2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo | Hand in Hand Yao AO, Crown Win High-End, Royal Doors and Windows Make the Strongest Sound

from:Network date:2024-07-12 reading:687

In 2024, Guangzhou construction expo officially ended on July 11 after four days of people. At the first grand meeting of the home furnishing industry, on brand strength, product experience, investment empowerment, the doors and windows of the Royal School all brought their leading role aura. Among them, the "glacier Polar Exhibition Hall" of royal doors and windows has attracted much attention. The Space Design of ice sculpture style is unique, which forms a sharp contrast with the high temperature summer in Yangcheng, allowing viewers to feel the comfort of low-carbon soundproof doors and windows, successful punch-in Boom!


At this Expo, the Royal Doors and windows, together with the all-star product lineup, made a strong debut. The grand costume official announced four flagship new products, and launched the exclusive investment policy of the Expo "0 yuan to build a store, the Royal Doors and windows help you easily create wealth", attract many dealers to experience products and consult and sign orders, and the exhibition hall is popular and explosive! Hand in hand with the Yao AO Council, royal doors and windows have won unanimous recognition and enthusiastic joining response from visiting dealers due to their excellent high-end brand strength and comprehensive operation assistance.


Leading low-carbon sound insulation and moving towards a new future

Embracing the new wave of low-carbon life, the Royal Doors and windows take "super soundproof carbon quiet world" as the theme, break the grid to create a Glacier Exhibition Hall "with polar bears"-use design language to interpret global warming, ecological problems such as glacier melting appeal to the public for low-carbon life; Take doors and windows as an eye, and look forward to the beautiful picture of low-carbon people. The rise of low-carbon soundproof doors and windows not only marks the iterative upgrade of the performance of doors and windows, but also represents the new texture of high-end living. Integrated full-dimensional protection such as windproof, waterproof, sound insulation and heat insulation, calmly cope with changeable weather, adapt to different climatic zones, and also make the living experience of home and people feel the same frequency, and grasp the comfortable sound field and temperature feeling at will, low-carbon soundproof doors and windows realize consumers' higher pursuit of quality home.


Competing for the low-carbon consumption trend, the emperor's doors and windows are determined to innovate, launching four major new products, creating a new benchmark of sound insulation technology, temperature control and energy saving, JGG self-protection, and system drainage, successfully attracting the global network home, sina Weibo, jiuzheng building materials network, Huiya merchants network, Zhonghua door and window network, China Building Decoration Association, Foshan door and window Association and other authoritative media and industry associations mogul visited and praised. Xuan · Dream Music double internal open passive window, give full play to the advantages of window type, innovate the filling material of thermal insulation cavity, maximize the use of natural lighting, find the optimal solution of energy storage and energy saving of doors and windows; Colmar electric flat push window, configure intelligent rain feeling, optimize sealing structure, temperature locking structure, sound insulation materials, engineering technology upgrade protection performance; Ananxi double in-swinging casement window, minimalist design to create 3D HD giant screen visual experience, achieve a wonderful balance between sound insulation and landscape; Provence Pro has increased by sliding window, innovating optical enterprise sealing system, Hook enterprise sealing system, partition drainage system, and fully evolving performance system. With low-carbon soundproof doors and windows in response to higher standards of quality demand, the Royal Doors and windows lead the green living scheme towards integration and systematization.


The 100 pour inside side sliding windows of the Royal Doors and windows of Tuscany were selected into the "2024 new products in the home construction industry" certified by CCTV, China Construction Expo, Zhongju culture and Sina home furnishing, asian Games 100 Broken Bridge insulation double Open pour inside windows won the "2024year boiling Quality Award". Holding double honors, such hard-core products come from profound scientific research achievements and technological deposits. In the past 17 years, royal doors and windows have taken root in the sound insulation and low carbon fields-self-built modern intelligent manufacturing base, the production efficiency has been improved by more than 60%; The construction of roof photovoltaic power generation provides 2.4 million degrees of green power for the industrial park every year, which has been rated as "National Green Company". Huangpai doors and windows have set up research and development platforms such as testing experimental center, sound insulation Research Institute, green and low carbon research institute, etc. The whole series of products are deeply applied and self-developed "8-weight sound insulation technology". Low-carbon quality has won the carbon footprint certificate of building doors and windows products, china Green Building Materials product certification certificate and other authoritative certification. Cutting-edge technology is the engine, driving brand ecological upgrading from research and development to manufacturing, making royal doors and windows a benchmark model for developing new quality productivity in the door and window industry.


Doors and windows Craftsman brand, see the development increment

As a brand model for the high-quality development of the door and window industry, the brand management of huangpai door and window has always attracted the attention of peers and media. At this Expo, in view of the new market trend of real estate Post-cycle and stock game, the Royal Doors and windows, industry associations and head Media exchanged in-depth discussions on the breakthrough insights.

