Inventory of Listed Architectural Decoration Enterprises 2024 Zhongbao: Zheng Zhong Design, Jianghe Group, Weiye Shares, Etc. Achieve Net Profit Growth

from:Network date:2024-09-05 reading:657

Comprehensive news of Zhongshang for the architectural decoration industry, the industry reflection triggered by the wave of shutting up stores of Dongyi Risheng and Hongtao's delisting undoubtedly made 2024 a year full of uncertainty.

According to the mid-2024 report recently released by 22 listed architectural decoration enterprises, only a few enterprises achieved market value growth in the first half of 2024 due to the downward impact of the real estate industry, while the market value of most enterprises declined.

Judging from the specific performance of each company, the decoration enterprises that made profits in the first half of 2024 include gold mantis, jianhe group, yasha shares, jianyi group, desai shares, weiye shares, zheng zhong design, jayne design, there are 11 companies such as ST collida, famous carving shares, and Yesai. Only 5 companies such as Jianghe group, Weiye shares, Zheng Zhong design, ST collida and famous carving shares have achieved net profit growth, from win to loss, there are two companies, including Zhongtian hardcover and Meizhi shares.

Report of Listed architectural decoration enterprises in the first half of 2024 gold Mantis: The net profit reported in the middle of 2024 was 0.344 billion yuan, down from the same period last year. On August 31, 2024, Golden Mantis released the 2024 mid-News. The gross trading income of the company was 9.297 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.278 billion yuan compared with gross trading income in the same reporting period last year, and a decrease of 12.08 percent compared with the same period last year. The net profit of the parent was 0.344 billion yuan, which was 0.269 billion yuan lower than that of the same reporting period last year and 43.83% lower than that of the same period last year. The net cash inflow from operating activities was-1.19 billion yuan, which was 0.853 billion yuan lower than the net cash inflow from operating activities in the same reporting period last year. Jianghe group: net profit in the first half of 2024 increased by year on year jianghe group disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 30. In the first half of 2024, the Company achieved gross trading income yuan, an increase of 12.10% year-on-year; The net profit of the parent was 0.322 billion yuan, an increase of 10.23% year-on-year; The non-net profit was deducted by 0.275 billion yuan, an increase of 5.93% year-on-year; the net cash flow generated from business activities is-0.452 billion yuan, and the same period last year is-1.251 billion yuan. Yasha shares: net profit in the first half of 2024 increased by 13.39 percent year-on-year by 0.145 billion yuan yasha shares disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 31. In the first half of 2024, the Company achieved gross trading income yuan, an increase of 1.34% year-on-year; The net profit of the parent was 0.145 billion yuan, an increase of 13.39% year-on-year; The non-net profit was deducted by 0.129 billion yuan, an increase of 16.17% year-on-year; the net cash flow generated from business activities is-0.967 billion yuan, and the same period last year is-1.11 billion yuan. Jianyi Group: net profit of about 5.5646 million yuan in the first half of the year on the evening of August 28, Jianyi Group released its semi-annual report of 2024, saying that in the first half of 2024, its operating income was about 2.733 billion yuan, up% year on year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 5.5646 million yuan, A year-on-year decrease of 80.64 percent. The semi-annual report shows that the company's decoration engineering business, green energy business and business development business have all achieved steady growth. Decoration Engineering business revenue increased by 87.75 percent year-on-year, reaching 0.643 billion yuan; New energy business revenue reached 0.141 billion yuan, up 78.81 percent year-on-year; Business development business revenue increased 17.85 percent year-on-year. Delai shares: in 2024, the net profit was 66.8524 million yuan, down 37.81% from the same period last year. On August 31, 2024, Decai shares released the 2024 mid-News. The gross trading income of the company was 2.001 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.548 billion yuan compared with gross trading income in the same reporting period last year, and a decrease of 21.51 percent compared with the same period last year. The net profit of the parent was 66.8524 million yuan, which was 40.6417 million yuan lower than that of the same reporting period last year and 37.81% lower than that of the same period last year. The net cash inflow from operating activities was-0.123 billion yuan, which was 0.514 billion yuan lower than that of the same reporting period last year and 131.64% lower than that of the same period last year. Weiye shares: net profit in the first half of 2024 increased by 130.02 percent year-on-year by 9.9008 million yuan weiye shares disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 29. In the first half of 2024, the company achieved gross trading income yuan, an increase of 0.37% year-on-year; The net profit of the parent was 9.9008 million yuan, an increase of 130.02% year-on-year; The non-net profit was deducted by 17.5049 million yuan, an increase of 1160.17% year-on-year; the net cash flow generated from business activities is-29.7671 million yuan, compared with 0.175 billion yuan in the same period last year. Zheng Zhong design: realized operating income of 0.516 billion yuan and net profit of 0.065 billion yuan in the first half of the year on August 20, Zheng Zhong design released the semi-annual report of 2024, showing that in the first half of this year, Zheng Zhong design's operating income