Build a Secure Line of Defense and Keep a Beautiful Home Together: Research and Share Fire Training Is a Complete Success

from:Network date:2024-06-28 reading:688

Safety Production and fire prevention have become important tasks that every enterprise cannot ignore. Research and shares, as the leading enterprise in the door and window industry, not only strictly follow the safety specifications in daily production, but also highlight the importance of fire prevention and fire protection in product design and application.

All staff participate in fire training

Carry out fire training to increase the awareness of prevention

This training was successfully held on June 28, explaining in depth the safety knowledge of fire safety, safety production, heatstroke prevention and cooling, aerial work and other aspects. With a high sense of responsibility and concentration, the employees of research and joint stock study and absorb these valuable safety knowledge seriously, laying a solid theoretical foundation for building a safe and stable working environment.

Training teachers show popular science content to everyone

Yanghe high-standard garden-style production factory

Standardized safety production process: research and shares always put safety production in the first place. From the selection and processing of raw materials to the inspection of finished products, safety standards and specifications are strictly followed in every step to ensure that there are no potential safety hazards in the production process.

Standardize processes to ensure production safety and product quality

Advanced production equipment: introducing the most advanced aluminum alloy doors and windows production line in Europe, Germany wooden window production line and Italian steel and copper window production line, not only improves the production efficiency, but also provides a strong guarantee for fire safety.

Advanced production line, providing security and production efficiency

Regular security checks: the company regularly conducts all-round safety inspections on production equipment and electrical circuits., prevent from happening, and ensure the safety and stability of the production environment.

Regular security checks to ensure the safety of the production environment

Fire protection in the application of research and joint stock products

Research and development of fire resistant window pay special attention to fire prevention increased performance. As an important part of fire prevention facilities, research and fire resistant window can effectively curb the spread of fire and provide a strong guarantee for people's life and property safety. Its excellent fire resistance and stability. In case of fire, it can withstand high temperature for a long time and prevent the spread of fire, providing people with valuable escape time. At the same time, it also has the function of smoke prevention, which can timely discharge the thick smoke in the room, providing a double guarantee for more safety.

Research and garden plant

Safety is no small matter, and prevention is not "burning". Let's work together to build a secure line of defense and work hard to create a beautiful and safe living environment!