On july 8th, in the conversation with sina weibo and global network home, zhu mengsi, deputy general manager of the royal school doors and windows, focused on the market challenges and competition situation of the door and window industry respectively, taking the royal school doors and windows as an example, put forward brand countermeasures. Based on the stock market, she believes that door and window brands should be deployed online and offline, embrace digital transformation, and create new values for consumers from the perspective of demand. In the market competition, she emphasized the importance of adhering to differentiated competition and long-term belief. Door and window brands should continuously consolidate differentiated advantages from brand positioning, product quality to service experience, just as the Royal Doors and windows this year, with the new slogan "If you are afraid of noise, use the Royal High-end soundproof doors and windows" as the program, and join hands with CCTV's super factory and Yao AO council to comprehensively deepen the professional mind of the brand.


On the "looking for new volume-New Community new future theme forum" hosted by China Construction Expo and NetEase home furnishing and Neighborhood link, Zhu mengsi, deputy general manager, shared the marketing of Community Marketing, service efficiency and time management and other aspects of the "long-standing difficulties", and from the practical experience of the Royal Doors and windows, extract the methodology of mining the incremental value of community scenes, open the focus on customized services, strategic Perspective of community interactive experience and word-of-mouth communication. She said that home furnishing enterprises and services have the same goals and complementary advantages, and finding a win-win cooperation model is the benefit lever that drives "1+1>2.


At the same time, under the trend of the home furnishing industry from the Channel era to the quality era and the service era, the Royal Doors and windows, as the ingenious representative of Foshan, the "manufacturing capital", have shown strong growth endurance. Since lifting the first stick of Chinese door and window craftsmen 17 years ago, the Royal Doors and windows have never stopped their ultimate pursuit of good quality and good service. At the "inheritance ceremony of doors and windows craftsmen" jointly held by China Construction Expo, doors and windows craftsmen Club and China vision blue sea doors and windows curtain wall Industry Development Alliance, vice general manager Zhu mengsi won the honor of "doors and windows craftsmen model, she pointed out that one generation has one generation of craftsman spirit, sustainable development, digital and intellectual transformation, personalized customization service, has become a new interpretation of the Imperial doors and windows. Looking forward to the future, undertaking social responsibility and adhering to long-term doctrine will be the main theme of keeping craftsmanship and spreading originality in the door and window industry.


Join hands with the Yao AO council to win the high-end brand

At present, China's door and window brands have entered new developmental period, and high-end battlefields are surging. Brands are gathering up to seek growth space, but the road to achieving high-end is full of uncertainty-do high pricing and high premium represent high-end brands? What differentiated advantages and barriers should high-end brands have? How do high-end brands attract high net worth customers...... As a leader of high-end soundproof doors and windows brands, royal doors and windows have found the answer of the new era.

On April this year, the Royal Doors and windows officially became the official door and window partner of the Yao AO Council. It was the first door and window brand to cooperate with the Yao AO Council. On behalf of the top international competition agencies, it highly recognized the strength of the Royal Doors and Windows brand. Leading the International official endorsement, entering the international vision and refreshing the height of domestic brands are the best portrayal of the Royal Doors and windows to consolidate high-end positioning.


Of course, the bottom layer of high-end brands cannot be separated from the shaping of high-end values. With 7 major categories, 260 + R & D patent technology, hard core intelligent manufacturing delivery strength, more than 800 dealer stores, integration of global superior supply chain resources, and coverage of core stores, home improvement, residential area Building, with multi-channel layout such as cross-industry alliance, royal doors and windows have become a big brand with outstanding comprehensive capabilities, giving dealers all over the country the confidence and confidence to create a win-win situation with them. At the same time, under the comprehensive empowerment of "nine major business assistance", the Royal Doors and windows give dealers the right to choose good stores, build large stores in 65 days, grab orders from customers in the whole region, and deliver advertisements on the screen, from terminal passenger flow to terminal team, help distributors to make business bigger and stronger. Thanks to these effective investment policies, royal doors and windows have also cultivated a large number of benchmark merchants occupying the regional market.



Therefore, at the site of the construction expo, the Emperor sent a lot of interested dealers to the door and window circle. Driven by the exclusive investment promotion welfare "0 yuan to build a store, you come to open a store, and the decoration of the headquarters", the enthusiasm for signing the bill is particularly high! Many dealer friends said that the reason for choosing the Royal Doors and windows is very simple: "Cooperation with the Yao AO Council is a golden signboard to make a reputation. Good products and good service will bring good reputation, coupled with a strong investment policy, it is easy to create wealth and truly implement it.

Facing the dealer friends who want to know more about the royal doors and windows, the Royal Doors and windows also specially arranged the "factory bank investment invitation meeting", special car transfer, field inspection of the "super factory" certified by CCTV network, investment elite team one-on-one contact service. Full of sincerity touched the dealers present to visit, and praised one after another that "the brand pattern of royal doors and windows is big, and they know how to treat dealers honestly and give dealers 100% trust. Such business partners are reliable".


Through the big stage of Guangzhou construction expo, the Royal Doors and windows successfully showed the steady rising development potential to dealers and the industry, attracting a large number of dealers to join. Gathering a stronger commercial Legion, the Royal Doors and windows will launch a more violent offensive against the trillions of blue ocean of doors and windows. Take advantage of the new opportunity of low-carbon soundproof doors and windows, resonate with the National double carbon strategy at the same frequency, and insist on high-quality development. I believe that in the future, the Royal Doors and windows will surely create another golden age for the door and window industry!