was 0.516 billion yuan, down 1.75 percent year-on-year; Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 0.065 billion yuan, A year-on-year increase of 660.61 percent. In the first half of 2024, zheng zhong's newly signed orders for design and design business were 0.541 billion yuan, plus 0.155 billion yuan for soft loading orders. The total orders were 0.696 billion yuan, an increase of 20.79% year-on-year. Jayne design: net profit in the first half of the year was 2.9133 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of% on August 29, Jayne designed and released the 2024 middle newspaper. The gross trading income of the company was 0.257 billion yuan, a decrease of 45.1909 million yuan from gross trading income in the same reporting period last year. The net profit of the parent was 2.9133 million yuan, which was 27.5447 million yuan lower than that of the same reporting period last year and 90.44% lower than that of the same period last year. The net cash inflow from operating activities was-32.6974 million yuan, which was 15.3628 million yuan lower than the net cash inflow from operating activities in the same reporting period last year. ST collida: net profit in the first half of 2024 increased by 12.62 percent year-on-year by 14.0041 million yuan ST collida disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 30. In the first half of 2024, the company achieved gross trading income yuan, an increase of 12.26% year-on-year; The net profit of the parent was 14.0041 million yuan, an increase of 12.62% year-on-year; The non-net profit was deducted by 2.1023 million yuan, a decrease of 82.43% year-on-year; the net cash flow generated from business activities was 49.1851 million yuan, compared with-64.4716 million yuan in the same period last year. Famous Carving shares: the semi-annual net profit of 2024 is about 8.73 million yuan, an increase of 15.96 percent year-on-year the semi-annual performance report released by mingqu stock on august 31 said that the operating income in the first half of 2024 was about 0.293 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 8.73 million yuan, A year-on-year increase of 15.96 percent. Competition: net profit of 7.6877 million yuan in the first half of 2024 decreased by% year-on-year the competition disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 16. In the first half of 2024, the company achieved gross trading income yuan, an increase of 26.30% year-on-year; The net profit of the parent was 7.6877 million yuan, a decrease of 33.97% year-on-year; The non-net profit was deducted by 23.6894 million yuan, a year-on-year loss; the net cash flow generated from business activities was 619800 yuan, compared with-36.1585 million yuan in the same period last year. ST mid-Loading: actively respond to the downward impact of the industry to achieve revenue of 1.291 billion yuan in the first half of the year on August 29, ST Zhongfeng released the semi-annual report of 2024. The report shows that the company's operating income in the first half of the year was 1.291 billion yuan, down 20.74% year-on-year; The net profit of the parent was-0.444 billion yuan, down 673.47% year-on-year; net profit deducted from non-parent was-0.446 billion yuan, down 607.58% year-on-year. The construction of Chinese clothing said that the company actively saved itself from multiple dimensions to resist the adverse impact of the downward cycle of real estate on the company's production and operation. During the reporting period, the company successively won the bid for fine decoration projects such as Shenzhen University of Technology, Shenzhen Shucheng Bay District, Zhuhai College Beijing Institute of Technology Press, and China Merchants Bank headquarters building. The project partners are enterprises, institutions of higher learning, nation-wide joint-stock commercial bank and other units or enterprises with excellent credit qualifications further guarantee the company's future collection ability and reduce the possibility of potential credit risks. During the reporting period, the company's main business of decoration and decoration realized operating income of 0.98 billion yuan. Baoying shares: loss of 0.224 billion yuan in the first half of 2024 baoying shares disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 31. In the first half of 2024, the company achieved a gross trading income of 1.215 billion yuan, down 26.01 percent year-on-year; The net profit loss of the parent was 0.224 billion yuan, and the loss of 0.22 billion yuan in the same period last year; The non-net profit loss was deducted by 0.221 billion yuan, the loss in the same period of last year was 0.22 billion yuan; The net cash flow generated from business activities was-0.123 billion yuan, and that in the same period of last year was-0.114 billion yuan. Zhongtian Hardcover: loss of 45.5715 million yuan in the first half of 2024 zhongtian hardcover disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 31. In the first half of 2024, the company realized operating income of 0.191 billion yuan, down 61.35 percent year-on-year; Net profit loss of the parent was 45.5715 million yuan, profit of 37.5445 million yuan in the same period of last year; Deduction of non-net profit loss of 47.5284 million yuan, the profit in the same period of last year was 22.451 million yuan; The net cash flow generated from business activities was-79.3882 million yuan, while that in the same period of last year was 63.551 million yuan. According to the announcement, the change of the company's operating income is mainly due to the decrease of new construction area in the real estate industry on the one hand; On the other hand, the company strengthened the selection of undertaking projects and customers in order to prevent the risk of repayment, and the sales revenue declined year on year. Ruihe shares: the net profit reported in the middle of 2024 was-82.5733 million yuan, with an increase