same time, it also expresses its full expectation for the upgrade of its state doors and windows brand.

Explore deep comfort philosophy and beautiful living

Huang Dong" light· yue Shan Hai" in the keynote speech he said that the state doors and windows of this press conference have upgraded the brand concept and brand slogan, and will " energy saving and carbon reduction, helping deep and comfortable living" as the top priority of the enterprise's future development, focus on quality First, innovation leading, product-oriented, energy saving responsibility" four carriages consolidate brand positioning, upgrade actions in multiple dimensions, and help " energy saving and carbon reduction" and" deep, comfortable and beautiful living".

Change thinking, innovation to seek for change

Yipingtang innovative marketing founder Li Marriott in the theme sharing of innovative marketing, it is said that the rapid development of economy not only drives the rapid development of the industry, but also fundamentally changes consumption habits and marketing methods. Only innovation to seek for change can change thinking, only by finding the position suitable for the brand itself can we win the market with new marketing methods and marketing strategies and stand out in the highly competitive market environment.

Build a Dream and set sail, continue to write a new article, deep analysis of brand image

The launching ceremony consists mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of Qibang doors and windows, Ms. Lin Haiping, chief financial officer of Qibang doors and windows, Mr. Zhong Chengsheng, deputy general manager of Qibang doors and windows, Ms. Wang Ru, director of market brand department, and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce ms. Pan Huiling, executive president and secretary general of energy-saving doors and windows branch of Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Rao Deliang, secretary general of Guangdong door industry association, Mr. Guan Qilin, secretary general of Guangdong door and window Association, Mr. Li Marriott, founder of innovative marketing of yipitang, mr. Zhao Yiming, founder of Mingjian planning, Mr. Yan Jinjiang, general manager of Huiya investment promotion, Ms. Bao Dan, director of home points, and representative of excellent distributors, general manager Xiao of Shanghai and so on.

After the ceremony, Ms. Wang Ruo, the director of the brand department of Qibang doors and windows market, upgraded the brand of Qibang doors and windows. Background, purpose, upgrade strategy, upgrade outlook and made a comprehensive and in-depth analysis, and said that in the case of the industry volume, the market downturn, we must adhere to the brand, and only innovation to seek for change you can break through the circle. It also proposes that future brands should roll emotional values and establish links with consumers from an emotional perspective, from thought, connotation, philosophy, temperament Port raise the brand height and depth, and export cultural values to make consumers identify and resonate.

Brand Slogan " warm in winter and cool in summer, good doors and windows", return rationally, upgrade products, improve performance, and manufacture "good windows and doors in warm winter and cool summer". Perceptual sublimation, through the four corners of the window to explore the invisible, the world is vast and the universe is boundless, through through your eyes introspection in the heart, see the mountain and sea, finally see yourself, perfect corresponding to the brand new positioning " deep Comfort philosophy life practitioner", positioning focus " deep and comfortable philosophy life", emphasize spirit, core, nature, temperament, philosophy.

Its doors and windows encourage people to bravely pursue their true self, run away, discover the beauty of the world, and find a life that makes them feel comfortable. When we have seen the prosperous life of the outside world returning home, we can feel a different kind of comfort, making every moment of life full of comfort and comfort from inside to outside.

"In the wild" explores the boundary of comfortable life

With melodious music and the host's affectionate poetry recitation, its doors and windows in the wild Season 1 officially announced. Follow the scene of "in the wild" we seem to be on the scene, breathing freely and running freely under the embrace of nature, looking at mountains and sea, looking for a comfortable life belonging to you.

The main creative team of the on-site "in the wild", its doors and windows mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of the board of directors, Ms. Wang Ru, director of the brand department of Qibang doors and windows market, Mr. Gu Xiangwei, director of the business school, Mr. Chen Bojian, independent photographer, Ms. Chen Xiaolan, and Mr. Wei Nuoxi the guests shared the thrilling, exciting and touching moments behind the field and the wonderful stories of teamwork.

