The Leader Stands Proudly! Royal Doors and Windows Won the Double Awards of "Leading Entrepreneur" and "the Most Valuable Brand to Join"

from:Network date:2024-08-20 reading:665

Recently, at the "innovation driven high quality growth" 2024 (4th) China system doors and windows conference jointly sponsored by Red Star Macalline, Youju Research Institute and Jianfa Group, Royal doors and windows relied on excellent product quality, innovative research and development capability, perfect joining service system and extensive market influence won the honor of "the most valuable brand in China's system door and window industry" at one stroke. At the same time, zhu Fuqing, chairman of huangpai doors and windows, won the heavyweight award of "leading entrepreneur in China's system doors and windows industry", which once again highlights the leading position and brand strength of huangpai doors and windows in the industry.

The award of the two honorary awards is the affirmation and commendation of the industry for the comprehensive strength of the Royal Doors and windows, and also the proof of the trust and support of consumers for the Royal Doors and windows, it shows the extraordinary brand value of Royal doors and windows.

As the leader of China's high-end soundproof doors and windows, royal doors and windows are based on 17 years of mature manufacturing experience of doors and windows and a deep understanding of the pain points of consumers' home life, adhering to the brand mission of "being the best door and window in the world", we are committed to creating a sound-proof, safe, comfortable and energy-saving home living environment for consumers, which is "afraid of noise, it is widely recognized by consumers that the advertising language of high-end soundproof doors and windows of the Royal School is popular in the industry.


R & D innovation is the firm direction of the emperor's doors and windows. Huangpai doors and windows have 260 research and development technology patents, and build technology platforms such as sound insulation Research Institute, Green Low Carbon Research Institute, product testing experimental center, etc. Through thousands of hours of real state simulation laboratory tests, continue to carry out technological research and development and product innovation, and launch a series of high-performance system doors and windows products with excellent quality, such as 100 pour inside side sliding windows of Tuscan broken bridge insulation, double in-swinging casement window of champion era, Provence broken bridge insulation casement window, etc, meet diversified needs and multi-level consumer groups.


Huangpai doors and windows not only carry out systematic innovation for products, but also realize five-star upgrade for services. They have innovated and launched the five-star Installation Standard for huangpai doors and windows to improve the service experience of doors and windows with practical actions, from door and window installation to service details, constantly optimize and improve the shopping experience of consumers.


Superior Comprehensive Strength leads the brand to achieve high-quality large-scale development. Up to now, Royal doors and windows continue to expand the leading position in the industry, with more than 800 dealers and specialty stores, and become the preferred door and window brand for more and more consumers.


This time, "the most valuable brand in China's system doors and windows industry", as an affirmation of joining brands with high growth potential and excellent return on investment, not only brings honor to royal doors and windows, it also brings more confidence and motivation to dealers. Through the perfect joining service system of royal doors and windows, and under the comprehensive empowerment of "nine major business assistance", Royal doors and windows give dealers the right to choose good stores, build large stores in 65 days, grab orders from customers in the whole region, with the support of advantages such as advertising advertising, from terminal passenger flow to terminal team, it helps distributors to make their business bigger and stronger, and helps realize the success of joining business with the help of brand integration supply chain advantages.


In the future, royal doors and windows will take this award as an opportunity to further promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading, enhance brand influence and market competitiveness, and provide more high quality products and better services, meet people's pursuit of a better life. At the same time, the Royal Doors and windows will continue to go hand in hand with distributors across the country to jointly explore new opportunities in the system doors and windows industry and open up a broader market and a more brilliant future.