in year-on-year losses. On August 31, 2024, Ruihe shares released the 2024 mid-News. The gross trading income of the company was 0.412 billion yuan, a decrease of 0.312 billion yuan compared with gross trading income in the same reporting period last year, and a decrease of 43.08 percent compared with the same period last year. The net profit of the parent was-82.5733 million yuan, which was 73.7489 million yuan lower than the net profit of the parent in the same reporting period last year. The net cash inflow from operating activities was-26.6826 million yuan, an increase of 56.0552 million yuan from the net cash inflow from operating activities in the same reporting period last year, achieving a continuous increase of 4 years. Meizhi shares: loss of 22.3911 million yuan in the first half of 2024 meizhi shares disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 29. In the first half of 2024, the company realized operating income of 0.366 billion yuan, down 0.75 percent year-on-year; Net profit loss of the parent was 22.3911 million yuan, profit of 2.2991 million yuan in the same period of last year; Deduction of non-net profit loss of 21.3053 million yuan, the profit in the same period of last year was 2.5328 million yuan; The net cash flow generated from business activities was-45.4881 million yuan, while that in the same period of last year was 24.1529 million yuan. Guangtian Group: The net profit loss in the first half of the year narrowed sharply. The company's operation recovered smoothly. A few days ago, guangtian group disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024. In the first half of the year, the company realized operating income of 0.166 billion yuan; The net profit loss was 0.119 billion yuan, which was significantly narrower than the loss in the same period last year. According to the semi-annual report of Guangtian group, in the first half of the year, the company repaired the company's credit, improved the construction of the company's governance system, plus-sized the market expansion efforts, strengthened the source opening and throttling, and enhanced the company's competitive advantage. The company's operation recovered smoothly and the stock risk warning was canceled. Dongyi Risheng: net loss in the first half of the year was 0.54 billion yuan, down year on year on August 28, Dongyi Risheng released its 2024 semi-annual report. In the first half of the year, the company realized operating income of 0.882 billion yuan, down 34.02% year-on-year; Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies-0.54 billion yuan, down 260.47% year-on-year. As for the reason of the decline in revenue, Dongyi Risheng said that it was mainly caused by the decrease in the income of home improvement business. The main reason for the large losses during the reporting period was that the company closed some inefficient stores according to the strategic plan, which caused a chain reaction of negative public opinion, resulting in the operation of many stores in a standstill and passive closure. Total construction shares: net profit in the first half of the year was-8.3002 million yuan, down 127.01% from the same period last year. According to the semi-annual report data of quanzhu shares, the total revenue of the business from january to june 2024 was 0.435 billion yuan, down 18.61% compared with the same period last year, and the net profit was-8.3002 million, down 127.01% compared with the same period last year, earnings per share-0.01 yuan, return on net assets-0.81%, operational cash flow per share-0.1226 yuan, and gross profit margin of sales-15.65%. Hainan Development: loss of 42.9679 million yuan in the first half of 2024 hainan Development disclosed the semi-annual report of 2024 on August 27. In the first half of 2024, the company achieved a gross trading income of 1.862 billion yuan, an increase of 7.63% year-on-year; The net profit loss of the parent was 42.9679 million yuan, and the loss of 44.5291 million yuan in the same period of last year; The loss of non-net profit was 47.5758 million yuan, the loss in the same period of last year was 45.3988 million yuan; The net cash flow generated from business activities was-0.318 billion yuan, and that in the same period of last year was-0.315 billion yuan. Chuangxing resources: The net profit reported in the middle of 2024 was-6.9194 million yuan, from surplus to loss on August 31, 2024, Chuangxing resources released the 2024 mid-News. The gross trading income of the company was 37.4925 million yuan, a decrease of 38.6592 million yuan compared with gross trading income in the same reporting period last year, and a decrease of 50.77 percent compared with the same period last year. The net profit of the parent was-6.9194 million yuan, which was 9.1482 million yuan lower than that of the same reporting period last year and 410.46% lower than that of the same period last year. The net cash inflow from operating activities was 13.9795 million yuan, an increase of 52.4151 million yuan compared with the net cash inflow from operating activities in the same reporting period last year. * ST Masters: The net profit reported in the middle of 2024 was-14.2529 million yuan, and the year-on-year loss decreased. On August 24, 2024, * ST Masters released the 2024 mid-year newspaper. As of june 30, 2024, the gross trading income of * ST masters was 80.2069 million yuan, an increase of 32.6271 million yuan compared with gross trading income in the same reporting period last year and an increase of 68.57% compared with the same period last year. As of June 30, 2024, * ST's parent net profit was-14.2529 million yuan, an increase of 69.4218 million yuan over the same reporting period last year. As of June 30, 2024, the net cash inflow of * ST famous operating activities was 5.3002 million yuan, which was 25.3045 million yuan lower than the net cash inflow of operating activities in the same reporting period last year.