The Official Designated Doors and Windows of the 19th Th Asian Games in Hangzhou in 2022 Were Officially Awarded, and the Royal Doors and Windows Took the Lead!

from:Network date:2022-02-23 reading:1638

On February 22, 2022, the second sponsored enterprise conference of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou 2022was held in Hangzhou. It coincides with an important milestone in the 200-day countdown to the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the royal doors and windows were officially awarded the honor of "the official designated doors and windows of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou 2022.

This time, Hangzhou sub-committee held the second sponsorship enterprise conference, aiming to further serve all sponsors and improve their satisfaction. Du Mengfei, vice minister of market development department of Hangzhou sub-committee , asia group ye Hong, vice minister of the market development department of the Commission liang qiangyong, vice minister of market development department of subgroup committee, Zhu Fuqing, chairman of huangpai doors and windows, attended the meeting.

Join hands with Asian Games to boost brand growth

Up to now, the "territory" of the circle of friends sponsored by Hangzhou Asian Games has exceeded 111. The sponsoring enterprises have become a big family together because of the Hangzhou Asian Games. They will give full play to their respective advantages, empower the Asian Games to be successfully held, and collide fission in cooperation and exchanges, and seize the opportunity of the Asian Games to realize enterprise upgrading.

At the meeting, Hangzhou sub-committee held a licensing ceremony for the sponsoring enterprises. Zhu Fuqing accepted the certificate of the Royal Doors and windows, which marked that the Royal Doors and windows would be as "the official designated doors and windows of the Hangzhou Asian Games, further establishing high-end brand image plays an important role in promoting brand upgrading and marketing and seizing the market.

Joining the circle of friends of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Zhu Fuqing, the Royal Doors and windows, once said: the royal doors and windows will take the Hangzhou Asian Games as an opportunity to give the world a new experience and a wonderful feeling of "China's good doors and windows. At the same time, royal doors and windows will continue to practice the concept of "green development", continuously improve product performance, make buildings more energy-efficient, and contribute to the country's early realization of the "double carbon goal.

Leading the industry to show the "Golden business card" of Chinese doors and windows"

As we all know, 2022 is the year of sports. The enthusiasm of the just-concluded Beijing Winter Olympics has not gone far, and the Hangzhou Asian Games will undoubtedly ignite the passion and dream of Chinese sports again. The royal doors and windows will link users with the Asian games platform, start all-round brand upgrading actions, continuously improve product quality and service, and devote themselves to becoming loyal partners in consumers' good life.

The doors and windows of a better life are accompanied. With the upgrade of consumption, consumers need a better home life, especially focusing on the doors and windows with heat preservation and sound insulation and safety protection. For 15 years, with high quality, low energy consumption door and window products as the carrier, it can save energy and reduce noise for thousands of households and make sound for a better life. Practicing energy conservation and environmental protection, guarding green hills and clear waters, the Royal Doors and windows contribute their own strength to the sustainable development of the motherland and even the world, not only witnessing the development of China's doors and windows industry, it also relies on the strong integrated layout of research, production and marketing and the strength of intelligent innovation to achieve line industry leading all-round in.

This time, the Royal Doors and windows as "the official designated doors and windows of Hangzhou Asian Games", it will create a unique "door and window business card" with Chinese characteristics and become the most anticipated "Gold Medal" in the development process of Chinese door and window brands". This will lead the Royal Doors and windows and even the entire Chinese door and window industry into a new period of opportunity for development. It not only shows the new style of the Royal Doors and windows, but also fully demonstrates the intellectual strength and brand upward strength of the leading brands in the Chinese door and window industry, it has special and far-reaching practical and historical significance.

On the coming March 11, the Royal Doors and windows will hold the 15th anniversary celebration. At that time, the white paper on the development of low energy consumption doors and windows in China will be released, which is responsible for "being the best doors and windows in the world, to make buildings more energy-efficient and contribute to the goal of double carbon", Royal doors and windows will lead the industry, open a new and beautiful life full of pleasure for consumers and highlight the brand charm of Chinese doors and windows.