The thrilling and interesting stories were matched with the witty words of the guests, which made the guests have a deeper understanding of the stories behind the field and were deeply moved by the team's perseverance and the spirit of building road through Mountains crossing the water. For in the wild the concept of caring for nature and harmonious coexistence between man and nature has a deeper feeling, and the laughter and applause on the spot are continuous.

"In the wild" is not only a brand activity, an encounter with nature and a natural journey of products, but also a full reflection of its brand value of doors and windows, it is also the exploration and efforts of Qibang doors and windows for green environmental protection, carbon reduction and energy saving doors and windows to help beautiful people, and it is also encouraging everyone to go out, feel the charm of nature, and discover more beauty, wash the lead and return to the original nature.

Industry mogul in-depth dialogue to explore the way of rapid development of the industry together

Doors and windows industry ushered in " stock age", specially invited its doors and windows at the meeting mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of the board, dealer representative shanghai General Manager Xiao, founder of Ming Jian planning mr. Zhao Yiming, order something at home director Ms. Bao Dan, Huiya investment promotion mr. Jin Jiang, general manager, yipingtang innovative marketing founder Mr. Li Marriott A group of industry mogul guests came to the stage to explore more potential markets in the "stock era" and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Its doors and windows mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of the board it is said that in the current market environment, product quality is the foundation of enterprise development. Besides, the brand development strategy is also crucial, and only by two measures can we break through the new life. We must adhere to the brand positioning of high quality and create green products for consumers with high quality low-carbon and energy-saving products. " deep Comfort" human settlement space.

And said that in the future, its bangjiang from multiple channels, multiple Platforms to build a brand image of high-end energy-saving doors and windows that deepen its state doors and windows, we need to invest more R & D Power, continuous iterative upgrade, expansion of production system, improve high quality production and manufacturing; In energy saving, low carbon and other aspects continue to deepen our efforts and devote ourselves to building high-end energy-saving doors and windows brands in all directions, so that more families and more people can enjoy the warm winter and cool summer doors and windows of their state doors and windows. " deep Comfort" low-carbon life.

Distributor Representative Xiao in the discussion, I shared the interesting things about my relationship with the doors and windows of the state, saying that being a brand is a matter that needs to be adhered to for a long time. We should not only give users a good product experience, it is also necessary to endow users with more spiritual values. At the same time, General Xiao strongly recognizes the brand upgrade strategy of its state doors and windows, indicating that it will be easier to make the market in the future.

Ming Jian planning founder Mr. Zhao Yiming it is believed that the development of enterprises cannot be separated from brand building, and the key to how to build a brand lies in how we find the target audience.

Order something at home director Ms. Bao Dan it is said that now its doors and windows have made a lot of efforts in low-carbon energy-saving doors and windows. This brand Conference is even more impressive and has a very good experience.

Yipingtang innovative marketing founder Mr. Li Marriott it is believed that energy-saving doors and windows have great advantages in the future market competition, which is an important trend in the future development of the industry. At the same time, it also looks forward to the series of actions after the brand upgrade of its state doors and windows.

Huiya investment promotion mr. Jin Jiang, general manager he highly recognized the new track of choosing energy-saving doors and windows for its state doors and windows. He said that consumers currently have a relatively large recognition of energy-saving doors and windows in the market, which is a good direction.

Light · Yue Shan Hai, rushing to the future

Qibang doors and windows 2024 " and Guangyue Mountains and Seas" the brand upgrade conference came to a successful conclusion under the witness of media friends and their bangs on the spot in the collision of the mind of the big cafe in the public industry. After the meeting, the guests admitted that the press conference was like a movie press conference, which not only made people feel relaxed and comfortable, but also made everyone position the brand of their state. " deep Comfort philosophy life practitioner" have a deeper experience and understanding.

The brand upgrade conference is only the beginning, and its doors and windows will be brand new in the future. Brand positioning, slogan, concept integrate enterprise management, manufacturing, service and communication wait for each link, the same voice goes out, the water flows, use warm in winter and cool in summer, good doors and windows"Insist on providing high-performance products and services to global consumers to help " deep Comfort, philosophy, life, good living", accumulate good reputation for the brand and form effective brand assets.

Light· more mountains and seas, rushing to the future! The future has come, looking forward to a better state!