Break through the Tight Encirclement and Be Born to the New | the New Standard Doors and Windows Glass Deep Processing Industry Chain Production Ceremony Was Held Grandly, Leading the New Future of the Industry!

from:Network date:2024-09-06 reading:658

On September 5th, the new standard doors and windows glass deep processing industry chain was put into operation, marking the new standard forming a new pattern of strong chain production with linkage up and down, comprehensive coordination and distinctive features. This will not only achieve higher delivery rate and faster delivery speed, achieve the perfect combination of high quality and high efficiency, but also fully build a system door and window production line with abundant production capacity, efficient circulation and lean manufacturing, form a production and manufacturing system with more standard production, stronger delivery and higher added value.

Eight parties come to the grand ceremony of hegongxiang


Huang Dongjiang, chairman of new standard home furnishing group, Vice President Xiao Haiyan, Vice President Huang Zizhen and other senior leaders, chairman of the world green design organization home furnishing Committee Zhang Chuanxi, founder of China Gao Ding exhibition and Gao Ding Club, zhang Ting, honorary president of Guangdong customized home furnishing Association, Chen Lin, secretary general of Guangdong glass industry association, Huang Guodian, president of Guangdong alumni association of Xiamen University, Zheng Haiyun, general manager of Sohu Focus home furnishing and other guests, strategic partners, dealer representatives and media friends gathered together to witness this important milestone in the development of new standard doors and windows.

At the event site, guests gathered and were very lively, showing ignition heat festive atmosphere everywhere. The smart lion dance performance brought a wonderful visual feast to the guests on site. In a burst of percussion sound, Huang Dongjiang, the chairman of the new standard home furnishing group, with a group of leaders and guests, made the Zeus point to congratulate the completion of the new standard doors and windows glass deep processing industry chain New Year, and wished the new standard doors and windows a new reading of the seal.

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At the celebration ceremony, Huang Dongjiang, chairman of the new standard home furnishing group, first expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to the leaders, guests and media on the scene. Huang Dong said that the completion and production of the deep processing industry chain of the new standard doors and windows indicates that the new standard doors and windows realize the "new standard manufacturing" of the whole chain of the doors and windows industry from profiles and spraying to glass ", realize the" new standard "with leading total cost". The vertically integrated industrial system with self-control, stronger stability, safer and more reliable will comprehensively improve the advantages of new standard doors and windows in research and development, production efficiency, product quality and cost, etc; consolidate and enhance the leading position of new standard doors and windows, and help promote the upgrading and development of China's doors and windows industry from "big" to "strong.

Zhang Chuanxi, chairman of the home furnishing Committee of the world green design organization, the founder of China Gaoding exhibition and Gaoding Club, said in his speech that the industry involution intensified and market competition would eventually shift from "price war" to "quality War", enterprises should actively expand new opportunities and win the market with quality and service. The completion of the deep processing industry chain of new standard doors and windows glass has improved the layout of the whole industry chain of doors and windows production and realized high-quality control from the source to the terminal. It is an important demonstration of brand confidence and long-term doctrine, I believe that the new standard doors and windows will lead the industry to a higher quality development path in the future.

Zhang Ting, honorary president of Guangdong customized home furnishing Association, expressed sincere wishes for the completion and production of the new standard door and window glass deep processing industry chain, and said that the current home furnishing industry is in a critical period of reform and development, systematization, standardization, intelligentization has become a new direction for the development of the home furnishing industry. New standard doors and windows keep up with the development trend and actively promote the integration construction of industrial chain, which has played a positive demonstration role in realizing the high-quality and intelligent development of the industry.

Chen Lin, secretary general of Guangdong glass industry association, said in his speech that the production of the deep processing industry chain of new standard doors and windows has realized the control of the whole process quality of glass, an important component, from the source, it will bring consumers a more comfortable home decoration experience and inject new impetus into the development of the door and window industry, which will effectively promote the quality upgrading of the door and window industry. As a fusion platform serving the upstream and downstream industries of glass, Guangdong glass industry association will continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with new standard doors and windows, jointly build good Glass, good doors and windows, and empower "good houses", jointly promote the high-quality development of glass door and window industry.

Huang Guodian, president of Guangdong alumni association of Xiamen University, mentioned in his speech that with the promotion of national policies and industry standards, the door and window industry will surely move towards the direction of intellectualization and high-end. The layout of the whole industry chain of new standard doors and windows is a road worthy of reference for peers, which will provide better service and value for customers, consumers, even the whole industry and society. It is believed that the new standard doors and windows will lead the rapid development of the industry with a higher level of production and manufacturing capacity and a more complete industrial chain construction.

Zheng Haiyun, national general manager of Sohu Focus Home, said in his speech that the new standard doors and windows have always promoted the innovation and upgrading of the industry with high standards and high intelligence in the development process. In the future, Sohu will continue to give full play to its media advantages, strengthen exchanges and cooperation among industries, and provide strong support for the transformation and upgrading of door and window enterprises.

With warm applause, Huang Dong joined the stage with a group of leaders and guests to participate in the launch ceremony. In the countdown of all guests, leaders and guests slowly raised the big word "new standard doors and windows glass deep processing industry chain officially put into operation" with dry ice induced water and smoke, it shows that the production ceremony of the deep processing industry chain of the new standard doors and windows glass was successfully completed, adding new impetus to the long-term development of the enterprise.

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After the production ceremony, Huang Dong walked into the manufacturing base of new standard doors and windows with a group of leading guests, inspected the new glass deep processing industry chain completed and put into operation on the spot, and analyzed the production process, the performance upgrade and other aspects are described in detail. Huang Dong said that the products produced by The Independent, controllable, safe and reliable industrial system have stable quality, high efficiency and stronger cost advantages.

The innovation and development of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing technology are triggering far-reaching industrial changes. The door and window industry must also change its concept and constantly adapt to the requirements of transformation and upgrading, improving quality and efficiency. The production of the deep processing industry chain of the new standard doors and windows has opened a new chapter in the production upgrading, product upgrading and strategic upgrading of the new standard doors and windows. In the future, new standard doors and windows will consolidate the core strength of "new standard building" in the whole chain, maintain the spirit of radical innovation, and make new breakthroughs and breakthroughs with "forward-looking planning, systematic layout and overall promotion, continue to write the future of brand boom.